Distractions? Whats your thoughts..?


New member
Almost everything is a distraction from your own true self.. THE INTERNET is a total distraction lol.. The TV. Smart phones.. Technology really is a huge distraction.. Anything that keeps your mind from your TRUE SELF, and advertises fakeism is a distraction.. Anything that distracts you from what really is going on is a distraction... And the distractions are like really out there now.. I mean the mind control brainwashing and hypnotizing is at its best now.. Music videos give me a headache.. Putting the radio on makes me feel deppressed.. I hardly listen to the radio and music now adays.. Movies are laced with messages. Shows tend to make me feel dumb.. Lol Maybe I should stay away from all these things..

What are your thought on distractions? :)
Avoiding those things you mentioned is truly a step in the right direction. Do not go to extreme though, we cannot be ignorant about the world we live in.

To view one thing as a "distraction" there must be some "thing" you feel your attention should be focused on or that you should be doing. At that point, make the conscious decision and put the effort necessary to do that thing. Constantly reassess the situation you are in, you will see that it is all about being mindful and "in" the experience you are having at any moment.

with love
Avoiding those things you mentioned is truly a step in the right direction. Do not go to extreme though, we cannot be ignorant about the world we live in.

To view one thing as a "distraction" there must be some "thing" you feel your attention should be focused on or that you should be doing. At that point, make the conscious decision and put the effort necessary to do that thing. Constantly reassess the situation you are in, you will see that it is all about being mindful and "in" the experience you are having at any moment.

with love

:) yes you are right :)
More power to you if you can truly avoid those things. However, you shouldn't let a show make you feel dumb, you should remember your superior to alot of these stupid shows, watch them with a grain a salt, like I do, movies are churned out to be propaganda machines, Hollywood definately loves the Big Government. Shame they're even doing this with kids movies, getting them brainwashed early I suppose.

But the biggest distractors are the Mainstream Media, this is why the need for Internet. MSM delibertly avoid telling you real news, only if they can spin it a certain do they give you a smidgen of the real news, you have to be able to read between the lines, there that's for sure.
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But the biggest distractors are the Mainstream Media, this is why the need for Internet. MSM delibertly avoid telling you real news, only if they can spin it a certain do they give you a smidgen of the real news, you have to be able to read between the lines, there that's for sure.

Oh dear lord, yes, the mainstream media is the big one. Especially for the older people. The younger ones have their reality shows (who gives a rats ass about that crap I hate it), and their Hollywood brainwash. The mainstream media outlets are so flippin controlled and nothing goes out unless it's scripted well beforehand and approved by the powers that be. God forbid any REAL news makes it to the public.

People honestly believe, because they see it or read it or hear it in the news, that it's true. Distractions gallore!

And it's always negative, there's nothing every good on the news. THAT is a distraction. If we actually saw the good going on in this world instead of the bad all the time, then maybe the world would be a better place. But the elite don't want that. Keep us controlled, and they do it through a zombie nation.
Yes, I agree with you there. Not all the reality are bad, though, We don't watch the things like the bachelor or bacherlorette, or survivor, or Amazing race, or Big brother, and now that stupid looking new one The glass house, what are they preconditioning people for anyway with shows especially like Big Brother or this Glass house? What message are they sublimly implanting into people? It's o.k. for other people to watch you? I think not, I like my privacy.

The news is just mostly a bunch of repetition and down right impeding the judicial system when they have cases like Sandusky, and Zimmerman. Those two they've been running into the ground for half the year.
Yes, I agree with you there. Not all the reality are bad, though, We don't watch the things like the bachelor or bacherlorette, or survivor, or Amazing race, or Big brother, and now that stupid looking new one The glass house, what are they preconditioning people for anyway with shows especially like Big Brother or this Glass house? What message are they sublimly implanting into people? It's o.k. for other people to watch you? I think not, I like my privacy.The news is just mostly a bunch of repetition and down right impeding the judicial system when they have cases like Sandusky, and Zimmerman. Those two they've been running into the ground for half the year.

as far as privacy i feel that there is none.. especially with all the cameras everywhere watching your and my every move.. and they make you feel comfy by saying that its for your security.. its actually against the law to use photos of people from cameras in any law case you would have to submit your consent for them to use your image in any way.. but they dont care about that..
I try not to think about the cameras, I know where they're at, and I've heard they may have a camera that can see through the walls of your house. No, I know we've lost alot of freedom from the Patriot Act and now the NDAA act I think about it from time to time, but so much is happening with our personal liberties, the medias coninuous onslaught to our food, and with MASS. I believe it is thinking of banning sodas, from restaurants now.
There's no such thing as personal responsibility anymore. Why should many people suffer for thoughtlessness of the person drinking, or now(the horror of it all) drinking sodas. Where will all of this invasion of our private lives end and how is it not "ticking" off alot people now. Now that remains a mystery, we can't all be sheeple, or such sites like this would have a very hard time maintaining operations.
Pretty much everything out there is a distraction. TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, fiction books, websites, Facebook, cell phones, video games, sports and anything else that has nothing to do with what's really going on in the world. As long as they keep us looking at the stuff I listed above you won't get enough knowledge about true the world, and then when a situation arises you won't have enough information to do anything about it or understand why it's happening. However with many people waking up, a lot of these distractions are becoming obvious and the more obvious they become the harder it is going to be for 'the powers that be' to keep us from bringing about the world we all want.

