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A new movie, The Whistleblower is set to be shown in United States and Canada on August 5, 2011 (watch the official trailer below). Last week the movie was screened at United Nations Correspondent Association. The movie is based on the eye-witness story of Kathryn Bolkovac 50, which detailed the wide-scale child sex slave and human-trafficking scandal involving US military contractors and United Nations peacekeepers in detail. She was fired by her employer, DynCorp Aerospace Co, a subsidiary of US-based DynCorp Inc. for exposing western crimes in Bosnia. Kathryn had sued her employer in 2001.

Kathryn Bolkovac, is a former US police officer who served as a peace-keeper in post-war Bosnia in 1999. She had slammed the UN for covering up the huge sexual abuse of Muslims. In the movie, her part is played by British Award-winning Jewish model and actress Rachel Weisz (born 1970). The rest of the movie cast includes Monica Bellucci, Vanessa Redgrave, David Strathairn, David Hewlett, Benedict Cumberbatch and Luke Treadaway. The movie is produced by Amy Kaufman, Celine Rattray and Christina Piovesan.

However, Eilis Kirwan, the screenwriter and the director Larysa Kondracki has edited the original horrible western barbarism to make it ‘digestible’ by the so-called ‘moral’ Judeo-Christian West audience.

“Due to international immunity, they sometimes behave in ways they never would at home. They can go into a fantasy world on these missions and don’t stay grounded in reality,” says Kondracki.

Canadian head of UN Peacekeeping force in Bosnia, Lt. Gen. Lewis MacKenzie was also reported to be participant in rape. He stayed at the rape-camp “Kod Sonje” (At Sonia’s) and was party to committing crimes against four young Muslim girls. According to sveral Bosian and western sources, nearly 60,000 Bosnian Muslim women suffered rape at the hands of non-Muslim soldiers.

Kathryn and Bosnian victims of western wars on Islam have long forgotten – but DynCorp and United Nations are still doing tens of billions of dollars business in Afghanistan, Iraq and Bosnia while looking for future opportunities in Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Pakistan and Iran.

Bosnia: ‘The movie UN don
Oh I believe atrocities happened on ALL side during this war, but it's funny you never get to hear the mass slaughter The Bosnains/albanians did to their own people and then blamed it on the Serbs (an act perpitrated also by the Croats), from the bosnian/albanian end? why is that? is it because they wanted to be seen as the 'good guys' in this war, and supposidly fighting for independence (when in fact it was a brutal assault on Yugoslav's supported by neo nazi groups in Germany France and the US.

Plus your so called FACTS are grossly wrong. the offical red cross figures on rapes on bosnians has the figure close to 600-1000 bosnian women raped. Funny you quote a figure given to the us press by a person who was a known liar and changed her story countless times to countless newspapers and tv crews and was also a memeber of a brutal regieme that mass slaughtered Serbs? I see you don't quote the officcal red cross figures on serb women brutally raped and assulted as close to 30,000. But then Serbs don't equate to your world as they're orthodox and catholic.

You also do not state when the Bosnians started fighting the Croats after they stopped attacking the serbs for a short time resulting in a brutal battle lasting two months and left ten's of thousands of Croats dead-and THAT was not reported in either the world press nor tv as the serbs were seen as the 'aggressor' when in fact that was far from the case.

Again ALL sides done brutal crimes against each other, but the truth of the fact is, the Bosnians and albanians raped and murdered a lot of their own people to blame it on the serbs, thus gain sympathy from the western media and get the US and NATO involved in what was essentially an ethnic cleansing exercise, and by propaganda bollox by croats and bosnians living in the USA. so next time, Rehmat, have a non bias view and tell the truth from all sides, instead of playing the propaganda machine the UN and NATO want you to.

And BTW I've seen this film and already, many questions are being asked by ALL sides at how 'accurate' this film really is??? think about that... The Yugoslav war was not a war on Islam, it was a brutal assualt on Orthodoxy and catholism FUNDED BY NEO NAZI GROUPS AND THE US/NATO/UN. That fact you cannot run away from.
Are upset that the movie doesn't have some Jewish porn actress in it? Take it easy, Mel Gibson has three Jewish porn actress in 'The Passion of Christ'.

Is that the best you can do? come up and out with absolute bollox like that? Or is it that you've just been caught out AGAIN and have no answer to what I wrote and you just reply with a snide remark.

Your caught out big lad, if you can't reply properly then DON'T.

Also I hate the passion of the christ, the same way as I hate all movies made about religion -they're just propaganda ploys. Also i didn't know Monica Bellucci was a porn actress and a jew. Last time I checked she was an Italian Catholic. But then you don't seem to do any research only copying and pasting what other people write. so instead of coming out with shit and women hating sentiment, why don't you reply properly? Oh wait you can't until someone writes something for you.

And to think for a short moment you were onto something a few weeks ago. you've just shown your true colours and your yet another fake.
Nyeth - After what the Zionazi pigs did to Mel Gibson - I will not dare to lie about Jewish porn actresses in his movie 'The Passion of Christ".

