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Last week, the Vatican announced that it has expelled British Bishop Richard Williamson 72 for questioning the ‘Six Million Died’ figure. Williamson, in an interview with a Swedish television had claimed that Nazis did not use gas chambers and killed no more than 300,000 Jews. The claim attracted criticism from Jewish groups in the West and Israel including German Chancellor Angela Markel. Willianson was even put on trail in Germany for openly denying the holocaust. However, the Vatican had claimed that it did not know the Bishop’s hatred for the Jews. Watch vide below.

Rabbi Wolf Gunther Plaut (died 2012) in his 1990 book, ‘The Man Who Would Be Messiah’ had stated that Holocaust was committed by Frankist Jews. The book’s ‘Forward’ was written by no other than Elie Wiesel, the father of ‘holocaust culture’. Weisel did not disagree with Rabbi Plaut. The book is biography of Polish Rabbi Ya’akov Frank (1726-1791), who claimed being the biblical Messiah of Jews and thus part of Trinity.

In December 2006, an Iranian newspaper editor held an international Holocaust conference in response to Israel-sponsored anti-Islam Danish Cartoons to test so-called “western freedom of Press”. It was attended by over 70 historians, academics and scientists including six rabbis from the US and Europe. The rabbis agreed that the Nazis could not have killed more than one million Jews.

Professor Shiraz Dossa at St. Francis Xavier University, Canada, was one of the conference participants. On his return home, Dossa was hunted down by his fellow Jewish professors at the University and the Zionist-controlled Canadian medi at large. Read his response to false allegations against him, Tehran conference and Iranian President professor Ahmadinejad – here.

Bishop Williamson sacked by the Church | Rehmat calling
