
  1. Truth Vibrations

    David Icke on the Alex Jones Show Last Night 24 june 2014 – Great Information on ISIS, Transhumanism and other interconnected subjects

    David Icke’s interview begins around the 7 minute mark.
  2. R

    ADL: ‘Thou shalt not blame Israel for Syrian mess’

    Abraham Foxman, head of the Anti-Dafamation League (ADL), one of America’s top Israel lobby groups, issued a statement on September 18, 2013, claiming that people who blame Israel or Jews for the bloodshed in Syria or America’s military threats against Syria – are conspiracy theorists and...
  3. R

    Canada’s Jewish ‘rescuer-spy’ in Syria

    After realizing that Barack Obama has lost his steam over a regime change in Damascus after receiving warnings from Moscow and Tehran – the Canadian Jewish Lobby’s top media mouthpiece, The National Post, recreated the story of Jewish holocaust in Syria before the current Baathist regime...
  4. R

    Gilad Atzmon: Iran must have nuclear deterrent

    Israeli-born writer, author and musician, Gilad Atzmon, on September 14, 2013, once again urged Tehran to acquire a nuclear deterrent. He said that’s the only way to bring Israeli aggression to an end. This is not the first time, Atzmon has made such suggestion. He did on several occasions...
  5. R

    Syrian rebels may gas Israeli Jews

    Russian media has claimed that Western-backed Syrian rebels are blackmailing the western countries by threatening to fire chamical weapons at Israel from Syrian territory under their control in order to force western powers to attack Syria. Naturally, both the rebels and the Zionist regime will...
  6. R

    Catholic Church leaders against attack on Syria

    In a letter to Israel-Firster John Kerry, American Catholic Bishops and European Catholic leaders have warned that a US-led military attack on Syria would lead to an escalation of hostilities. The letter, signed by the committee chairman, Bishop Richard E. Pates of Des Moines, Iowa, called on...
  7. Truth Vibrations

    Horrific video of beheading raises questions of arms supply to Syrian rebels

    Dreadful behaviors by men and women, who all themselves as 'Freedom' Fighters if this video is authentic: Published on 28 Jun 2013 Another act of brutal violence reportedly by Syrian rebels has appeared on the web. Unverified video shows the beheading of 3 supposed government supporters...
  8. R

    Iran to boycott US-Russian conference on Syria if Israel invited

    Today, the Speaker of Iranian Majlis (parliament), Ali Larijani said that though Iran has always supported a negotiated settlement to Syrian crisis – it will boycott Geneva II conference if the Zionist regime is invited to attend the conference in Switzerland. “If Israel takes part in the...
  9. R

    Lobby: ‘Iran is winning in Syria’

    One of America’s three top pro-Israel Jewish media outlets, The Washington Post, on June 12, published anti-Resistance propaganda lies by two of its Jewish journalists, Max Fisher and Liz Sly. Both have concluded that while Iran has been isolated and threatened by the United States and its...
  10. R

    French Jewish FM: ‘Assad’s military gains must be stopped’

    French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, has warned that the recent military gains by the Syrian military loyal to Bashar al-Assad should be stopped before reaching the province of Aleppo, part of which is controlled by western-armed rebels. “We need to re-balance things because over the past...
  11. R

    Kerry: We need to keep Israel as ‘regional bully’

    On May 31, two Israel-Firsters, US secretary of state John Kerry and his German counterpart, Guido Westerwelle, in a joint news conference in Washington DC, said Russia’s delivery of S-300 to Syria would tilt the balance of power against Israel. “We ask them again not to upset the balance...
  12. R

    Canada: No arms for Syrian rebels

    I must admit, I could not believe my eyes when I read the news that our “Israeli poodle”, foreign minister John Baird has joined with both Tehran and Moscow in condemning European Union’s decision on Tuesday not to renew its embargo on arming the rebels fighting Syrian forces for over two years...
  13. R

    Israel makes U-turn on Syria

    After failing to bring a pro-Israel regime change in Damascus, the Zionist regime has now admitted that it underestimated Bashar al-Assad’s popularity within military and the Syrian people at large. On May 17, 2013, The Times of London quoted two senior Israeli officers saying that Netanyahu...
  14. R

    Israel tries to blackmail Assad

    The Zionist regime is very affraid of a military retalition from Syria or Lebanese Islamic Resistance Hizbullah in response to Israel’s two unprovoked airstrikes over Damascus early this month. The Zionist regime has called upon its American Hasbara media to blackmail its adversaries in Syria...
  15. 100th Monkey

    Top defence officials killed in Syria revolution

    Syrian defence minister, his deputy, and Interior minister Mohammed Ibrahim al-Shaar have been killed after a suicide bomber struck the National Security building in Damascus during a meeting of cabinet ministers and senior security officials, state media reported. General Daoud Rajha and Assef...
  16. 100th Monkey

    WikiLeaks releases 2.4 million Syria emails..!

    Today, Thursday 5 July 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing the Syria Files – more than two million emails from Syrian political figures, ministries and associated companies, dating from August 2006 to March 2012. This extraordinary data set derives from 680 Syria-related entities or domain...
  17. CASPER

    Rebels capture Syrian troops in north: opposition

    Armed Syrian rebels captured dozens of members of the security forces by seizing two military checkpoints on Monday, the opposition said, even as the Arab League chief reported cautious progress in a peace monitoring mission. The opposition said army deserters also clashed with security forces...
  18. R

    News Israel and Iran

    some news Don’t Bomb Iran Israel broke international law in Syrian attack: El Baradei