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On Thursday, Indian film industry Bollywood’s superstar star, Shah Rukh Khan, 46, was detained for two hours after jetting in on a private plane. Based on Khan’s eralier experience of being detained by US customs and Border Protection agency at Newark Airport on August 14, 2009 – this was a clear case of Islamophobia. Incidently, Shah Rukh Khan’s wife, Gauri Chhiba, is from a high caste Hindu Brahmin family.

Shah Rukh Khan, who was in the US to deliver a speech at Yale University on Friday and receive Yale’s highest honour, the Chubb fellowship. During his speech, Khan made fun of his expeience by saying that whenever he feels arrogant – he visits America to be humiliated for being a Muslim and non-White. Watch a video below.

After his Newark Airport experience of being profiled as a Muslim terrorist, Khan produced the movie My Name is Khan which was distributed around the world through Fox Studio in 2010.

India’s ambassador in Washington, Nirupama Rao, has slammed US State Department for repetition of the ugly incident.

“It is not merely our concern but the concern of the whole nation which we sought to convey to the State Department and the US authorities so that they understand the depth of the concern that was expressed by us,” Rao said.

On Friday, Washington apologized to Shah Rukh Khan and denied charges of racial or religious profiling which many Muslim visitors to the US will call BS. We don’t hear racial profiling against Jewish visitors from Israel or other parts of the world – even though many Jews have been found involved in terrorism and espionage activities against Americans.

On Saturday, February 18th, the Associated Press broke the story that the New York Police Department (NYPD) had from 2006 to 2009 conducted extensive surveillance against Muslim Student Associations (MSAs) at seventeen universities across the northeast, including Yale. Yale University President is Richard C. Levin, an Israel-Firster Ashkenazi Zionist Jew.

Bollywood superstar Khan detained at NY airport | Rehmat\'s World