Sungazing: Determining Whether Or Not It Is The Right Choice For You

Lady of Light

Lady Of Light
April 23rd 2012

To Gaze, Or Not To Gaze

You have probably heard for your entire life these words: “Don’t look directly at the sun, you’ll hurt your eyes!” If not those words, something very similar, no doubt.

This has been said for many years without knowing what the sun actual is, or what it does. But, where does this information come from? Who first said it? Was it said out of ignorance? Is it just assumed that because we look at the sun, and it leaves “sun-spots” in our vision, that it is causing damage?

What Is Sungazing?:

Sungazing is the act of staring at the sun for an extended period of time. This is done to absorb the energy of the sun and have a fully functional pineal gland.

The idea behind sungazing is that your body benefits from the energy coming from the sun. That energy is channeled through your eyes to your pineal gland (also known as your ‘third eye’); it also is absorbed through your skin and your body uses the energy just as it would energy from food or drink.

Sungazing Throughout History:

Sungazing is a practice that has been around since the before the beginning of time. It is an age-old practice that many cultures and civilizations practiced and some STILL practice to this day.

Is it for everyone? NO, not at this time. Should anyone interested in sungazing just leap in and start staring at the sun? Of course not. One must research to know if it is right for them at this time. There are many factors that need to be taken into account before taking the step of staring at the sun. Emotional State, Stress Level, Mental State, etc. Will others oppose you and how will you react? If you react with emotion and fight with them, it is not recommended; if you react with an attitude of non-reaction, then you are closer to being ready. All things need to be in check before staring at the sun. If you still wish to stare at the sun, no matter what your emotional, mental, and spiritual condition, it is recommended that you use the method of closed eyelids, especially at high sun times.

Peace and Intent:

One must be at peace in order to benefit from staring at the sun with open eyelids. If you are not, you can and will cause damage. It is not something that should be attempted if one just wishes to "fix" one's life. This will not heal if you are not ready for it to heal. Like anything else, if you are not ready to receive, you will not benefit. Sungazing benefits those with open spirits and open minds with no ties holding them down. One must also have intent. If you stare at the sun to heal you, you must have the intent to be healed. If you stare at the sun to become more loving, you must also have that intent. You need only the basic intent of absorbing the energy coming from the sun to harness it in your body to get any benefits at all, but to do this, the peaceful aspect must be there. You must never look at the sun in anger (or with anger or fear in your heart or mind), this puts up blocks on the receptors in not only your eyes, but in the rest of your body as well.

Safety And Other Issues:

Sungazing is safe as long as you have the right intentions. If you go into it thinking it will change whatever is going on in your life and make it better, you have the wrong intentions and you may only
make things worse and you may suffer injury. You must go in with the proper intentions. Oneness is a good one; being at peace; absorbing the love and comfort of life.

The one thing that no one will tell you about gazing at the sun, is that you don't always have to have your eyes open. The sun's energy will get through to your pineal gland through the channel of your eyes with or without having your eyes directly fixated on the sun with your eyelids open. There are times of day when it is 'easiest' to look directly at the sun with eyelids open, these times are usually dusk and dawn (sunrise and sunset). This is because of the angle of the sun. This does not mean that you cannot look at the sun at other times during the day. However, it is not advised as many people are not in the right mindset to do such and this more easily leads to damage. During these times, it is advised that if you are to 'sungaze', you should do so with your eyelids closed; this way you will receive the benefits the sun has to offer without any of the potential risk. It is not necessary to be barefoot to sungaze. Some choose to use this method because of the connections of the sun to you and to the earth. It merely increases a sense of peace and oneness. This is the method of some, but is not necessary.

You should remove your prescription eyeglasses and/or contacts before gazing at the sun. If you do not, the light from the sun will be focused and may cause permanent damage to your eyes.

Eat The Sun:

There is a fairly new documentary out there about sungazing. It is called Eat The Sun. The premise is that if we eat animals, and animals eat plants, and plants eat sunlight, then why can't WE just eat the sun?

