Hello All and Merry Meet!


New member
Ok first of all let me say I am not exactly Wiccan but I really love that greeting. I am eclectic and actually consider myself to be a spiritualist. I have been blessed with the ability to speak to people who have passed from breathing to the spirit world. I often make predictions that come true or is true. This isn't exactly how I meant to introduce myself but now you know my secrets. :lmao: Simply put my name is actually Zanne and I love everything paranormal, supernatural and historical. I definitely believe there is more out there than we know.
Well, that is enough and let me say I am looking forward to chatting with all of you.
Hi, Seeker! I'm new here too. How wonderful that you are so spiritually connected! I'm really excited I found this site because I've always had a fascination with the unusual. I'll be looking forward to seeing you (and everyone else here) around the forums :)

Welcome to UHF Seeker and FreakyFran hope u enjoy the site and your stay here with us..........

Hello Seeker, it nice to have you on board!
I have been blessed with the ability to speak to people who have passed from breathing to the spirit world.
Do you consider yourself a medium or a channeler?