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Yesterday, I heard the news of Friday attack in Norway, targeting government offices and Labour Party Youth camp which left seven dead and dozen injured. However, what made me curious was the claim (within one hour of incident, like 9/11) that it was as act of revenge by some ‘jihadist’ for 500 Norwegian soldiers fighting in Afghanistan as part of NATO force. So I decided to search who is really mad on Nordic people than ‘jihadi’ Muslim.

Norwegian police said last night that the individual believed responsible for the attack on prime minister Jens Stoltenberg in Utøya, a 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik, a Norwegian man, was also spotted in Olso before the bombing there. British daily Guardian (July 23, 2011) reported that the attack had political motive and was not the work of so-called Islamic terrorism.

Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg was quoted as saying: “No one will bomb us to silence. No one wil shoot us to silence. No one will ever scare us away from being Norway.”

In 2002, Eva Kristen Hansen, leader of Norwegian Labour Party Youth Movement (AUF), called upon the Attorney General of Norway to investigate if Israeli PM Gen. Ariel Sharon can be indicted for crimes against humanity.

In 2010, Egil Drillo Olsen, coach of Norwegian football team wrote in daily Aftenposten that “the call to boycott Israel was in line with what 90% of the world’s population believes. There cannot be many other opinions”.

Alan Dershowitz (Harvard Law School), in The Wall Street Journal, wrote on March 29, 2011, that it’s the State of Israel the Norwegian hate the most. Why? Because, the Dean of the Law Faculty at Bergen University told Dershowitz that he would be honoured to have him present a lecture on the O.J. Simpson case – as long as he was willing to promise not to mention Israel. An administrator at the Trondheim school told Dershowitz that Israel was too ‘controversial’ to talk at Campus.

In March 2011 – Socialist Left Party, a junior partner in Norwegian government, called for military action against the Zionist entity if it decide to invade Gaza in the future.

In April 2011 – Norwegian Defense League (NDL) held its first anti-Israel demonstration. Interestingly, its British counterpart, the British Defense League EDL), has close ties with Israel.

On Monday, Norwegian FM Jonas Gahr Stoere, after meeting Mahmoud Abbas, told reporters that it’s “perfectly legitimate” for Palestinian to take their case for statehood to United Nations in September. Last month, Jonas said in Norwegian parliament that Syria has every right to recapture Golan Heights under Jewish occupation.

Israeli ‘Venegeance’ strikes Oslo | Rehmat's World
There's no evidence to even suggest the person involved has any connections with a right wing jewish group or mossad. More than likely he may be a black metal fan with a hatred for christians. Norway is the spiritual home of Black Metal, and the majority of these bands have a far right neo-nazi agenda,with a hatred for, not only jews but of blacks, muslims, indians, asians, etc. They gained notoriety in the early 1990's for burning down several churches and a high profile murder of a promenent Black metaller (reason's suggest he was appalled at the extreme right wing agenda of the norweign Black Metal scene-hence he was brutally stabbed to death).

Norway is a penchant for right wing extremism, although they may be 'underground', the population are very forward in their anti semetic, anti black, asian views, especially in parliament. so before anyone jumps to the wrong conclusion, look at the bigger picture before blaming Israeli influnence in this horrendous act of depravity.
Of course there numerous idiots who still insists that Mossad was not involved in 9/11. So don't feel sad, just enjoy your 'self-denial'.

In case someone else want to taste Mossad's innocence - here is the mirror.

Zionist Crimes
More on this subject. Views of an Israel-born Jewish blogger. Gilad Atzmon

I learned last night from an Israeli online journal, that two days before the Utoya Island massacre, AUF’s (Labour Party's youth movement) leader Eskil Pedersen gave an interview to the Dagbladet, Norway's second largest tabloid newspaper, in which he unveiled what he thinks of Israel.

In the course of the interview, Pedersen stated that he “believes the time has come for more drastic measures against Israel, and (that he) wants the Foreign Minister to impose an economic boycott against the country.”

Pederson went on to say, “The peace process goes nowhere, and though the whole world expect Israel to comply, they do not. We in Labour Youth will have a unilateral economic embargo of Israel from the Norwegian side.”

The AUF Labour Party Youth Movement have been devoted promoters of the Israel Boycott campaign, The Dagbladet newspaper reporting that “The AUF has long been a supporter of an international boycott of Israel, but the decision at the last congress, demands that Norway imposes a unilateral economic embargo on the country and it must be stricter than before.”

“I acknowledge that this is a drastic measure”, stated Pedersen, “but I think it gives a clear indication that we are tired of Israel's behaviour, quite simply”.

Yesterday we also learned that mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik was openly enthusiastic about Israel. According to a variety of internet outlets, Behring Breivik was a regular poster on several Norwegian internet sites, notably the blog, which is run by Hans Rustad, a former left-wing journalist. Hans Rustad is Jewish, extremely pro-Zionist, and warns against ‘Islam-isation’, violence, and other social problems he assumes to be connected with Muslim immigration.

Alongside the UK’s infamously Islamophobic Harry’s Place and other Jewish pro-war Zionist blogs, the observant amongst us are becoming more and more aware of an increasingly pervasive trend of Jerusalemite internet journals that -- ostensibly – like to give the impression of ‘rallying for the preservation of Western culture,’ and of ‘standing up for democratic values’. For the most obvious of reasons, these blog pages are almost exclusively focused on ‘the problem of Islam,’ and on Muslim migrants’ ‘troubled and reactionary’ communities and politics, whilst all the while, simultaneously, relentlessly and forcefully propounding a propagandistic Zionist agenda. Interestingly enough, other immigrants are routinely depicted on these blog pages as being 'harmless', or as 'positive contributors to society' -- you won’t find Hans Rustad or Harry Place criticising the Jewish Lobbies, the Lord Levy’s or the Russian Oligarchs’ disastrous impact on ‘Western culture’ or on ‘democratic values’ any time soon.