Just knowing that these things are distractions, pretty much makes you immune from their effects.
I try not to think about the cameras, I know where they're at, and I've heard they may have a camera that can see through the walls of your house. No, I know we've lost alot of freedom from the Patriot Act and now the NDAA act I think about it from time to time, but so much is happening with our personal liberties, the medias coninuous onslaught to our food, and with MASS. I believe it is thinking of banning sodas, from restaurants now. There's no such thing as personal responsibility anymore. Why should many people suffer for thoughtlessness of the person drinking, or now(the horror of it all) drinking sodas. Where will all of this invasion of our private lives end and how is it not "ticking" off alot people now. Now that remains a mystery, we can't all be sheeple, or such sites like this would have a very hard time maintaining operations.

because of the loss of jobs, and the fact that lots of people are deppressed because of that and not to mention the fact that the media advertises mood medication and marijuanna alot and drugs in their own way makes people blind to the fact of whats really happening and what could happen.. there are people who are so stuck on american idols, celebrity gossip, politics, music, drugs, their own financial problems, their own problems period.. alot of people are watching the news and believing everything the news portrays when alot of whats on the news and on tv is actually false.. i mean look at this i have to come online here to speak about these things alot of people around me that i am physically connected with arent on this same level at all and sometimes it is hard for me to explain this without the person just cutting me off... alot of people arent aware of thes things at all..and i mean if they have cameras that can see through houses why are they so interested in our private lives anyway?? what do they want to know??? why are they so interested in keeping an eye on us?? what are we doing of what dont they want us to do??

Pretty much everything out there is a distraction. TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, fiction books, websites, Facebook, cell phones, video games, sports and anything else that has nothing to do with what's really going on in the world. As long as they keep us looking at the stuff I listed above you won't get enough knowledge about true the world, and then when a situation arises you won't have enough information to do anything about it or understand why it's happening. However with many people waking up, a lot of these distractions are becoming obvious and the more obvious they become the harder it is going to be for 'the powers that be' to keep us from bringing about the world we all want.Just knowing that these things are distractions, pretty much makes you immune from their effects.

just because a person knows and are aware of alot that can be going on doesnt mean that person or people are immune to hypnotic brainwashing... if that person decides to sit and watch hours of say spongebob then they will more than lkely become dummbed down in some way.. and i am glad that alot of people are waking up.. i really am.. i am not the only one.. lol but hopefully when people wake up the powers that be dont do something drastic to bring people down again..
You're right they love to bombard us with distractions. MSM is a big culprit in that I believe also. How repetitious they are in two main stories they keep bombarding us with is Zimmerman and Sandusky, I ask who are they covering u[ for and what is the real news, they are avoiding reporting with the ad nausem repitition. What's congress up to, we don't know, unless we have alternative news knowledge.
That's while CNN and Fox are all now entertainment news or the Newstainment Industry. They're not really reporting real news, just something to keep you thinking about the wrong thing. To waste your energy on something that won't do anything to help the world.
I believe you, the last week all we had as news was the NBA stuff. While I think enjoying sports is a harmless enough passtime for those who do, the media coverage (from even one of the more "serious minded stations) was like a three ring circus ad nauseum, I wonder what would've gotten their attention away from basketball.
That's while CNN and Fox are all now entertainment news or the Newstainment Industry. They're not really reporting real news, just something to keep you thinking about the wrong thing. To waste your energy on something that won't do anything to help the world.

See you all know thats what the media was proballly made for.. to keep our minds away from whats important.. which is doing something to better the world but what do they want to do instead?? bombard us with sex, drugs, violence, money, and stuff that dont matter.. its really sick and wrong.. people need to wake up but alot of people are ignorant and cant really see whats going on..
I agree that alot of people are going to be rudely awakened, because they are so ignorant as to what's going on.

Down here we had the big hoopla about the Miami Heat, while the team was partying drinking champagne bottles prices at $200,000 alot of people were calling in sick to go see the parade. No, the parade was fine enough (I'm not into sports)for those to attend, but they'll probably be grumbling when they see that pay check for less hours paid. No way would I attempt to do that with this toxic economy.
One dude was really dumb, he let himself be shown on tv and while admitting he called in sick to be there. How stupid can you be?
Yes you're right, I guess we shouldn't be too hard on the poor things especially if they're a product of a Public School Education sponsored by the Dept. of Education, so they're victims, I guess.