Police attempt to raid our yard sale and they are kicked to the curb!

This shows how much they are afraid of cameras and complaints. The best weapon against the police is an informed citizen and a camera. It also shows how harassing this family, with false accusations.
It shows you that these police officers are actually looking cause trouble as opposed to finding trouble that's already being caused by other citizens which is their purpose in the first place.
That's awesome!! EVERYONE needs to start doing this with the cameras and knowing their rights.

Don't be intimidated by the police. They are NOT your authority. They think they have the right to do whatever they want because they wear the uniform and the badge, but they don't have any more rights than you do. In fact YOU have MORE rights than they do BECAUSE they wear that uniform.

Like it say in the end of the vid. "Flex your rights"
If everybody stood up to them they would be weak little pussycats with no bite. Good for the people in this video.

Agreed. Everyone SHOULD stand up to them, and then maybe these bullies would do what police are supposed to do in the first place, and that is, HELP people instead of harass people.
I will keep this in mind for the next time the police decide to look for some one who isn't even at my house. I had this happen to me because they heard a male yelling in my apartment... it was actually me, but still, I only let them in because I had nothing to hide.