SWAT Attacks Home School Mom for Refusing to Force Med Child


Truth feeder
Kurt Nimmo
April 14, 2011

Detroit mother Maryanne Godboldo faces multiple felony charges and is being held on $500,000 bond after a 10-hour standoff with a heavily armed police SWAT team. Godboldo was protecting her 13-year-old daughter from unnecessary medication ordered by the state.

Godboldo’s daughter was born with a defective foot that required amputation of her leg below the knee, which led to Maryanne becoming a stay-at-home mother after her birth, according to*Health Impact News Daily.

Despite her handicap, the child swam, sang, danced and played the piano. However, as the home schooled girl approached middle school age, she apparently wanted to start attending public school, and therefore had to “catch up” on immunizations the state insists are required under color of law.


SWAT police descend on mother’s apartment, reportedly using a tank.

According to her aunt, Penny Godboldo, the girl suffered an adverse reaction to the immunizations. “She began acting out of character, being irritated, having facial grimaces that have been associated with immunizations,” Penny told the Detroit News.

Maryanne Godboldo sought help from the Children’s Center, an organization claiming to help families with at-risk children. Godboldo told relatives the medications ordered by the doctor worsened symptoms, including behavioral problems.

When Godboldo refused to give her child the prescribed medication, Child Protective Services became involved. CPS obtained a warrant to remove the girl, but Maryanne reportedly refused to surrender the child to the state.

Police claimed Godboldo discharged a firearm in her apartment during the stand-off and that is when the SWAT team was called in.

Maryanne’s attorney, Allison Folmar,claims her client never shot at police in a report in the Voice of Detroit, which reports that the police sent the “Detroit Special Response Team (SRT) officers who descended on the home with a tank and assault weapons. Video footage shows individual officers staking out the house, taking cover behind trees with their weapons, as in a military operation,” reports Health Impact Daily News.

The Detroit News reports that Godboldo has an excellent reputation in her community, and during the 10 hour standoff many people from the community offered to help with the negotiations, including ministers and community activists.

Wayne Circuit Judge Deborah Thomas finally convinced Maryanne to surrender with a promise her daughter would be turned over to a relative. Family members, however, say the girl was grabbed by the state regardless of the promise.

Maryanne Godboldo was arraigned before 36th District Magistrate Sidney Barthwell Jr. on charges of firing a weapon in a dwelling, felonious assault, resisting and obstructing an officer, and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. Her bond was set at $500,000.

“I’m shocked by the amount of the bond. I never dreamed it would be set so high and she wouldn’t be free to care for her daughter,” said an outraged Deborah Thomas.

Maryanne Godboldo calls for Obama to intervene and have her child returned.

“Child Protective Services was trying to force her child to take a dangerous medication, Risperdal, against her will. We have been able to get a court order signed by [Wayne County Circuit Court] Judge Richard Skutt, staying the administration of this drug, which is not approved by the FDA in such cases. That’s why they put her in Hawthorne, so they could dope her up,” family attorney Allison Folmar told the media.

The Godboldo case is yet another example of CPS working in league with the police in order to kidnap children. Godboldo was obviously an excellent mother and not a threat to the police. The fact they sent a tank to her apartment is more evidence that the state will react in a violent knee-jerk fashion when its authority is challenged.

Armed Agents Kidnap Child From Mother who Used Holistic Treatments Instead of Pharmaceutical Drugs to Treat Condition


Maryanne Godboldo of Detroit, Mich., recently learned the hard way that freedom of choice in medicine is no longer tolerated by the medical mafia in the supposed "land of the free." Recently, armed officers from the Special Response Team (SRT) of the Detroit Police Department (DPD), at the command of Child Protective Services (CPS), unlawfully kicked down the door of Godboldo's home and kidnapped her 13-year-old child.

Her crime? Maryanne chose to follow the lead of a doctor's recommendation to take her daughter off a pharmaceutical drug treatment recommendation for psychosis that was worsening the child's symptoms, and instead chose to use natural remedies to treat the condition.'

Read more: Armed Agents Kidnap Child From Mother who Used Holistic Treatments Instead of Pharmaceutical Drugs to Treat Condition
Court files prove Maryanne Godboldo had full legal authority to stop administering dangerous drugs to daughter; CPS raid nothing but illegal kidnapping

Ethan A. Huff,
Natural News
April 26, 2011

New developments in the case of Maryanne Godboldo — the Detroit, Mich., woman whose house was recently raided by a SWAT team with a tank, and whose daughter was subsequently kidnapped by these armed terrorists — are set to hopefully clear the mother of any wrongdoing in the matter (http://www.naturalnews.com/032090_M…).

Recently-released court documents prove that the consent form Maryanne signed agreeing to give her daughter the highly-dangerous anti-psychotic drug Risperdal was optional, and that she was always free to cease using them at any time.

In other words, the raid conducted by state-sanctioned thugs on behalf of Child Protective Services (CPS) was nothing more than an illegal kidnapping by armed terrorists who violated Maryanne and her family’s legal, civil, and God-given rights. At this point, Maryanne truly has a fully-validated case against CPS and its criminal cabal, should she decide to pursue aggressive legal action against them. After all, they illegally broke into Maryanne’s home and proceeded to kidnap her child without just cause.

The consent document Maryanne signed clearly states that she would “not be forced” to administer the medication, and that her daughter was free to “stop taking it at any time.” Maryanne had also consulted with another doctor, who recommended that she stop using the deadly drug and instead pursue alternative options — which clearly proves that the child was not being neglected as some have accused.

“I think that document proves our case,” said Wanda Evans, Maryanne’s lawyer in the case. “She understood she had a right to stop giving the medication. If you sign an informed consent that says you can stop, and you stop, you did the right thing, and CPS is just being nasty.”

According to reports, Maryanne’s daughter, Ariana, is still being held in captivity at a CPS facility in Northville, Mich. Supporters from around the country continue to raise money to help Maryanne’s legal battle to free her daughter, and you can help support these efforts by visiting:


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