This documentary shows a young man on a journey who started out sungazing, and it follows his journey as he talks to other sungazers. He is on a quest to find out whether or not he SHOULD stare at the sun. All was well until he had an eye test done and it showed a very small amount of scar tissue at the back of his eyes. The doctors said this was 'burnt' due to his staring at the sun. Naturally, the young man started to question if he should continue; he quit for a while, then finished by getting up to the HMR recommended 44 minute stare. (The HMR method of sungazing starts with 10 seconds, then the next day, add 10 more seconds, and so on until you reach 44 minutes, which is said to be the "magic number". This is all done while standing barefoot on the ground (either rocks, grass, or dirt) for the duration of the stare.) At the end of the film it states that the young man never stared at the sun again, however he found what he was missing in his life and therefore he is no longer searching and is happy, so he moved back to his hometown to be near his family.

Eat The Sun, shows the positives and the negatives, of staring at the sun. A common thing that people experience is lack of appetite, yet there is no weight loss when they stop eating, which is very controversial. I say controversial because when a person simply stops eating, they are considered anorexic and they lose massive amounts of weight and even bone. Sungazers who stop eating, do not experience this loss of mass and they are extremely healthy. It is not recommended that people stop eating altogether because they stare at the sun, and this is stated clearly by a woman who was cut completely out of the movie (she is found in the extra footage on the DVD) whose name is Jasmuheen.

Jasmuheen explains that you must work (with the body-mind complex - this not stated as such) to transform you body's system to accept the sun's energy as your energy source and not to rely on food. She is right, and I strongly suspect that this is why her section was cut out of the final film. I believe the film to show the downsides and the potential harms more than the benefits of sungazing, thereby warning people away from it, therefore they cannot show true forms of benefit of any ‘successful sungazer’.

Producing Your Own Nutrients (From The Sun):

It is already well known and documented that just being outdoors in the sun’s light for merely a few minutes allows our bodies to produce Vitamin D which is essential to our health and well being. Other nutrients can be naturally produced as well but not if we continue to get those nutrients from other sources such as foods. Lack of eating, from attaining the natural benefits from the sun which allows our bodies to produce their own nutrients, cannot and should not be tried if you do not have the right mindset to do so.

Even if you experience the loss of appetite, most people still will eat, just not nearly as often. Ridding yourself of the need for food is put very well by the woman who goes by the name Jasmuheen. She explains that you have to train your body to change the way it produces energy. If you don't, you will still be required to eat. Again, this is all about having the right mentality toward the task as well as the right intentions. If you choose to take this route, and go on this path of sungazing and not eating, if at any time you feel compelled to eat, you should. Your body will ALWAYS tell you what it needs, you need only listen.

If you think you will starve to death if you stop eating, then you will! Alternately, if you truly believe that you will benefit from these practices, then you will!

Your Appendix (The Not-So-Useless Organ):

It is said that the appendix is a ‘useless’ organ and does nothing for the body. This may in fact be the case today for most, however, this was not always the case. The appendix once held the most important position in the body next to the heart, brain, and lungs; it held the position of making sure our bodies had all the nutrients they would need in order to sustain the rest of the body by producing those essential nutrients. It has only become useless because our bodies no longer need to produce vitamins and minerals on their own because we now ingest nearly ALL of our minerals. Vitamin D, because not produced by the appendix, or at least not the appendix alone, is still produced by our bodies from the sun because of a process known in plants as ‘photosynthesis’. It is a process that takes place through our skin cells as we absorb the sun and is produced extremely easily, where other essential vitamins and minerals are not and they take more time to produce, hence the need for the appendix.

When we stare at the sun (eyes open or closed), we channel the energy directly into our bodies into the places that it needs to go.

Sense of Separation:

Many sungazers experience a feeling of separation from other people. One of two things makes this occur.

  1. They are now unable to relate to others and come to a sense of reality where no one around them is the same as them, and it becomes very frustrating. They no longer want anyone near them, and no one wants to be near them. This is very likely because of demons they hold within (this is usually the reason they began sungazing), and if they cannot face their demons, they will never be able to live with or be around others and they feel the need for isolation.

  1. They feel so at peace, that they no longer have the need to socialize; they are still peaceful with those who come into their path of living and will be more than willing to help them to experience much the same as them, but they isolate to keep the peacefulness of non-social living, which lowers his/her frequency (they feel the need for a tranquil environment to remain at peace and in good health and to maintain a higher, more enlightened, frequency).

Other Benefits / Affects From The Sun:

--Healing Of The Body--

The healing of medical ailments can be achieved through the use of the sun (sungazing). One must be at peace and have the intent to heal the ailment(s).

