north atlantic treaty org

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    Canada to recognize Syrian rebels only when Israel does

    Canadian media (CTV News) reported on December 10 that Stephen Harper government has developed a contingency plan to help NATO invasion of Syria. However, it’s unlikely Harper will send CF-18 fighter jets over Syria as he did in Libya to enforce a no-fly zone or put combat forces on the ground...
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    Iran captures another American drone

    On December 4, Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, Chief of Iran’s Navy announced the capture of an American intruding Scan Eagle pilotless surveillance aircraft without any damage. See photo above. “The unmanned US drone patrolling Persian Gulf waters, performing reconnaissance and gathering intel, was...
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    Ahmadinejad attends D-8 summit in Pakistan

    Iranian president Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has arrived in Islamabad to join Heads of State and Governments of Group of Eight Developing Nations (D-8) one-day summit on November 22. Ahmadinejad is accompanied by Iran’s intelligence minister Heydar Moslehi, senior presidential adviser Mojtaba...
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    US: ‘Regime change in Syria has failed’

    On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton, during a visit to Croatia, admitted American failure to bring anti-Iran regime change in Syria by dismissing the leaders of the western-funded rebel groups as a “bunch of out-of-touch exiles who should be replaced with a group more representative of the fighters on...
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    2010: When Assad said NO to Netanyahu on Iran

    Barack Obama’s special envoy to Lebanon and Syria, Frederick Hof, who resigned from his post earlier this week – in a confidential document leaked this week has claimed that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defense minister Ehud Barak conducted intensive secret talks with Syrian...
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    Turkey plays al-Qaeda for Zionism

    US-Israel-Turkey financed terrorist group Free Syrian Army (FSA) carried the false flage bombing operation at the Turkish border town of Akcakale on Wednesday. Turkish artillery hit targets inside Syria, killing several Syrian soldiers. FSA also abducted 48 Iranian Shia pilgrims and has...
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    Lobby: ‘Pakistan sponsors terrorism’

    One of America’s top neoconservatives (mostly Zionist Jews) media outlets, the Foreign Policy magazine’s National Security Channel has suggested that Obama administration should declare Pakistan to be a state that supports terrorism. Its suggestion appeared in an article, entitled: “State of...
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    Libya: ‘You reap what you sow’

    It seems American-funded ‘Islamists’ who lead the revolt against Libyan leader Qaddafi in Benghazi last year, have turned their NATO-supplied rockets against Americans. Today, the Reuters reported that US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens 52, and three other embassy officials were killed...
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    Canada ‘isolates’ Iran; Really!

    Last month Tehran hosted the largest international event. The leaders from 120 Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and 27 other nations including China and Russia assembled in Tehran and gave unanimous support to country’s nuclear program. The support proved by any standard that the Islamic Republic is...
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    Turkey is in for trouble

    When the so-called ‘Islamist’ Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in 2002 – it sent waves of shocks in the Zionist-controlled world capitals. To counter the western and powerful Kemalist army’s opposition, AKP extended its hands in friendship to its Muslim neighbors; Iran, Syria...
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    Jewish UN Watch’s anti-Sudan campaign

    The Zionist Jewry is well-known for using pornography and Hollywood to market Israel’s propaganda lies against its perceived nations posing “existential threat” to the illegal Zionist entity. There are several pro-Israel Jewish Hollywood actors, both gays and straight, known for anti- Sudan and...
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    Gen. Dempsey: ‘Syria is not Libya’

    On Thursday Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey speaking to journalist in London rejected French-Turkish call for enforcing a ’no-fly-zone’ inside Syria by NATO. He warned the implications of establishing a no-fly-zone inside Syria, saying: “Syria is not Libya“. Gen. Dempsey...
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    NAM: ‘The end of US-Israel imperialism’

    Today, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenie addressed the leaders and Presidents from over 100 nations assembled at the 16th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran. In his speech Ayatullah Khameini reminded his audience that “Islam teaches us that inspite of their racial, linguist...
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    US to ‘secure’ Pakistani nukes!

    “Pakistan’s nuclear program is a great future threat to the security state of Israel,” David Ben Gurion said in a speech in Israeli Knesset in 1951. On August 16, Pakistan Airforce base at Karma was attack by the CIA-Mossad-RAW trained Al-Qaeda terrorists to damage the SAAB-2000, the Early...
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    Syrian diplomat: ‘My soul is not for sale’

    How some of Arab Sunni rulers stoop to please their western masters? Qatar’s pro-USrael ruling Thani family is one of the cases in point. Qatar has funded Salafi-Wahabi armed gangsters in Libya against Libyan leader Qaddafi last year. The Thani family has loaned its Al-Jazeera network to...
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    Ron Paul angers Jewish lobby on Iran and Syria

    In a recent article, Rep. Ron Pual, one of GOP presidential hopeful has blasted Barack Obama administration for its warmongering policies toward Syria and Iran under pressure from pro-Israel lobby groups. For his stand against America’s imperial wars in foreign lands, Ron Paul has been under...
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    The Israel-Firsters united against Syria

    US-Israeli dual citizen, Paul Wolfowitz, talking with Fareed Zakaria at CNN on the weekend – called Barack Obama to take military action against Syrian government of president Bashar al-Assad, reiterating his earlier claim that “Syria is not Iraq”. In other words, Wolfowitz wants Americans to...
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    Seven famous US ‘Muslim conspirators’

    Recently, Rep. Michele Bachmann and four other Israeli-poodle lawmakers claimed that Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated US government. In order to prove that some Zionist lawmakers and politicians could also be pro-Islamists, The National Memo, has come up with a list of seven American...
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    Pastor Jones: ‘Obama Dead in 2012′

    The US secret service is investigating Holy Qur’an burning fame pastor Terry Jones’ Dove World Outreach Center for hanging a dummy of Barack Obama. Interestingly, when Andrew B. Alder, publisher-editor of Jewish daily, Atlanta Jewish Times, suggested in January 2012, that Israeli Mossad should...
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    US apologizes, Pakistan reopens NATO supply routes

    On Tuesday, Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton apologized to Islamabad for the November 2011 US airstrike which killed 24 Pakistani soldiers managing a border-crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari has accepted the apology and one truck carrying essential...