GFL, A FEW QUESTIONS FOR YOU?~~Greg Giles 02 .03 12


We see so many of you doing your best to spread this truth, and we thank you so very much for your hard work and determination. We do see others of your world not only buying into the lies about us, but also making efforts to spread these falsehoods to others. This is your right and your free will choice. We only ask you to learn more about the s of this information you are spreading about us. We ask you to examine why it is you resonate with these fear peddlers, and try to use better your powers of intuition and feel the energy these individuals are giving off. Do they radiate with love? Do you feel that their words can be trusted? Do their messages radiate with truth or deception? Please ask yourself these questions before you take part in the sharing and dissemination of these lies that can be, at certain levels, very detrimental to our mission here and to the people of your world.

We are not suggesting you follow our instructions or wishes. We wish to make it clear that we honor and respect your right to exercise your free will choice. We are only asking that those of you who choose to take part in this disinformation agenda choose carefully who you wish to trust as a of your information. We feel that with a certain level of research and background checking, you may be surprised who and what is behind some of these individuals whose words you are accepting as truth and are passing on to others. That is all we ask of you. Is this fair enough dear ones.

Much of our mission rides on the acceptance of us by certain number of your citizens. We feel we will reach this quota in due time and all of your world will benefit greatly upon this success. We ask you though, how much longer should the people of your world suffer because so many not only continue to buy into the fear-based lies about us, but who also willingly participate in the spreading of this disinformation? How much longer? This is what we ask.

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