--Superhuman Strength--

Super strength has also been noted as an effect of staring into the sun and absorbing the energy comes directly from the sun. One must simply believe it is there and it can and will happen.

Sunglasses And Sunscreen (Sunblock):

Sunglasses are designed to keep certain types of light (ie. uvA, uvB, etc.) away from your eyes. Sunblocks or sunscreens are designed in the same way and for the same reasons. These items are designed to prevent the natural lights from the sun from entering into your body. UV rays alone, can be harmful, but combined with all of the other light coming from the sun, there is no harm as they are part of a bigger picture. Even prescription eyeglasses will usually have a UV protective coating on them.

The sun has such a broad spectrum of light as it shines, that is why it is beneficial. If you remove any of these light areas from the spectrum, it is no longer natural and does not have the same effects.

*Focused light is harmful light. Natural light (in its natural form) is healthful light.

*Never wear sunglasses or sunscreen while sungazing. You can close your eyes, but don’t use sunglasses. Remove your prescription eyewear as well, you don’t want to block healthy light, and you don’t want to focus any light directly into your eyes.

There is much to be said about the practice of Sungazing. I can only give little information for now, and add to this message as questions and concerns arise. This is basic information that should be looked at and taken into consideration when choosing whether or not to practice Sungazing.

Sungazing, like any other practice should be taken very seriously to avoid harming yourself.
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Interesting article, I wil think on this, as I have some health issues myself, and see if this is the right method for me to try. I mean I have heard of theird of eye, I just never heard using sungazing to awaken it before, but that doesn't mean that it couldn't work. thank you for the explanation. :)
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I think I will. Will reread the article carefully as I definately want to approach the right way. Thanks for the thumbs up.
They feel so at peace, that they no longer have the need to socialize; they are still peaceful with those who come into their path of living and will be more than willing to help them to experience much the same as them, but they isolate to keep the peacefulness of non-social living, which lowers his/her frequency (they feel the need for a tranquil environment to remain at peace and in good health and to maintain a higher, more enlightened, frequency).

I'm having a little trouble with this statement. First you say "but they isolate to keep the peacefulness of non-social living, which lowers his/her frequency ", then next you say " they feel the need for a tranquil environment to remain at peace and in good health and to maintain a higher, more enlightened, frequency". I have heard of mystics who become hermits, not too sure what it is all about, but ultimately isolation is not a permanent solution for peace of mind and happiness, being together is. Actually I met someone who was able to sungaze quite natrually.
While I haven't had a chance to actually try it for myself, Lady of Light gave a pretty good explanation of it. I hadn't noticed about the statement your inquiring about. But I understand sometimes a certain statement stands out more differently to each of us.

Perhaps when Lady of Light (who is very nice, by the way) has a few minutes to spare she can expand upon that section, for you.

Do you still have contact with the person who has tried it? Maybe they can give you an interpretation of that general idea, your inquiring about.
While I haven't had a chance to actually try it for myself, Lady of Light gave a pretty good explanation of it. I hadn't noticed about the statement your inquiring about. But I understand sometimes a certain statement stands out more differently to each of us.

Perhaps when Lady of Light (who is very nice, by the way) has a few minutes to spare she can expand upon that section, for you.

Do you still have contact with the person who has tried it? Maybe they can give you an interpretation of that general idea, your inquiring about.

I don't doubt how nice Lady of Light is, I'm sure she is very nice. My understanding is this is a site for truth seekers and I like to think of myself as one. Have been really all my life. When seeking the truth I think it is important for everyone to try and bring to bare all their resources in order to produce the best possible presentation of the truth. Sometimes we may not all agree but then that is the nature of the market place of ideas. Sooner or later the truth will dawn on all of us. I'm not trying to be antagonistic, only as truthfully factual as possible. I'm discovering a lot of truths lately, like the kind of material on this site which a few years ago I would of thought was just a little too "new age" for me. Now I think God has shown me the universe and it's history are quite a bit more complicated than previously thought, spiritually speaking. I'm more aware of peoples spiritual gifts and what is going on in the world in terms of spiritual high places. I think any person who has gone through the crucible of trying to shed the self and ego and seek out truth is no push over or patsy kind of a person. You have to be courageous and forthright and stand up for what you believe and seek out the truth no matter where it may take you. I hope I didn't offend you with my comment it wasn't my intention and I'm sorry if there was any misunderstanding. Take care for Love is the greatest thing in the universe.
No hard feelings. Glad to know you're discovering truths that's basically why I'm here also trying to learn the truth. It would be a very dull world altogether if we all agreed on the same thing, it's good to have differences of opinion., that's what makes us unique.:)
When living a life of spiritual practice, interaction in daily life with the common (spiritually alienated) public can serve to put stress on and bring apathy towards practice. When this is a lifestyle and not simply "practice," it becomes increasingly hard to find individuals (even those practicing) with which one can truly share ideas and gain understandings.

