[ALERT!] Solar activity increased to high levels – July 4, 2012 summary

How about swine flu? Remember what a hubbub that was? SARS? Think all the way back to Y2K and think forward until now. What have they warned of that has actually been worth even a fraction of the noise they've made about it?

Honestly, isn't enough wolf-crying enough already now? Shouldn't we make it a matter of course that we look beyond what they're warning about and assume there's really something rotten going on that they don't want us to notice? Shouldn't it be a warning to look elsewhere, by now? Solar flares indeed. They had to orchestrate 9/11 to create any credibility whatsoever. Why people, after this long, even believe the first letter of the official story is beyond me - and they didn't warn about that, did they? They wanted that fear power to permeate everything, and it did.

The whole situation is sick. The way we live our lives is sick. The things we allow them to tell us and do to us is sick. There's not been a solar flare large enough to cure what ails us.

You hit the nail right on the head, I love the way you worded this. "Wolf crying" That's exactly the proper name call what they do in the media. But the real stuff they don't actually warn us about.
How about calling them Chicken Little and the Sky is falling media, seems to be what they're all most constantly reporting on.
Positive, uplifting and enlightening media stories don't make for good news. Unfortunately the public seems to want to hear about tragedy. Or at least that's what the media tells us!
I've always heard about a theory they like to go with and it goes as follows: "If it bleeds it leads." They also don't want people to know what's going on behind their backs.
Avert your eyes to sensationalism. Look at the "boring" stuff. Those small little "insignificant" articles that are hardly worth mentioning. Put those together. Read lots of sources but just the small stuff. You'll see the real picture forming quickly after a while. You'll find your true warnings there.

Also, try this: Listen to conversations as you're walking around outside your home. Catch bits of conversation as you wander. Listen for them to connect as they flow into one long message. That's not just about world events but things relevant to your life personally. Practice this and you will be amazed. I know it sounds weird, but it really works when you're tuned in. Takes some practice though, and like all things that are worth the trouble, you will find yourself a better, smarter person for it.

Everything is hidden in plain sight. You just have to expand your awareness.
That'ss a good idea. :) I guess I'm used to looking at the big stuff and sometimes the devils in the detail at the smaller stuff. Will try your suggestion. Thanks.
LOL That very first sentence should read: Avert your eyes *from* sensationalism, not to it. Kind of the wrong direction entirely there. Sorry. :(

The "big stuff" is just smoke and mirrors. The little stuff is like a jigsaw puzzle. Put those pieces together and you'll see the big picture develop over time.
Avert your eyes FROM sensationalism. Look at the "boring" stuff. Those small little "insignificant" articles that are hardly worth mentioning. Put those together. Read lots of sources but just the small stuff. You'll see the real picture forming quickly after a while. You'll find your true warnings there.

Also, try this: Listen to conversations as you're walking around outside your home. Catch bits of conversation as you wander. Listen for them to connect as they flow into one long message. That's not just about world events but things relevant to your life personally. Practice this and you will be amazed. I know it sounds weird, but it really works when you're tuned in. Takes some practice though, and like all things that are worth the trouble, you will find yourself a better, smarter person for it.

Everything is hidden in plain sight. You just have to expand your awareness.

This is amazing! True and insightful, kotn. In a mindfulness practice, becoming aware of the world as perceptions brings wisdom that all is ultimately constructed by our own minds. Our mostly unconscious mind, in practice, constantly brings up thoughts, ideas, experiences, situations, etc. These teachings, of higher mind to lower, manifest in every moment of life.

Everything is hidden in plain sight. -Only for an eye with clear vision. meditate :)
You just have to expand your awareness. -True brother! perhaps drop the "just" for, it is no easy task :p
This is amazing! True and insightful, kotn. In a mindfulness practice, becoming aware of the world as perceptions brings wisdom that all is ultimately constructed by our own minds. Our mostly unconscious mind, in practice, constantly brings up thoughts, ideas, experiences, situations, etc. These teachings, of higher mind to lower, manifest in every moment of life.

Everything is hidden in plain sight. -Only for an eye with clear vision. meditate :)
You just have to expand your awareness. -True brother! perhaps drop the "just" for, it is no easy task :p

You know as well as I do that once you start practicing, your ability and skill grow exponentially. It's only tough for a little while. Apply yourself with a pure heart and sincere purpose, and the most amazing transformations will occur, almost as if by magic! Miracles really do happen. We can see them more clearly when we let our hearts do all the work. It's just as easy as breathing. :)
You know as well as I do that once you start practicing, your ability and skill grow exponentially. It's only tough for a little while. Apply yourself with a pure heart and sincere purpose, and the most amazing transformations will occur, almost as if by magic! Miracles really do happen. We can see them more clearly when we let our hearts do all the work. It's just as easy as breathing. :)

It is as you say. It is natural growth and development. As natural as the breath. cultivate equanimity towards all situation/experience and compassion towards all beings. We are and so we become.
Amen to that, I just wish everyone would realize that before it's too late. I think it's all most too late. I sincerely hope not.