There you go again, spouting stupid fucking things like what you wrote above. Right here's a CHALLENGE. Please tell us and prove to me and everyone else WHO ARE THESE JEWISH PORN ACTRESSES (3 I believe you originally said) you rant on about? Come on put your money were your mouth is. If you've proof, share it with EVIDENCE. If not shut the fuck up, and stop ranting your anti jew, anti Serb bollox.

Nice to see you sticking up for Mel Gibson. A known hardcore Nazi sympahizer (although I don't beleive in his views he has made some decent movies in his time), and his father is well known neo nazi. Hey I heard they've opened up the Islamic ring of the Neo Nazi Supporter's group. Why don't you join?

If you've READ the talmud you'd know what I wrote is not in it. don't tell me you haven't read what you saeem to have so much hate for. Or did I get your back up becaue you CANNOT provide ANY FUCKING EVIDENCE to your mad claims?

your a FAKE plain and simple. leave the real revolution to ppl who want change not a faschist dictatorship that you want.
Where's the quotes from the Talmud you seem to know a LOT about? Tell you what ,just tell the truth and tell us all. you know NOTHING about what you write about. all you do is copy and paste what OTHER people give to you or tell you put up. your a FAKE, and you STILL haven't backed up what I orignally repled with any EVIDENCE to back up what you originally wrote.

instead you keep bringing up The passion of The Christ (must be one of your fave moves), and keep stating i'm quoting from the Talmud (which obviously you must be an expert on), again you cannot back up what you write with FACTS. Prove to me i'm quoting from the Talmud. but you cannot can you, because you DON'T KNOW THE TALMUD. you probably don't even know The Koran either. you probably arn't even a Muslim your just a faker with a complex issue in trying to accepted in society so you pretend your of some worth by tring to be 'cool' and tough on the internet. what a joke you are.

If you cannot back up what you write with FACTS, then stop posting. your just being shown to be a yet another faker who cannot take the truth if it hit you in the face. don't forget to get your mommy to tuck you into bed tonight....
La, la, la, la ......

•"The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts." (Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b)

•"The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the the dog more than the non-Jew." (Talmud: Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30)

•"Even though God created the non-Jew they are still animals in human form. It is not becoming for a Jew to be served by an animal. Therfore he will be served by animals in human form." (Talmud: Midrasch Talpioth, p. 255, Warsaw 1855)

•"A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant animal." (Talmud: Coschen hamischpat 405)

•"The souls of non-Jews come from impure sprits and are called pigs." (Talmud: Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b)

•"Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human." (Talmud: Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b)

•"If you eat with a Gentile, it is the same as eating with a dog." (Talmud: Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)

•"If a Jew has a non-Jewish servant or maid who dies, one should not express sympathy to the Jew.
You should tell the Jew: "God will replace 'your loss', just as if one of his oxen or asses had died". (Talmud: Jore dea 377, 1)

•"Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like intercourse between animals." (Talmud: Sanhedrin 74b)

•"It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile." (Talmud: Sepher ikkarim III c 25)

•"It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah." (Talmud: Coschen hamischpat 425 Hagah 425. 5)

•"A heretic Gentile you may kill outright with your own hands." (Talmud: Talmud, Abodah Zara, 4b)

•"Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God." (Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772)
you still cannot reply to my original thread THUS you are not worth talking to. as for your copy and paste Talmud quotes, they're STILL not the words I SPOKE, which you claimed THEY WERE.....

your not worth talking to, now piss off back to your cave. You have a very hateful agenda and like most people like you - you hide behind a viel in a democratic country spouting of your vile hatred for people. your not democratic and a beleiver on equality for all, you beleive in a warped view of a world that you have. Hitler had the same complex as yourself. I'm sure you look up to him and Stalin every day as you face Mecca in your prayers....

There's no debating with you as you do not know the MEANING of debating.

As I said - Israeli hasbara pigs always have their 'original question' to cover their desperation.

Hitler failed but Hizbullah think it may be able to save the world :satellite:

It's HEZBULLAH, and they're a faschist organisation just like the Nazi's were. And who's to say Hitler failed? Have you seen the state of the world since the end of WW2? To many ppl hitler WON thew war over time,by all the things which have been adapted, stolen, intergrated, from the Nazi's after 1945, and that includes, arab and jewish terrorist organisations, militia groups, and governments.

But then a lot of people here already knew you supported state sponsored terrorism...
We??? who's this We? I believe and many other beleive you live in Canada and are a canadian. Or is this yet another viel your putting over people? Also I'm STILL waiting on you answering what I wrote in my 1st reply to you. you cannot back up the lies and bullshit you wrote (or should I say copied and pasted) in your original post, so your STILL going back to tactics all liars and bullies go to... you must be a politican as they're the experts in doing that, or you are in a terrorist orginisation as they also follow the same technique.

If you cannot back up what you originally put up in your original post in the thread, then don't answer at all. your just turning yourself into a laughing stock. well you already are a laughing stock, as you can NEVER back up ANY of your original posts as you HAVE no answers...

now stop pretending your a prophet or some sorta iman, and start debating or at least back your claims with proper evidence....