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Haiti Earthquake: Geophysicists stunned by “strange” earthquake (January 12, 2010)

“The magnitude 7 earthquake that struck Haiti yesterday is the strongest earthquake to hit the region in more than two centuries, geologists say. While earthquakes are not uncommon in the Caribbean island country, the recent Haiti earthquake's intensity surprised experts. "It's quite strange" from a historical perspective, said Julie Dutton, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey. Haiti is part of the island of Hispaniola, which also hosts the Dominican Republic. The last major earthquake to strike Haiti's side of the island was in 1860. Yesterday's initial earthquake, which struck at about 5 p.m. local time yesterday, spawned dozens of aftershocks, about 15 of which were magnitude 5 or greater. Whether the earthquake could trigger other major quakes is not known. "It's not something that we can project is going to happen," Dutton said. "But definitely if you're moving two plates in one area, you're building up stress and strain in another."

The Haiti earthquake was caused by the release of seismic stresses that had built up around two tectonic plates. The motions of these plates create what are known as strike-slip faults, where two sections of Earth's crust are grinding past each other in opposite directions. "The Caribbean plate is moving eastward with respect to the North American plate," Detton said. When the stresses along the fault lines reach a certain point, they can be released in bursts of energy that cause earthquakes, although it's unclear when the energy will be discharged as a series of small quakes or as one big temblor. Since Haiti is very close to the boundary where the Caribbean and North American plates meet, fault lines linked to the plates' movements run right through the country, Detton said.” -National Geographic

Not your typical earthquake?: Almost all churches in Haiti were destroyed

• “Hell came up, 500,000 feared dead” –Drudge Report Headline
• “The cathedral, the archbishop's office, all the big churches, the seminaries have been reduced to rubble," Archbishop Bernardito Auza, the apostolic envoy to Haiti, told the Vatican news agency FIDES.” –Breibart News, Associated Press
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Earthquake Event: Oklahoma experiences 3 simultaneous quakes (January 15, 2009)

Earthquake Event: Oklahoma experiences 3 simultaneous quakes (January 15, 2009)

Witnesses Wake Up To Three Loud Trembles Due to Oklahoma Earthquake

Oklahoma earthquake measures 4.0 magnitude that marks third in the area this week. A second earthquake was felt five hours later near Jones City, Oklahoma. A rare event happened on Friday in Oklahoma. According to the USGS, a magnitude 3.3 earthquake struck outside of Oklahoma City at 4:05 a.m. Then, out of nowhere, a second earthquake was felt at 9:18 a.m. that measured 4.0. The earthquake was quickly followed by a third, at 9:27 a.m. that measured 3.8. According to the United States Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center, earthquakes are rare but not uncommon east of the Rocky Mountains. Many are familiar with earthquakes throughout the west coast, but the USGS states that they are experienced on the east. The USGS also reports that when earthquakes are felt east of the Rocky Mountains, they are often larger and cover a wider area. For instance, a 4.0 magnitude eastern earthquake can be felt as far as 60 miles from its original source or location. There is another difference between eastern and western earthquakes in the United States. The USGS states that earthquakes in the west can be identified by the fault responsible for the quake. This is not the case with eastern earthquakes. Few earthquakes to the east of the Rocky Mountains can be identified by the fault. There are many faults underneath the region that have yet to be identified, which hinders the process. –News Soxy

See New Madrid Fault Zone

Scientists say the earth is moving beneath our feet even when we cannot feel it. "43 earthquakes were recorded in the state of Oklahoma in 2009," said Steve Piltz, National Weather Service. Piltz says it's not the Oklahoma faults but the big one in the Missouri Valley, called New Madrid that could really shake-up Green Country. Back in the 1800s, an eight magnitude earthquake that's ten times stronger than the one that devastated Haiti hit the New Madrid fault and it was likely felt in Oklahoma. Piltz says history is bound to repeat itself, "If the New Madrid fault really lets loose with the big earthquake like its projected, we'll feel that in Tulsa. We'll feel that stronger than we felt the earthquake today." -News on 6

• 2.8 Earthquake Oklahoma January 11
• 3.3 Earthquake Oklahoma January 14
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The January 16th Earthquake Event (January 16, 2010)

The January 16th Earthquake Event (January 16, 2010)

An unusual seismic shaking occurred around different regions of the world in successive fashion.

