Turkey-Saudi rift over ME Sunni leadership


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Since the military coup in Egypt last month, the US-Israel created Humpty-Dumpty Sunni block (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan and Egypt) against Iran is begining to show cracks. It has created a major rift between Ankara, which still supports the deposed Egyptian president Morsi and Riyyadh which has funded the military coup.

Professor Ahmet Kuru (San Diego State University), a Visting Fellow at the Jewish Brookings Doha Center, says that with fall of Morsi government in Egypt and the failure of western-funded rebels to remove president Bashar al-Assad from power, has threatened Ankara’s role as leader of the regional Sunni block.

“The weakening of Egypt has also weakened the bloc that Turkey seeks to form. The power transition in Qatar has created deep uncertainties and the Ennahda rule in Tunisia is very fragile. Turkey has no reliable friend in the Middle East.” Kuru said in an interview he gave to Turkish newspaper Zaman in July 2013.

Ankara and Doha, which support Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas in Gaza, are also leading the US-Israel proxy anti-Assad war in Syria along with Saudi Arabia, UEA and Jordan. However, their Sunni leadership role is being challenged by $12 billion aid by Saudi Arabia and UAE to the Egyptian military junta. This aid has liberated Cairo from John Kerry’s recommended $4.8 billion IMF loan.

On July 31, Steve Coll admitted at pro-Israel The New Yorker that military rule in Egypt will be good for Israel because the generals would seek Israeli and Saudi help to confront Iran’s rising influence.

“The aim of Egypt’s military and its civilian allies will be to keep American arms and International Monetary Fund credits coming their way. As in the Cold War, the price for the U.S.’s acquiescence will be, at a minimum, security coöperation between Israel and Egypt. This may be reinforced by a deep-pocketed, undeclared partner: Saudi Arabia’s royal family, which fears and despises the Muslim Brotherhood as much as Egypt’s men in khaki do. Israel already benefits from its common interest with Saudi Arabia and the smaller Persian Gulf states, based on a shared fear of Iran; the reassertion of power by Egypt’s military over the Brotherhood will only reinforce that unacknowledged alliance,” said Coll.

Israel-Firster US-Lebanese Zionist Christian writer and founder of WND website, Joseph Farah, boasted on his G2 Bulletin that “Iran could find itself cutt-off once again from access to Suez Canal as result of the forced removal of Muslim Brotherhood-backed Egyptian Muhammad Morsi.”

Yaşar Yakış, former Turkish foreign minister and member of Turkey’s ruling party AKP says that Erdogan’s Syrian policy has already harmed country’s regional interests and with the fall of Morsi government, it’s going to get worse especially with the “Shi’ite block – comprising Syria, Iran and Iraq”. Honestly, I think Yakis needs to study his “Shi’ite block” from some object source. First of all, Syria is not governed by Shi’ite who make less than 12% of country’s population. Assad family belongs to Alawite – the so-called “Shi’ite”, who even don’t perform daily prayers and don’t have mosques in their towns. Syria is ruled by Ba’athist Party, which is based on Socialist-Communist philosophy. Ba’athist party has Alawite, Sunni, Christian and Druze members. Bashar Assad’s many ministers are non-Muslims.

Lebanon, on the other hand, has larger Shi’ite population than Syria and they’re more visible in the region and the world, thanks to Hizbullah victories over the Jewish army.

Turkey-Saudi rift over ME Sunni leadership | Rehmat's World