nuclear energy

  1. R

    Israel sets guidelines for P5+1+Iran nuclear talk

    While Iran and its nuclear watchdog P5+1 are set to meet in Astana (Kazakhstan) on February 26 to discuss Israel’s concerns about “Iranian bomb” – Israel is shooting from its hip to sabotage the meeting. The Zionist regime has given marching orders to the White House that “the countries meeting...
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    Stephen Harper: “thou shalt not defend Islam or Iran”

    On February 21, 2013, the MSN reported that Hamilton resident and long-time anti-war activist, Ken Stone, is being harassed by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) since he attended a conference on Palestine in Iran and writing his views last year about Iran being a peace-loving...
  3. R

    Americans should choose Iranians over Israelis

    The Zionist mafia has never stopped reminding Americans how the Iranian took 52 US Embassy staff as “hostages” after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. However, the Zionist mafia never tells the Americans how Washington-Tel Aviv plotted a coup in Tehran against the first democratically-elected...
  4. R

    NAM Summit in Tehran sure rubs US nose

    The 16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is scheduled to be held in Tehran during August 26-31, 2012. Iran will assume the rotating presidency of the movement for three years during the Tehran summit. NAM is comprised of some 120 member states and 17 observer countries. Iranian...
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    Iran’s WMD: ‘Moral values; not Nukes’

    “Don’t underestimate the strength and unity of the Iranian people, if invaded or attacked, they will fight until the last person dies,” Rick Steves, an American traveler and blogger. Watch video below. Israeli generals have admitted that Israel cannot stop Iran becoming a nuclear power...
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    Experts: ‘Israel is pushing the world toward WW III’

    Both professor Richard Falk (Princeton University) and professor Gary G. Sick (Columbia University) have blamed the Zionist regime for pushing the US and other western powers to start WW III in the Muslim world. Israel wants this new war as a ploy to divert world’s attention from its own Zionazi...
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    Those Israel hating French

    “The international security crisis had been triggered by “that shitty little country Israel”. Why should we be in danger of world war three because of these people?,” French Jewish Ambassador to UK, Daniel Bernard, as quoted by Barbara Amiel, in her Daily Telegraph column in 2001. Barbara...
  8. Unhypnotized

    NATO War Crimes: Depleted Uranium Found in Libya by Scientists

    Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya Global Research July 6, 2011 War crimes and crimes against humanity have been and continue to be committed in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya by NATO. Amongst these crimes, the Atlantic Alliance has been using depleted uranium against Libya, specifically civilians and civilian...
  9. R

    IMF lauds Islamic Iran’s economy

    No, it’s not about the false-flag operation against IMF’s former Jewish Chief, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who was arrested in the US on rape charges – for which the credit goes to Israeli Mossad. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in its latest report released on June 13, 2011, has highly...
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    India wants to ‘discuss’ Kashmir – Really!

    Under American drone attacks for years and the recent theatrical murder of Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad – has proven beyond doubt that Pakistan is on US-Israel hit list. Contrary to that, India is being pampered by the powerful American Jewish Lobby for New Delhi’s close relation with Tel Aviv...
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    Tan: ‘Iran has the right to develop peaceful nuclear energy’

    Turkish Ambassador in Washington and former Ambassador in Tel Aviv (2007-2009). Namik Tan, was a guest speaker at a dinner meeting of the Los Angeles World Affairs Council (a neocon think tank) in Century City’s Intercontinental Hotel on February 16, 2011. As expected, Namik Tan was confronted...
  12. CASPER

    Iranian state TV carries report of Israeli build-up

    Iranian state television ran a report Monday saying Israeli military aircraft were massing at a U.S. air base in Iraq for a strike on Iran. Israel said it had no knowledge of such a strike plan, as reported on the website of Iran's English-language Press TV, and Iraq's air force commander...
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    Israel: ‘Is US too weak to attack Iran?’

    Peter Hartcher is an Australian Jewish journalist, author and Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald. Recently he visited Israel as guest of Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce. From Tel Aviv he wrote his latest column, entitled Israel worried by ‘weakening’ US. In it he quotes Israel’s Deputy...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Corporate Media Ignores Astronomical Fukushima Radiation Levels

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Wednesday, March 23, 2011 The Kyodo News Agency reports that radiation around the hobbled Fukushima nuclear plant is 1,600 times the normal level. The astounding figure was released to the media by the International Atomic Energy Agency officials on Monday. Data...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Japan's radiation scare hugely overblown by western media

    From Ken Adachi, Editor March 19, 2011 I visited a number of Japanese web sites yesterday to determine how much radiation is being reported around the Daiichi nuclear facility in Fukushima prefecture and also what the recorded levels were in...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Why does Japan build so many nuclear power stations by the sea

    For a relatively small nation, Japan is disproportionately reliant on nuclear power.In 2008, after the opening of seven new nuclear reactors, the country became the third-largest nuclear power user in the world with 53 nuclear reactors, behind only France and the USA.Whatever you beleive experts...
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    Islamic Republic Beyond Israeli Hasbara

    “The most important thing that I can convey about Iran in general – my most memorable reaction in retrospect – is this simple concept: Americans need to ignore anything and everything they hear about modern-day Iran, its leader, its culture, and its people from the mass media in America,”...
  18. CASPER

    Europe launches trillion-euro energy revamp

    European leaders launched Friday a trillion-euro bid to slash dependency on Middle East oil and Russian gas, clearing the way to place nuclear power at the centre of 21st century needs. At a summit shaken by instability over Egypt's popular revolt and soaring oil prices, the European Union...
  19. CASPER

    [Breaking news!] Mullen: US `very ready' to counter Iran on nukes

    33 mins ago MANAMA, Bahrain – Iran is trying to build a nuclear bomb, posing a threat to its neighbors, and the United States is "very ready" to counter Iran should it make a move, the top U.S. military officer said Saturday. Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, sought to...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Putin bolsters oil, defense ties with Venezuela

    Darya Korsunskaya and Anthony Boadle Reuters April 3, 2010 Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin visited Venezuela on Friday to discuss oil, defense and nuclear energy cooperation with Latin America’s main leftist foe of the United States, President Hugo Chavez. They were to launch a $20...