
  1. Rumas

    [Fake] UFO With 'alien head' sticking out discovered on Google Earth Image

    I was realty bothered by this, mainly because it fool a lot of people! If you have Google Earth installed, you can just search the coordinates from the video here: 47°51'17.60"N , 115°36'42.60"W Here is a quick link to the coordinates mention in the video that will load in your browser...
  2. White Rabbit

    Ghost appears in window of house in Ohio

    This is a picture taken of a house in Ravenna Ohio. It seems to be showing a face of a little girl looking out a window. Source: Ghost appears in window: Lu Ann Sicuro experiences strange, frightening activity in Ravenna home
  3. White Rabbit

    Extinct animals and a Real Neanderthal emerge from 'Little Ghost Forest' in the Netherlands

    This is crazy, if true!!! Why no photograph of the face? Interview can be heard here: EMVs - DESIGNERS OF SOLAR SYSTEMS: Lasha Seniuk with Rob McDonald & James Horak - Sept.09-2013
  4. Truth Vibrations

    ReThink911 Billboard Towers Over Times Square ( "Did you know a third building fell on 9/11?" )

    It this too late?
  5. Truth Vibrations

    Apollo 17 - Pyramid on the moon?

    Is this proof of a pyramid on the moon? Source:
  6. Truth Vibrations

    Is Comet Ison Really A Comet?

    Comet Ison may be a like a ship? If you watch the video below, it don't look like a comet to me. So I went here: fits2web image viewer (Ison 130430 WFC3 F606W)' ...where the image of Ison is available for download and I did what was done in the video to see what happens, here are the...
  7. Denise

    21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

    I found these picture have touched me I hope they can touch you too. :applouse: See if you can read this without tearing up? Source: 1. This picture of Chicago Christians who showed up at a gay pride parade...
  8. Truth Vibrations

    The 'Shroud of Turin' is FAKE..!

    The Turin Shroud is a fake… and it’s one of 40: Historian claims linen cloths were produced 1,300 years after crucifixion 10 June 2012 Not only is the Turin Shroud probably a medieval fake but it is just one of an astonishing 40 so-called burial cloths of Jesus, according to an eminent...
  9. 100th Monkey

    Prometheus End Credits Image Leads To New Viral Website & Video whatis101112

    This is what is called in the entertainment industry a Gamevertisement: If you are one of the many people who saw Prometheus this weekend, you might have stayed through the credits to see if there was an extra scene. You then may have been too disappointed in not seeing any more...
  10. 100th Monkey

    A face on the moon or the real Man on the MOON?

    This is a image of the man in the moon, if you look closely you can see him in the middle. - The first one, I have added a bit of brightness so you can find the face easily. Face is in the square box that I created. - The second image is just the natural moon with the box. Can you notice...
  11. D

    [Info!] Proof, that the sun is being blocked on soho.

    Check this image out. This is probably the best clear image that someone is blocking images from the sun on soho. So, are those little blocks all the spaceships? :livid: That would be my guess. :highly_amused: Must be some major activity today to have them block out this much stuff.
  12. Unhypnotized

    Satellite Images Of The Secret Oil Spill In China

    John Amos, SkyTruth July 6, 2011 A MODIS/Aqua satellite image taken June 14 captured a serious oil spill in China’s Bohai Bay.* Apparently the spill began from an offshore field called*Penglai 19-3 operated by Conoco-Phillips on June 4, but the public was only recently informed. Chinese...
  13. Unhypnotized

    More Fake Photos Emerge In Bin Laden Farce May 7, 2011 Check out the bad photoshopping on this supposed image of Bin Laden’s wife’s passport. The face seems to be an overlay as well and not part of the actual image of the passport. Close up image of the sloppy photoshop work: The photo appears in the...
  14. New UFO Hunter

    More PROOF of LIFE on MARS - Video

    Video: March 23, 2010 NASA released this image to the world a few weeks ago, the description of the image is so silly, makes no sense and yet no one questions them on this. Here's is part of NASA's description "Falling Material Kicks Up Cloud of Dust on Dunes, " Here's a link to the image...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Wikileaks, and what is within the image?

    Why is the ark of the covenant in this image?
  16. Unhypnotized

    Mercury:This image has been removed the 5th of January 2009

    Approximately -15.2 LAT et 88 LONG The 2 craters on the right...What were they hiding... This image was on the site here> but has been removed the 5th of January...I wonder why,LOL...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Google Home Page Image

    I thought this was interesting...the latest Google Home Page image. The title is: Discovery of Water on the Moon.
  18. CASPER

    NASA: Huge fires across parts of NKorea last week

    SEOUL, South Korea – NASA has posted a satellite image showing huge plumes of smoke billowing across northeastern North Korea. NASA says on its Web site that the image was taken Oct. 15. The image shows more than a dozen clouds of smoke that appear to be blowing eastward, with some of them...
  19. Rumas

    Ultimate hi-resolution lunar images

    Click on link below to see outstanding Lunar definition;even so still some areas appear blurred but you can see some strange anomalies here and there. The Finished Image Hover over the image and use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out. Click and drag to move around the Moon...
  20. Rumas

    How big is this universe? Hubble: Most Important Image Ever Taken

    The Hubble Deep Field: The Most Important Image Ever Taken This video will give you a good perspective of how much is really out there. There is no way we are alone! That is one big fish tank!