Richy Rich

New member
Since so much has been written and discussed on this allegedly “Far-Out”topic, I feel it is worth examining the concept of a Hollow Earth a little further, if for no other reason than to satisfy the curiosity of any readers who may find this idea of interest. That it is an interesting concept, cannot be denied, even though it may well be scoffed and sneered at by my more learned scientific thinkers and scholars. However, since these same people also deride the concept of God and Jesus Christ, I am not terribly concerned about making their lips curl a tad more. Obviously those extremely profound words of Shakespeare, uttered by his Danish Prince, Hamlet: “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy” carry no particular meaning for the “omniscient sages” such scholars imagine themselves to be!
no the earth consists of a crust, mantle, outter core and inner core!! it cant be hollow it just wont support everything!how do we get dirt and sand and when you keep digging you keep getting more. eventually you would find magma! thats how volcanoes form! its all common sense!nice question tho xx
it would make sense with a spinning ball that is partly soft or liquid to start with,and then dries out whilst it spins
no cus y do they teach us everythng lke about cores && mantles && crusts if there aint ne thng down there??!!
Appearances are deceiving..Matter is made up mostly of empty space. The only thing that stops you from walking through walls and your bathroom floor is electromagnetism.I'll also add that the building blocks of matter are influenced simply by thinking about them. But that's theoretical physics..
I am confused.the only reference to the earth being hollow I have ever heard was in "Journey to the Center of Earth" a work of fiction.Your question implies it is common knowledge that the earth is hollow.
If it was hollow it would not transmit seismic waves as far as it does. Doesn't matter what your philosophy. Guess science proves its worth once again.
Well, I am not going to scoff at you or any one for any idea but as of now, with all the instruments of science, there is no evidence to show that earth is hollow and on the other hand, all the evidence suggests that earth is solid with a molten core. There could be some fairly large pockets which are hollow inside, but not the whole earth as a sort of hollow sphere.
It might be hollow as you say but our seismologist say it is composed of molten rocks swirling in it.So i believe that our Earth is not hollow.
Yo Richy, if anyone told you unequivically that the earth IS hollow, then their heads must be hollow too! Is it possible that the earth is hollow? Well, anything is possible until proven otherwise, but as far as I know, there is much more science to support the theory that it is not hollow.
You remember the old Hippy term "Far Out". Very good! You is there brudder! My oh my. Admiral Byrd strikes again. The Earth can't be hollow because of gravitational condensation. Apply a bit of physics and it could go a long way. Can you say physics? Very good! Now let's put Mr. Hamster in the microwave. Can you say microwave? By the way, you really ramble. Can you say ramble? Very good! Triple Sheesh!!!
There is no evidence whatsoever to support the idea of a hollow earth. The simple concept of gravity should give you an idea about that. Now if you mean that the earth is hollow, because most of an atom is made up of empty space, then that would be different. But that's not the way you phrased it. Who in the world fed that stuff to you?