
  1. R

    EU rejects Israeli demand to blacklist Hizbullah

    Last week, to my great surprise, the European Union (EU) turned down a request by Israel’s radical Jew foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman to blacklist Lebanese Islamic Resistance Hizbullah as a terrorist organization after Israel’s latest false flage operation in Bulgaria. Read here and here and...
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    Niv Elis: ‘My grandfather is a Jewish terrorist’

    Niv Elis is a Breaking News Editor and blogger for the Israel daily Jerusalem Post. Niv’s grandfather, Feivel Eliash (born 1921), a Polish Jew, was among the group of Jewish terrorists who blew-up Jerusalem’s King David Hotel on July 22, 1946. The terrorist-bombing killed 92 Arab, British...
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    Syria: ‘FSA ziothugs murder 17 Palestinian fighters

    “A true Islamic Resistance will never be fooled or defeated by the servants of Zion“. The Palestinian Islamic Resistance, Hamas, condemned on Thursday, the kidnapping, torture and murder of 17 soldiers of Palestinian Liberation Army (PLA) by the Zionist collaborators, the Free Syrian Army (FSA)...
  4. Truth Vibrations

    [Shocking Truth:] A comparison of the 2012 Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall collapse and the 1995 Sampoong Department Store collapse

    Here is a comparison I did of the 2012 Elliot Lake Ontario, Canada Algo Centre Mall collapse and the Seoul, South Korea 1995 Sampoong Department Store collapse. This is a quote from the second to disaster television show that is appropriate for any desaster: "Disasters don't just happen they...
  5. R

    Israel and Fukushima nuclear disaster

    Israeli daily, YNet reported recently that Tokyo has asked for Israeli help to rehabilitate the city of Fukushima, which was hit particularly hard by the disastrous earthquacke and tsunami over a year ago. Canadian daily The Globe And Mail reported on July 5, 2012 that a recent Japanese...
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    US Election 2012 and the ‘Kingmaker’

    “I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the American know it,” Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio. Last week, GOP front runner, Mitt Romney, told 700 donors...
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    Jews: ‘Stop Charles Barron joining US Congress’

    New York City Council member and Israel’s critic, Charles Barron, is predicted to beat his opponent Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries 42, in the June 26 Democratic primary that could send him to the US Congress representing district’s 20% pro-Israel Russian Jewish population. Pro-Israel Jewish groups...
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    Somalia: ’10 camels bounty for obama’

    Somalia’s Islamic Resistance Al-Shabaab has mocked Washington’s offer of $33 million for information leading to the arrest of resistance’s chief Ahmed Abdi aw-Mohamed (Abu Zubayr). On Friday, Fuad Mohamed Khalaf, a senior leader of Al-Shabaab made a counter offer of 10 camels for tip-offs...
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    Lieberman: ‘Israel cannot apology for its crimes’

    On Monday, Israel’s radical Jewish foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, told an accountant’s convention: “Sometimes, even to best friends, you must say NO. Otherwise, no one will respect you“. Israeli media has interpreted Lieberman’s remark as a refusal to apology for killing nine Turks on...
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    Israel’s 1967 ‘war of aggression’ against Arabs

    Today Israelis and their Zionist foot-soldiers around the world celebrate the 45th anniversary of Jewish army’s victory in the so-called “Six Day War” (June 5, 1967) against its neighboring Arab countries. As result of Israel’s naked aggression, the Zionist regime was able to occupy Sinai and...
  11. R

    Israel: ‘Hamas as strong as Hizbullah!’

    The Zionist regime is so paranoid that it cannot differentiate between its Islamist enemies. For it all of them are equipped with WMDs and they all want to ‘wipe the Zionist regime of map’. Jewish army has always depended on western military and financial support to win wars against its Arab...
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    George Gallowy: ‘I didn’t convert to Islam’

    Last month, the pro-Iran British MP, George Gallowy, criticised Jemima Khan (daughter of British Jewish billionaire Lord James Goldsmith who converted to Islam to marry Pakistani cricketer, Imran Khan) for her claim in British daily The Statesment that George had converted to Islam in a ceremony...
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    Jewish group tells Greek who to vote

    The powerful American Israel lobby group, Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in its May 15 statement has called Greek voters not vote for the Golden Dawn party. Why? Because its leader, Nikos Michaloliakos, in a televised interview on Sunday denied the holy Holocaust. “With the announcement of the...
  14. Denise

    Ben Fulford - May 15- Major purge of US puppets in Japan continuing behind the scenes

    Major purge of US puppets in Japan continuing behind the scenes, Nato terrorist state group being cut off, May 14, 2012 The top US criminal corporate government representative in Japan, Edward Nye, will no longer be welcome in Asia following the release of new information about his links to...
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    NATO’s Chicago summit: ‘Israel out, Pakistan in’

    Last month, Turkey blocked Israel’s participation in NATO’s upcoming Chicago summit in a sign of its determination to keep the Zionist entity from using NATO to its expansionist agenda. The 2-day Chicago summit which is hosted by Barack Obama is due to be held on May 20-21. Turkish foreign...
  16. 100th Monkey

    Fulford Interviewee Mr. Romanov Offers Bounty on NWO Heads!

    And outgoing in English by a descendant of the Romanov dynasty Illumina tee. Mr. Alexander Romanov is information about the "Illuminati" involved. Is very interesting. (English) http://armageddonconspiracy.co.uk/ Is a digest of only the portion of the testimony portion of the English...
  17. 100th Monkey

    CIA 'foils underwear bomb' plot by al-Qaeda in Yemen Breaking news

    BBC NEWS 7 May 2012 Last updated at 22:09 CIA 'foils underwear bomb' plot by al-Qaeda in Yemen Breaking news US intelligence officials say they have disrupted a plot by al-Qaeda in Yemen to detonate an upgraded version of the failed 2009 "underwear bomb", according to US media reports...
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    Plight of Christians in Jewish occupied Palestine

    “The very name Jesus was for Jews a symbol of all that is abominable, and this popular tradition still persists. The Gospels are equally detested, and they are not allowed to be quoted, let alone taught, even in modern Israeli Jewish schools,” wrote late professor Israel Shahak. Bob Simon...
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    UK Judge: ‘It’s crime to call Israel a terrorist state’

    Paul Donnachie, 21, former student at St Andrews University, has lost his appeal at Edinburgh’s High Court of Criminal Appeal against his last year’s conviction for insulting Israel and its flag. Paul Donnachie was originally charged for attacking Jewish student, Chanan Reitblat, at university...
  20. T

    signs of lying in face and voice of the liar

    Allah Almighty tells us in the Qur'an about signs of lying in face and voice of the liar, let us read ... Face detection Researchers have noticed some facial changes when speaking. Thus, they experienced it by photographing a man telling truth, and just in the lying moment, specific features...