
  1. Denise

    The Book of Aquarius FREE ebook

    Alchemy and the Philosophers' Stone are real. This is not a joke or a scam. This book covers the full theory and practice of alchemy and how to make the Philosophers' Stone, capable of reversing the aging process and curing all disease to the effect that one could live forever. This is an...
  2. Denise

    The Book of Aquarius

    Alchemy and the Philosophers' Stone are real. This is not a joke or a scam. This book covers the full theory and practice of alchemy and how to make the Philosophers' Stone, capable of reversing the aging process and curing all disease to the effect that one could live forever. This is an...
  3. Denise

    The Eclectic Eclipse-Triad Archangel Metatron Channel via James Tyberonn

    Archangel Metatron Channel via James Tyberonn The Eclectic Eclipse-Triad Greetings Masters, and so we encircle you in an OMM-Wave of Unconditional Love. And indeed this love is a calming, centering wellness that each of you will desire to carry forward in the remaining months of 2011...
  4. New UFO Hunter

    Michael Schratt Reveals Secrets on Area 51 & S4 + Dan Burisch & JRod..!

    Michael Schratt – IUFOC 2011 Project Aquarius – Special Access Intelligence Revealed In this fully illustrated one hour PowerPoint presentation, Michael provides specifics regarding Dr Dan Burisch’s alleged interaction with an extraterrestrial known as “J-Rod”. This historically significant...
  5. V

    What does astrology say about 2012?

    december 21. 2012 is the end of the mayan calendari know that the mayans were into astrology but dont know much about their astrology. since mayan astrology is tied into the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar then maybe we can look at it to determine what this really means.the 2012 date is not signify...

    Distant Star Enveloped By Ingredients for Fake Diamonds

    A faraway star sparkles with the largest amount of zirconium — the stuff fake diamonds are made from — ever seen, according to a new study. The star has about 10,000 times more zirconium than our sun, in a form never recorded by astronomers before, researchers said. The strange star also has...

    Galaxy Collision May Reveal Insights on Universe's Evolution

    A new image of a galactic pileup shows the vivid chaos of two colliding galaxies, giving astronomers a ringside seat to watch how the cosmic mergers can influence the evolution of the universe. The spectacular new image was obtained by the European Southern Observatory. It shows the famous...
  8. Unhypnotized

    ET human bases and wars-insider speaks

    Phil Schneider, one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys , US intelligence and military at the Dulce underground base.was found dead January 1996, due to what appears to be an execution style murder. He was found dead in his apartment with a piano wire...
  9. Unhypnotized

    The Aura cleaning process

    The Aura cleaning process Artigo postado em 29-06-10 Initial Observations This process is very successful in cases of obsession during the sleep and in cases of sexual violence, also during the sleep, with enormous losses of vital energy. The main symptoms, normally shown in younger...
  10. New UFO Hunter

    Did contact Happen in 1977

    On Saturday, November 26, 1977 at 5:10 p.m. in the United Kingdom, a mysterious voice who called himself "Vrillon of the Ashtar Galactic Command" performed an illegal broadcast on live television during the height of an evening news program. The transmission lasted for over five minutes. This...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Cosmic Events in January 2010

    Cosmic Events January 2010 01-01-2010 In 2009 we had the Eclipses in January, the Light Channeling shift and the Age of Aquarius in February. In March the Equinox and anchoring of the Golden Egg in the new Diamond Light Grid as it activated fully awakening the Diamond Light that we are. In...
  12. Lady of Light

    Decoding Nostradamus Quatraints and Today

    Hello All, Last year, I decided to purchase and read a book called The Nostradamus Code. Now, I know there's been discussion about him everywhere lately, but I haven't quite seen or heard some of the Quatrain translations as they are in this book (based on translation interpretation)...Now...
  13. R

    Download your Free suppressed dvd today links are here:

    For those who would like to download these movies themselves here are the links for you......ricklbert Download your Free suppressed dvd today from Rapidshare links here: ENDGAME - Blueprint for global enslavement An Alex Jones Film Info: Alex Jones is a true patriot, a genuine hero. For...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Control of Humanity-coast,Michael Tsarion.

    20 October 2009 Alternative historian Michael Tsarion discussed humankind's future and the "ancient alien agenda," as carried out by unseen elite or controllers. Aliens or 'Nephilim' were scientists who lost their technology during a great war 13,000 years ago, and it is now being restored, he...
  15. CASPER

    A new search for dark energy begins

    The most ambitious attempt yet to trace the history of the universe has seen "first light." The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), a part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III), took its first astronomical data September 14-15 after years of preparations. That night...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Rhesus Negative blood - Mystery behind RH negative blood

    Alien blood? Another human species? or a mutation? This makes natural selection false!
  17. CASPER

    You and your loved ones are in acute danger! Race riots and slaughter of americans wi

    On July 4, 1992, at a UFO convention in Arcadia, CA, Mr. Michael Younger, a member of the super-secret COM-12 group and a scientist who worked at Groom Lake, Area 51 in Nevada, stunned the audience of over 200 people with the following incredible information, which, if true, endangers the lives...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Phil Schneider: Dulce Alien Confrontation - Secrets About Under Ground Bases And Much More!!!

    Phil Schneider, one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys , US intelligence and military at the Dulce underground base.was found dead January 1996, due to what appears to be an execution style murder. He was found dead in his apartment with a piano wire...
  19. R

    What should we expect in 2012?

    What should we expect in 2012? Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Thousands of years ago mankind had achieved a high level of technological development. They understand the laws of nature better than we do. They explored Antarctica and spent the entire world map. They built monuments that we even with...
  20. R

    Time for new things to promising start

    Time for new things to promising start Tuesday, March 31, 2009 Barbara Hand Clow, March 26, 2009 It is the New Moon in Aries, the time for new things to promising start and an end to things that just lead nowhere. The Spring Equinox was a...