
  1. Lady of Light

    Judgment and Ignorance - Lady of Light

    "People tend to judge situations that do not involve them based on ignorance. To not know what the situation truly is or what all parties involved think or feel, is cause for a situation to get completely out of hand. Don't judge before you know; and even then, don't judge just because you think...
  2. Lady of Light

    No One Is Perfect, We Are All Flawed - Lady of Light

    "No one is perfect; everyone makes mistakes and/or has lapses in judgment. That includes you and me. No one deserves to be shunned or ridiculed because of it; not you or me or anyone!" - Lady of Light This does not require explanation. :)
  3. R

    Gen. Petraeus sacked over his mistress!

    For the last two days, Zionist-controlled mainstream media is pre-occupied by the latest Clinton-Monica sex affair (Monica worked for Mossad). James Clapper, director National Intelligence said in a written statement on Friday that the retired media hero of Iraq and Afghan wars, Gen. David H...
  4. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] The Subjective Illusion of Reality - Lady of Light - September 12, 2012

    Lady of Light September 12 2012 Unhypnotize.com It has been said time and time again by many people including myself; “Don’t’ believe anything you hear from anyone else but from yourself”. All of my channeled information comes to me through “meditative trance”. As the information streams...
  5. L

    Most beautiful month in the year

    Most beautiful month in the year Each year, Islamic and Arab nation well And Muslims all over the world to the health and happiness allah says in the Holy Qur'an 185. The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the...
  6. T


    New secrets are uncovered by scientists daily, and we do not exaggerate if we say that for every discovery we must find a Quranic reference for this discovery ... New secrets are uncovered by scientists daily, and we do not exaggerate if we say that for every discovery we must find a Quranic...
  7. T

    signs of lying in face and voice of the liar

    Allah Almighty tells us in the Qur'an about signs of lying in face and voice of the liar, let us read ... Face detection Researchers have noticed some facial changes when speaking. Thus, they experienced it by photographing a man telling truth, and just in the lying moment, specific features...
  8. Truth Vibrations

    Cowboy Dharma

    Howdy, Pardners! Here's a few tips from the Western Way: Don't squat with your spurs on. Don't interfere with something that ain't botherin' you none. Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance. The easiest way to eat crow is while it's still warm. If you find yourself in a...
  9. Truth Vibrations

    George Carlin said this after his wife's death

    The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less...
  10. R

    India: ‘Same gender sex is kosher’

    India’s Attorney General G E Vahanvati said yesterday that Manmohan Singh’s government agrees with country’s High Court’s recent ruling that gay sex is not offensive. Vahanvati, who was yesterday asked by a bench of justices G S Singhvi and S J Mukhopadhaya to clarify the government’s stand on...
  11. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ A Period of Intense Activity ~ February 13, 2012

    The pressures are mounting on the dark Ones who in recent weeks have lost so much power. They see their financial ploys failing and circumstances turning against them. The cabal have long been identified, and they are now known for what they are in their attempts to bring the world under one...
  12. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Keep Shining Your Light ~ January 30, 2012

    Have no fears because much can happen from just one week to another, and the plan for your release from the dark Ones is progressing along very nicely. As we have already suggested, keep aware of the developments around the world as your wishes for change are coming true. It is a matter of...
  13. R

    Iran’s WMD: ‘Moral values; not Nukes’

    “Don’t underestimate the strength and unity of the Iranian people, if invaded or attacked, they will fight until the last person dies,” Rick Steves, an American traveler and blogger. Watch video below. Israeli generals have admitted that Israel cannot stop Iran becoming a nuclear power...
  14. R

    Israel: ‘Nuclear Iran makes hard to defeat Hamas and Hizbullah’

    On January 17, 2012 – Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel, head of the Israel Occupation Force (IOF) planning department, told reporters in Jerusalem that once Iran poseses nuclear arsenal, it will make hard for Israel to defeat Hamas and Hizbullah. ”If we are forced to do things in Gaza or in Lebanon –...
  15. Denise

    Saul ~ A Momentous Event of Unprecedented Significance ~ John Smallman

    Your expectations continue to rise as the moment for your awakening approaches, and this is good because interested and enthusiastic expectation of this magnificent event raises your spirits, encouraging you to maintain and further the loving attitudes that are so essential to bringing it to...
  16. Denise

    Saul ~ Love is Becoming Fashionable ~ John Smallman ~ January 4, 2012

    When you come together in groups to pray or meditate and you hold the intent that humanity awaken, your individual intents are very much strengthened and intensified. As the moment of awakening draws ever closer, more and more of you are doing this, and as a result the momentum carrying you...
  17. Denise

    Plant Medicines: The Doors of Perception Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

    Greetings Masters! ...Rejoice for it is a time of great awakening on the Earth plane. The Earth and all of her kingdoms are transitioning to great and greater consciousness. Life is enriching. We would say to you that there is even greater life that circles about and above your planet now...
  18. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ The End of the Illuminati. ~ December 21, 2011

    Your normal life expectancy is very short compared to Beings like ourselves, who are in the higher dimensions. Nevertheless you pack so much into it and virtually everyday brings new challenges, which all together make for experiences that speed up your spiritual evolution. There is no...
  19. Denise

    Anonymous - Message to the American People

    Dear brothers and sisters. Now is the time to open your eyes! In a stunning move that has civil libertarians stuttering with disbelief, the U.S. Senate has just passed a bill that effectively ends the Bill of Rights in America. The National Defense Authorization Act is being called the...
  20. Boiling Frog

    (Red Ice Radio) Frank O'Collins - The Roman Cult (Law) & The Khazars

    November 24, 2011 Frank O'Collins Great Great Grandfather was an ex-Attorney General of Australia... Some excellent insights as to where the origins of 'Law & Theology' began... http://www.redicecreations.com/radio...RIR-111124.php http://www.ucadia.com/...