Gordon Duff wrote yesterday in “Veterans Today” that the “car bombing carries the signature of an intelligence agency. Nobody else bothers with such things.”

And indeed it is after all, pretty clear that a car bomb of such magnitude, and an operation of such sophistication is not exactly something a layman can put together with such apparent ease: it would surely take some specialist knowledge, and the question here is, who could provide such knowledge, and such a vast amount of lethal explosives?

I am not in a position at present to firmly point a finger at Israel, its agents, or its sayanim -- but assembling the information together, and considering all possibilities may suggest that Anders Behring Breivik might indeed, have been a Sabbath Goy.

Within its Judaic mundane-societal context, the Sabbath Goy is simply there to accomplish some minor tasks the Jews cannot undertake during the Sabbath. But within the Zion-ised reality we tragically enough live in, the Sabbath Goy kills for the Jewish state. He may even do it voluntarily.

Being an admirer of Israel, Behring Breivik does appear to have treated his fellow countrymen in the same way that the IDF treats Palestinians.

Devastatingly enough, in Israel, Behring Breivik found a few enthusiastic followers who praised his action against the Norwegian youth. In the Hebrew article that reported about the AUF camp being pro Palestinian and supportive of the Israel Boycott Campaign, I found the following comments amongst other supports for the massacre:

24. “Oslo criminals paid”

26. “It's stupidity and evil not to desire death for those who call to boycott Israel.’

41. “Hitler Youth members killed in the bombing of Germany were also innocent. Let us all cry about the terrible evil bombardment carried out by the Allied…We have a bunch of haters of Israel meeting in a country that hates Israel in a conference that endorses the boycott.. So it's not okay, not nice, really a tragedy for families, and we condemn the act itself, but to cry about it? Come on. We Jews are not Christians. In the Jewish religion there is no obligation to love or mourn for the enemy.”

The full facts of the Norwegian tragedy are, as yet, unknown, but the message should by now be transparently and urgently clear to all of us: Western intelligence agencies must immediately crackdown on Israeli and Zionist operators in our midst, and regarding the terrible events of the weekend, it must be made absolutely clear who it was that spread such hate and promoted such terror, and for what exact reasons.

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: Was the Massacre in Norway a reaction to BDS?
It's now known that the madman involved WAS A BORN AGAIN CHRISTAIN, and also a MASON. Not a Jew, or a black metal fan. he also has strong links with the BNP/EDF. so are you now saying that he is a Jew conspirator???? Far from the truth Rehmat. that's not taking away what high profile(jewish heiarchy) ppl in power are doing to promote thier seperate agenda. But what happened on Friday HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH JEWS WHATSOEVER!!!!! Just a faschist pig with a warped agenda in killing lots of kids. That's fundamentalist christainity in the 21st century for you :(
you also fail to point out Rehmat that the norweign so-called left wing labour party has strong links with extreme far right groups in Europe and strong links with the EDF and BNP in england. left wing? more like socailist nationalism to me i.e NAZI. Anders hated Jews as well as muslims and every other race that wasn't a white anglo saxon protestant. Quite simply put he was a full on TOTAL FASCHIST SCUMBAG!!!!!!
Also Rehmat I DO BELIEVE Mossad had a say in 9/11 but then I have a lot of views on ALL organisations that use terror to control a nation, including so-called freedom fighters (racist scum more like) in the Taliban, PLO/Hezzbollah/Hamas/IRA/UVF/ETA. the list goes on. They're all the same-using religious and secterian hatred to achieve their faschist agenda.
Stop hacking the forum. You could have combined your three above lies in one reply.

There are no Neo-Nazis, as there is no anti-Semitism or 'Six Million Died' crap. Zionist Jews have invented all those hoaxes to deny people the genuine criticism of the Zionist regime.

The European Jews were themselves Nazis and now they are worse than Nazis considering what they have been doing to their natives and neighboring Arabs. Mordern Judaism itself is based on hatred and racism against all Gentiles.

As I said earlier - I give a damn if you Jew raise yourself from 'the chosen people' to god or goddess - just stop making a fool of yourself.
i'm not a Jew you fuckwit. more likely why don't YOU stop hijacking this forum with your anti Jew, anti holocaust ,pro faschist agenda. What are you a neo nazi skinhead?

see you don't make any sense, first of all you say there are no neo nazis then you write the Jews were nazis, then you write the Jews are now WORSE than Nazis. Read what you wrote. It's gibberish and it's the biggest con and lie the Neo-Nazi birgade always spout off with.

I don't beleive 6 million jews died in the holocaust, the number's closer to 2 and a half million. But doesn't every race exaggerate numbers to gain sympathy, including neo nazi eejits like yourself?

i do not cliam to be a chosen people nor a god, as i am not a Jew. i'm just a human being who's sick of faschists like yourself spouting of crap on a daily basis. i beleive ALL religions have a right to co-exist (even tho all religions are full of shit, and books like the bible,torah and koran are nothing more than toilet paper). I beleive the israeli GOVERNMENT (not the people), are just as bad as the nazi's,and nobody's doing anything about it, including yourself. i beleive in a complete worldwide revolution and put all political leaders and religous leaders who spout hatred and promote murder and the abuse of women and children,or abusing people who beleive in something different in jail or complete isolation never to be heard of or seen again.

It's yourself who's the fool. Think about it....