Back to Back Quakes

4.9 2010/01/16 22:04:56 24.124 124.944 58.8 SOUTHWESTERN RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
4.9 2010/01/16 21:35:00 -6.983 156.044 35.0 SOLOMON ISLANDS
5.0 2010/01/16 20:23:36 32.596 48.513 10.0 WESTERN IRAN
5.3 2010/01/16 20:08:20 51.650 177.580 82.0 RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
4.9 2010/01/16 19:53:20 13.555 120.868 112.8 MINDORO, PHILIPPINES

check updates here
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Earthquake Watch

On Feb. 27 2010 a 8.8 earthquake hit Chile causing tsunamis and extended damage through out the region

Many are sleeping in their cars for fear of the aftershocks - no building is stable

click on this link for pictures
Earthquake in Chile - The Big Picture -

here is a video clip of a reporter talking about how the sky in Chile changed colors before the earthquake hit

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Re: Earthquake Watch

Cloud? HAARP? What was in the Sky in Chile 2/26/2010 THE DAY BEFORE THE 8.8 EARTHQUAKE?

Stunning Unusual phenomena in the Sky the night before the earthquake in Haiti - filmed by American Missionaries - HAARP ???

Are We In A HAARP Earthquake Generated War??

This is a very good article showing the unusual phenomena filmed and photographed in the sky before major earthquakes
The article discussed what HAARP is and analyzes various data such as political tensions with the targeted earthquake countries

A definite MUST READ!!

Dead Man Musings: Are We in a HAARP Earthquake War?

Check this out ---This video shows the UFO activity over Chili Dec 16 2009 -- could it be related??? Haiti, China, Japan..all had unusual cloud and sky anomalies and increased UFO activity before the event

what do you think??

the chili earthquake was much stronger than the Haitian earthquake -

keeping the families children animals in prayers
I know what you mean though..somethings strange but not sure what to make of it

I found these videos about strange orange lights in the sky not just in one country but all over the world.

from last year may 2009 to new years day of 2010

very strange ... some are calling them chinese lanterns...but ... im not so sure...especially with the strange weather, cloud formations and geological events around the globe

Powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake shakes Taiwan

Taiwan earthquakeA magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Taiwan Thursday morning, causing blackouts and disruption to public transport systems.

The Taiwan earthquake is the latest of a series of high impact earthquakes to strike around the globe in the past few months. Haiti, Chile, Japan, and now Taiwan.

According to reports from the U.S. Geological Survey the quake struck approximately 70 kilometers (40 miles) from the island’s second largest city Kaohsiung at a depth of 35 kilometers (22 miles). Kaohsiung is about 400 kilometres south of the capital Taipei.

As of yet no tsunami warning was issued. Neither were any deaths reported. However, at least 12 people suffered injuries according to Taiwanese authorities.

Chili earthquake Update

Over 700 dead, 2M homeless and marital law demanded

Posted on Anja Nivtova on March 1, 2010
source: Chile earthquake: over 700 dead, 2M homeless, martial law demanded | Global Crisis News

The devastating magnitude 8.8 earthquake that struck Chile early Saturday morning has killed more than 700 people and leaft 2 million homeless, wounded or otherwise affected. As some of the worst affected areas woke up to badly damaged cities Sunday, looting broke out, leading several mayors to ask the central government of to issue the extreme declaration of martial law.

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, following an emergency meeting with her cabinet Sunday, announced she would send army troops into the Concepcion area in order to restore order and assist in rescue tasks.

The country has fallen into chaos as hundreds of people raided petrol stations to steal fuel as well as supermarkets for food. Public transport services had been suspended, and the supply of power and gas had also been cut off.

Police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse a crowd of looters carrying off food and electrical appliances from a supermarket in Concepcion. Local press reported that over 1,000 soldiers were deployed across the southern city of Concepcion.

click source link (at beginning of this article) for photos
Worldwide Earthquake Activity: Above 5 on Richter Scale

Date/Time Magnitude, Location Latitude Longitude March 07, 2010 18:36:00 GMT M 5.1, Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins, Chile -34.6346 -71.7771
March 07, 2010 16:15:33 GMT M 5.0, Mariana Islands region 15.8330 147.5724
March 07, 2010 15:59:44 GMT M 5.8, Bio-Bio, Chile -37.9667 -73.3000
March 07, 2010 07:51:11 GMT M 5.1, State of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia 11.2678 140.6726
March 07, 2010 07:05:24 GMT M 6.3, southern East Pacific Rise -16.1075 -115.2560
March 07, 2010 04:46:34 GMT M 5.0, offshore Valparaiso, Chile -33.0446 -71.7427
March 06, 2010 17:53:47 GMT M 5.0, Rota region, Northern Mariana Islands 14.6886 144.2619
March 06, 2010 17:23:12 GMT M 5.0, Rota region, Northern Mariana Islands 14.6395 144.2203
March 06, 2010 13:31:13 GMT M 5.5, Kuril Islands 44.2040 147.6253
March 06, 2010 12:10:57 GMT M 5.4, Vanuatu -13.1250 166.5796

Source: US Geological Survey

source: Early Warning Web Service, Earthquake Watch