
Truth feeder
From Ken Adachi, Editor
March 19, 2011

I visited a number of Japanese web sites yesterday to determine how much radiation is being reported around the Daiichi nuclear facility in Fukushima prefecture and also what the recorded levels were in Tokyo. As expected, the radiation levels in Tokyo BRIEFLY rose just slightly above normal background levels (0.03-0.04 u Gy/ h) on March 15, 2011 to an INSIGNIFICANT level of 0.809 MICRO Gray (or Sieverts), but only AVERAGED 0.109 u Gy/ h for the entire 24 hour peroid. On March 16, the AVERAGE radiation level in Tokyo fell to 0.0719 u Gy/ h and further fell to an average of 0.0511 u Gy/ h on March 17. The average background level of radiation in Tokyo on March 18, 2011 was 0.0484 u Gy/ h.

These numbers are no greater than the NORMAL background radiation level for Tokyo, yet seemingly thousands of westerners are streaming out of Tokyo as fast as possible based on the reckless abuse of the word "radiation" by western media outlets.

Please bear in mind that the highest reading recorded on March 15, 2011 was LESS than ONE micro Gray. If you flew round trip from Tokyo to New York you would absorb about 200 microGrays of radiation. A chest X-ray delivers about 50 microGrays; a stomach X-ray about 600 mircroGrays; and a CAT scan about 6900 microGrays. The yearly background radiation received in Brazil is about 10,000 microGrays while the yearly background radiation received in Tokyo is about 400 microGrays.

What is "Radiation"?

Many people do not understand that there is a difference between NUCLEAR, ionizing radiation and other forms of "radiation" such as electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) radiation or solar radiation or thermal radiation. For the Japan situation, we are only concerned with ionizing, nuclear radiation This activity is due to particles or energy rays which are being thrown off from the nucleus of atoms undergoing nuclear fission. In nuclear fission, atoms are undergoing a transmutation from one element of the Perodic Table into other, different elements on the Perodic Table. Nuclear reactors break down uranium 235 down into different elements and release heat, radioactive particles and energy waves in the process. Traditional physics teaches that any element above lead in the Perodic Table exhibits ionizing radioactivity.

There are three types of waves being emitted with nuclear radiation:

1. Alpha waves: consists of two neutrons and two protons being emmited from the nuclei of radioactive material. They move relatively slowly and can be stopped with something as thin as paper or clothing.

2. Beta waves: are special nuclei electrons which were originally paired with positrons to make a neutron. When the neutron is split, the electrons fly off as Beta waves. They travel at nearly the speed of light. They can travel farther than alpha waves and can penetrate paper or clothing, but can be shielded from with metal or dense material like concrete or stone.

3. Gamma waves do not contain particles, but instead are pure energy waves, or radiant energy. They are similar to X-rays and can cause the greatest damage when considering the ill effects of nuclear radiation. They can penetrate most substances, but lose their power with the inverse ratio to distance from the source.

The radiation from these three types of waves is limited to the immediate vicinity of the nuclear reactor since this is the source of the nuclear fission process.

In the case of an atomic bomb blast, tons of radioactive material are thrown high up into the stratosphere by the chimnney effect of the mushroom cloud and the radioactive particles are carried along by the jet stream to distant locations. Same with Chernobyl, there was a substantial explosion (due to sabotage) that threw a great deal of radioactive material high into the atmosphere, which allowed for a wider distribution of radioactive fallout. But that has not been the case so far with Daiichi and there's no reason to believe such an explosion will occur.

Here is a link to a Tokyo radiation monitoring site located in the Shinjuku area. Note that the highest reading occured briefly on March 15, but quickly returned to near- normal levels for every day since. This chart covers up to March 19, but you can access the latest chart by visiting the link.

(dose rate) μGy/h
(microgray per hour)

(Measurement date)
2011/03/19 0.0503 0.0426 0.0467
2011/03/18 0.0530 0.0443 0.0484
2011/03/17 0.0562 0.0460 0.0511
2011/03/16 0.161 0.0499 0.0719
2011/03/15 0.809 0.0318 0.109
2011/03/14 0.0377 0.0304 0.0341
2011/03/13 0.0383 0.0314 0.0343
2011/03/12 0.0384 0.0305 0.0342
2011/03/11 0.0376 0.0308 0.0341
2011/03/10 0.0372 0.0307 0.0338
2011/03/09 0.0379 0.0311 0.0343
2011/03/08 0.0388 0.0312 0.0343
2011/03/07 0.0440 0.0308 0.0366
2011/03/06 0.0377 0.0308 0.0343
2011/03/05 0.0374 0.0304 0.0339
2011/03/04 0.0375 0.031 0.0339
2011/03/03 0.0377 0.0304 0.0340
2011/03/02 0.0419 0.0311 0.0344
2011/03/01 0.0461 0.0313 0.0368

This link gives you the Toyko, Shinjuku hour by hour reading on minimum, maximum, and average reading for each day:


These readings are expressed as micro-Gray per hour (u Gy/ hr). Note: One Gray = one Sievert

One microGray = 0.000001 Gray

One milliGray = 1,000 microGrays

One Gray = 1,000 milliGrays

Western Media Scare Tactics Emphasize "Radiation" and Percentages

I heard a woman reporting from Tokyo for Free Speech Radio News (FSRN) on March 18, 2011 over KPFK radio (Los Angeles). She was clearly an anti-nuclear energy activist and wanted to hype the radiation story through the roof by declaring that "the radiation levels in Tokyo had risen 22% today" blah, blah, blah.

But she didn't provide any hard numbers to support her story, only PERCENTAGES to sell her agenda. If the normal, average background radiation level in Tokyo is around 0.04 micro Grays and then elevates to 0.08 micro Grays, that works out to a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT increase in the background radiation level, but it's STILL utterly INSIGNIFICANT. To suggest (by omission) that the radiation dangers to Tokyo were threatening, when no threat actually existed, is flat out deception. And that's what I found to be the case with most AM and FM radio stations reporting on the Japan radiation story.

Tohoku University in Sendai City, Miyagi prefecture, about 100 km north of Daiichi, reported background average reading of 0.13 micro Grays on March 19.

Ken Adachi


Japan's 3/11/11 Mega 9.1 Earthquake: Another Illuminati Production? (Mar. 12, 2011)

ZS Livingstone & Don Nicoloff Discuss the Manufactured March 11 Japan Tsunami and Nuclear Reactor Sabotage Precipitating Unjustified Panic Designed to Disrupt Japanese Economy and Provoke American Military "Aid" (March 16, 2011)

Did New York Orchestrate The Asian Tsunami?, Part 1 by Joe Vialls (Jan 5, 2005)