The truth is hidden in plain sight, each individual must enlighten to it for his/her self.
If one can sit in meditation, enjoying practice, dwelling in wonderful peaceful states- it is natural that interaction with the neurotic, narcissistic, delusional John Q public will inspire pity and compassion. In plain speech, it has the ability to "bring you down." This, I believe, is what is meant by Lady of Light in- "lowers his/her frequency." One must be mindful always to stay in pity and compassion (higher frequency states) towards others when interacting, easier said than done for almost everyone, it seems.

Modern culture is different from any previous historical culture. Individuals must now, more than ever, look to themselves for the truth.
Modern culture is different from any previous historical culture. Individuals must now, more than ever, look to themselves for the truth.

The truth cannot be found if we are looking in the wrong places. Most of the time truth can ONLY be found within ourselves. However if you are interacting with other spiritually awakened individuals, acceleration of your enlightenment is possible through their knowledge and wisdom. However your path is not necessarily the same of others. This is where you take the outside information you receive and meditate with this information as a meditation base (meditate on it) and see if it resonates with you.
Hello woodfoe,

I apologize for taking so long to come and answer your question. :)

Noah, however, answered it pretty well with his explanation.

I can see how that statement is confusing; it's quite the run-on sentence. I write things how they channeled in and I do try to make these statements make as much sense as possible to those that read them.

Simply put (hopefully), when striving to live peacefully our vibrational frequencies of our bodies and minds change; we raise our frequency as we "ascend" or reach "enlightenment". The higher our frequencies are, the "lighter" we are. So, the people who are stuck in the social "norms" tend to be at a lower frequency and therefore when higher frequencies are around lower frequencies, the lower frequencies have an easier time lowering the higher frequencies than the higher raising the lower. Does that make sense?

So, by isolating or only being around other, more enlightened, people, it makes it easier to maintain that higher level of energy (vibrational frequency).

It's like feeling really good and being extremely happy and walking into a room where everyone is depressed. If you don't want to feel depressed (like everyone else), then you leave the room and go to where you are alone or are around others who are happy.

I hope that clarifies things. :)

Lady of Light :)
Do it only at sunrise and sunset, to improve vision. Never look directly at the blazing sun, only when dimmed by layers of atmosphere. This is a Chinese health practice.
I used to do it as a child and anything I used to love doing as a child I know I can trust.

- - - Updated - - -

They feel so at peace, that they no longer have the need to socialize; they are still peaceful with those who come into their path of living and will be more than willing to help them to experience much the same as them, but they isolate to keep the peacefulness of non-social living, which lowers his/her frequency (they feel the need for a tranquil environment to remain at peace and in good health and to maintain a higher, more enlightened, frequency).

I'm having a little trouble with this statement. First you say "but they isolate to keep the peacefulness of non-social living, which lowers his/her frequency ", then next you say " they feel the need for a tranquil environment to remain at peace and in good health and to maintain a higher, more enlightened, frequency". I have heard of mystics who become hermits, not too sure what it is all about, but ultimately isolation is not a permanent solution for peace of mind and happiness, being together is. Actually I met someone who was able to sungaze quite natrually.

Yes, it is actually NOT correct for hermits to isolate for extended periods of time as this in itself is dosconnection and high-frequency beings are immune to lower frequencies AS LONG as they continually work on themselves and clear their energy body and fields, i.e. grounding and emotional release. As long as the connection to Source/Higher Power/God/etc. is clear, no energy on the outside can affect that person and they become a walking beacon of light to others. If others' energies are affecting them, its a sign to heal those particular 'lessons' that appeared within their path and provoked a reaction. Any emotional reaction is the bridge to awareness.