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On April 30, 2013, the American University of Beirut (AUB) hosted the anti-Zionist American Jewish professor Richard Falk, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights for the Palestinian Territories. He was a guest speaker in the “Bill and Sally Hambrecht Distinguished Peacemakers Lectures” – named after American millionaire Bill Hambrecht (estimated worth $500 million).

A few day earlier, Falk had delivered the annual Constantine Zurayk Lecture, also at the AUB. He entitled that speech, “Rethinking the Future of Palestine: Beyond the Two State Consensus,” and argued against two-state solution for ending the Palestinian Arab-Israeli conflict because at this moment in time it is “obsolete.” Iranian Press TV reported Richard Falk claimed that Israel doesn’t want to live with its Arab neighbors in peace as result of American blind support for the Zionist entity. He also praised Palestinian armed resistance against Israel – as the only viable mean to resist Israeli expansionism.

Professor Constantine K. Zurayk (1909-2000) was vice-president of the American University of Beirut and president of the International Association of Universities. Zurayk was also one of the pioneering theorists of the descredited Arab Nationalism.

On April 29, Geneva-based Jewish-Israeli advocacy group UN Watch, sent a letter to Hambrecht urging him not to honor the “disgraced UNHRC expert on Palestine”. The letter cited that Richard Falk was recently condemned by the UN chief Ban Ki-moon, the US, UK and Canadian governments for suggesting that Israel was behind Boston Bombing. The letter was also sent to professor Peter Dorman, president of AUB and Israel-Firster Maura Connelly, US ambassador in Lebanon. She is rumored to be replaced by David Hale, a Crypto-Jew.

Last year, Falk in a report singled out Caterpillar, Hewlett Packard and Motorola of the United States, Veolia Environment of France, G4S of Britain, Dexia of Belgium, Volvo Group and Assa Abloy of Sweden, Ahava, Elbit Systems and Mehadrin of Israel, Riwal Holding Group of the Netherlands, and Cemex of Mexico for beneffiting from illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Franklin Lamb PhD, has penned an article, titled Professor Falk graces Lebanon and gets an ear full, published at Al-Manar TV website as follows:

It was the Professors first visit to Lebanon since the fateful summer of 1982. Back then, en route by sea to Beirut, which was under Israeli siege and blockade, Richard was Vice-Chair part of the Sean McBride Commission of Inquiry into Israeli crimes against Lebanon. Mid-way between Cyprus and Lebanon, the Zionist navy, in a blatant act of piracy on the high seas, intercepted, boarded and commandeered their vessel. Eventually, under reported American pressure via US Envoy Morris Draper’s telephoned profanity to Tel Aviv, the pirates allowed Falk’s delegation to disembark at the port of Jounieh, just north of Beirut. Draper, who like so many US diplomats, claims he finally “saw the light” after retiring, told this observer that “I never swore so much in my life as I did at those sob’s during that summer of 1982 and after I learned the details of Israel’s choreography of the Sabra-Shatila massacre!” And Ambassador Draper added, “The world will never know the extent of Israeli crimes until Washington threatens to cut off all aid until they open their archives on this period.”

Falk came to listen and to learn. He did both. He focused intensely on each speaker, scribing hurried notes regarding the current conditions of Palestinian refugee education and health status in Lebanon’s 12 camps and two dozen “gatherings,” reports that were presented by several NGO’s working here.

If Professor Falk was weary as he left Lebanon from all the data he was presented, it would be understandable. But given his history as a supporter of resistance to occupation and oppression, his assurances that he will continue his work armed with the above sampling of data gives rise to new hope for Palestinian and Syrian refugees from Syria and to those who support their right to return to Palestine.

Zionists condemns Beirut University for honoring UN Envoy | Rehmat's World