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Britain’s Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks, during his recent visit to Israel, declared the notorious multi-billionaire media tycoon, Rupert Murdoch, Israel’s best friend.

“Israel doesn’t have a better or more significant friend in the world than Mr. Murdoch,” said Sacks at the Tel Hai academic college in Kiryat Shemona. He also claimed that number one problem facing the Jewish world is the return of antisemitism in Europe.

Lord Sacks gave a downbeat assessment of the future for European Jewry, with Norwegian Jews leaving that country, Dutch Jews departing, and with so many French Jews now in London that a French minyan had been set up at St John’s Wood Synagogue.

I’m glad Sacks did not blame Muslim countries like Turkey (130,000 Jews), Uzbekstan (35,000 Jews) or Iran (25,000 Jews) – for making Jews leave those countries as result of antisemitism.

Last year, Lord Sacks admitted on BBC that Israel’s 8-day attack over Gaza was meant for Iran.

On October 13, 2010 – Murdoch was honored by American pro-Israel Jewish Supremacist organization, Anti-Defamation League (ADL) – for his “stalwart support of Israel and his commitment to promoting respect and speaking out against anti-Semitism”.

Rupert Murdoch in his speech told the racist Zionist audience: “My own perspective is simple; we live in a world where there is an ongoing war against the Jews. When American think of anti-Semitism, we tend to think of the vulgar caricature (such as the recent cartoon posted by Dr. Richard Falk on his blog) and attacks of the first part of the 20th century. Now it seems that the most virulent strains come from the Left.”

Last year Murdoch put his foot down on Fox News’ chief Roger Ailes to fire ‘Islamophobic’ talk-show host Glenn Beck for calling Jewish billionaire George Soro ‘a Nazi collaborator’. Interestingly, Glenn Beck addressed the Israeli Knesset in 2011, saying: “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is about destruction of Israel and the West…. Anti-Semitism is going to go through roof. when these conditions appear; it’s always the Jews fault. It is not about Holocaust, just the latest in string of events thousands of years. Holocaust is just the one they made movie about, it was same way all the times”. I do hope the bigot was not blaming Muslims for the expulsion of Jewish communities from almost every European country in the past.

Murdoch carries US-Israel dual citizen. He was honored by the American Jewish Committee in 2009. He told Israel-Firsters at AJC meeting: “In the West we are used to thinking that Israel cannot survive without the help of Europe and the United States. Tonight I say to you, may be we should start wondering whether we in Europe and the United States can survive if we allow terrorists to succeed in Israel”. Pity, after sucking $3 trillion dollars from US taxpayers and over 56 US vetoes at UNSC – Israeli ambassador in US, Michael Oren wrote in Foreign Affairs in April 2011 that the US needs Israel on its side more than ever before.

Keith Rupert Murdoch 80 is an Australia-born American Crypto-Jewish Chairman and CEO of the News Corporation. He has used his media empire to manipulate world opinion in favor of the Zionist entity than make money.

Interestingly, leaders in Bulgaria, Norway, Poland, Argentina, Venezuela and many other countries claim that antisemitism is fueled by Israel’s policies.

UK Chief Rabbi: “Murdoch is Israel’s best friend” | Rehmat calling