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The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has set up a panel of three internationally renowned femal lawyers and human-rights experts to probe illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, a move further irked the Zionist entity which said it will bar its access to the sites of inquiry.

In March 2012, the Zionist entity severed contacts with the UNHRC when the 47-member body announced it would investigate the Jewish settlements, which are considered illegal under international law. As result, Netanyahu declared UNHRC anti-Israel.

Israel’s foreign ministry issued a statement saying the panel “will find no cooperation in Israel and its members will not be allowed to enter Israel and the Palestinian territories“.

Abraham Foxman, Jewish supremacist head of Israel lobby group, Anti-Defamation League, has slammed the UNHRC for appointing Justice Christine Chanet of France (Chairperson) and Asma Jahangir from Pakistan (member). According to Abe Foxman these two have been biased toward Israel in the past. The third member of the panel, Unity Dow, is from Botswana.

The Jewish group, UN Watch, has also denounced UNHRC for its “unbalanced probe” of Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

According to the special UN rapporteur for human rights in the occupied territories, Richard Falk (with Jewish family roots), at least 3,500 building were under construction in the West Bank in 2011, not including Jewish settlements in the annexed Arab East Jerusalem.

Richard Falk said on Monday that such buildings on Palestinian land “more or less closes the book on the reality and feasibility” of a two-state solution to the conflict.

“The Palestinian position gets weaker and weaker through time and the Israelis get more and more of a fait accompli through their unlawful activities. Is it just a delaying tactic that allows the Israelis to expand the settlements, expand the settled population, demolish more and more Palestinian homes and structures and engage in a program that has assumed such proportions that the language of ethnic cleansing is the only way to describe the demographic changes in East Jerusalem?,”said Richard Falk.

The all-female panel is assigned the task of fact-finding mission to “investigate the implications of the illegal Jewish settlements on the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the native Palestinian Muslims and Christians in the occupied territory and East Jerusalem,” says UNHRC president Laura Dupuy Lasserre.

According to Israeli propagandists the three females are “unfit” to judge Israel’s treatment of native population in the occupied territories – because Justice Christine Chanet, based on her personal experience in the past, said that “it’s very difficult to have real dialogue” with the Zionist entity. Asma Jahangir , a former President of Pakistan Supreme Court Bar Association – is sister of Hina Jilani who was on the UN’s Goldstone Commission in 2009. The commission was chaired by Justice Richard Goldstone, a Zionist Jew from South Africa. Justice Unity Dow, is the first female Justice of Botswana High Court. She is also an author and human rights activist.

It’s funny how the Zionist regime and its drum-beating idiots shamelessly accuse Sudan, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Libya and other Muslim countries for gross human rights abuses – but are affraid to let the world body to investigate Israel’s human rights abuses. American writer and blogger, John Kaminsky summed up Israel’s problem in the following statement:

When you read the history of Israel from objective sources, you discover that it’s an outlaw state, created by the powers that be by stealing the land from its original inhabitants, and systematically exterminating them ever since“.

Israel says NO to UNHRC settlements probe | Rehmat's World
Just need to read the news to see how criminal/evil they are. I do wish something would rectify that situation. There are so many things that could happen to allow people to live safely and harmoniously there. I wish I could wrap my head around why the zionists have so much power. It just doesn't make sense!