Linda Brown's "Rain On The Windows Papers" - A Continuation

Thats a very good question. It wasn't my vision so I don't have a clue.

You are here now. What does THAT mean? Linda
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"Mikado is getting away". I have given you the answer to this, I suppose you just don't remember.

No, I don't. Remind me. Linda
It wasn't my vision so I don't have a clue.

But it was a vision and that audible message, that was meant for YOU. I don't interpret, I only receive and relay. :)

From the sound of it, it's worth looking deeper into. There's a reason Mikado is now brought directly into this with direct relation to my visions. I don't know what's up, but there is a much bigger picture here.

Also, before bed yesterday, I was thinking about all this conversation with Mikado on here and there WAS a vision that popped in:

There was a puzzle, clearly a jigsaw puzzle, I could see the outline of the pieces connected together. Most of the puzzle was there, but the bottom section (not sure how many rows) was missing. It was a darkened sky with what looked like either a gazebo or a top of a tower or something. The structure was roundish with I'm guessing a 4"x4" size columns? Not clear, but looks like it might be blue roof/top (round section) and white columns.

I've got 2 pictures here that best describe what I saw. The problem is, you have to combine the pictures to get the best description so I'll try my best to get you the image to picture for yourselves.

The first picture shows more of the shape of the dome top in my vision, and the second shows more the overall shape of the structure. It looked taller like the first image but wider like the second.

Again, the bottom of the puzzle was missing, and it was all dark like night-time, twilight even.

Anyhow, I'll let you go on that. Like I said, I don't like to interpret. :)


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Thank you for that Lady of Light. I know exactly what you are seeing. And so does Mikado.
One more step ahead.

I have experienced this sort of thing when I used to get those wonderful messages from " Anne". She would hand me her pages of handwritten information.... and frustrated... I would look at her and ask..." But what does all this mean?" and she would just laugh and say " Hey... thats not my job.... I just bring this stuff to you. Its not for me. "

So thank you. It must be difficult sometimes.

I appreciate your calmness of spirit. Need to learn more of it.....

Why is it so difficult for Zorgon to just apologize? Why does everything have to be such a struggle?

I guess someone else might say too....." Why does childbirth have to hurt so much?"

Logan said once in response to my almost same question.... "Why are we doing this? Why is it so important.>... What is the cost going to be for us?? And his response was.... even then...." Nothing less than everything".

So... here we go. Step by step.

Hello Mikado.

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Thank you for that Lady of Light. I know exactly what you are seeing. And so does Mikado.
One more step ahead.
:) Glad it makes sense. :)

I have experienced this sort of thing when I used to get those wonderful messages from " Anne". She would hand me her pages of handwritten information.... and frustrated... I would look at her and ask..." But what does all this mean?" and she would just laugh and say " Hey... thats not my job.... I just bring this stuff to you. Its not for me. "
She's right. By interpreting what i see, i place bias on it and personal opinions and that taints it. In order for the message to get across the way it is meant to, it must be interpreted by the person or people the message is meant for. Any symbolism is meant so that YOU can determine what something means, as the visions are for you. :) I mean, I can speculate all I want, but that wouldn't help the situation at all. :)

So thank you. It must be difficult sometimes.
It can be, but you just have to take it all in stride. One thing at a time, bit by bit, and it all soon falls into place and it gets somewhat easier, at least for a time, and then it starts all over again, lol. :)

I appreciate your calmness of spirit. Need to learn more of it.....

I am by nature more calm than most. I too have my moments, but in order to handle ANY situation, it is important to keep that calmness to maintain clarity. Can't let the ego control what is said, that is when things tend to get out of hand. :)

Why is it so difficult for Zorgon to just apologize? Why does everything have to be such a struggle?

I guess someone else might say too....." Why does childbirth have to hurt so much?"

Well, the simple answer is "EGO"; to challenge someone's beliefs is like sticking a dagger in their eye so it would seem. I'm not saying that's necessarily what's happening, but I see the ego of touching on someone's beliefs that they refuse to change being a big part of the problem for everyone. It's not an easy thing to overcome, but it can be done and has to if anyone is to move on to getting to any kind of REAL truth.

No one really knows why people act the way they do, even the person going through the actions does not know why.

Logan said once in response to my almost same question.... "Why are we doing this? Why is it so important.>... What is the cost going to be for us?? And his response was.... even then...." Nothing less than everything".

That's a good answer. Sometimes we have to go through all kinds of 'garbage' and stress along with it and many challenges along the way, but in the end, it is ultimately worth every moment.

So... here we go. Step by step.


And that is how it must be. It is transpiring now, another step in this game we call 'Life'.
I asked a co-worker, once, why I kept seeing an Irish Setter with purple ears hanging around her. It made a lot more sense after she explained the significance of that combo.

I asked a co-worker, once, why I kept seeing an Irish Setter with purple ears hanging around her. It made a lot more sense after she explained the significance of that combo.


Do We have to guess the combo???

Her favorite Irish setter dog died eating grapes??
hahahahah Thats the point being made for us I think Hobbit..... until we hear what it meant to Cats patient herself.... all of our guesses are just that.... guesses.... even for Cat ... who was given the vision..... I am betting that the lady had knitted her dog ear muffs, purple ear muffs.....but the grapes would work too.... a favorite blanket?.... a cat friend for the dog, named " lavender" or something like that. Hey... cool name for a cat.

Lady of Light...

I understand having to wade through garbage. I know that it is a human challenge for most of us.... and it always takes on different faces..... but I really have wondered why I am so uniquely challenged with people who seem to have this PASSION for discounting what I might have to say.... even the most obvious of things.... my own identity is assaulted with such a fury! Where does this passion come from and WHY?

The only thing that I can figure is that Dads work presents a change... and this is being resisted. But follow along with me here. HOW DO THESE CHALLENGERS.... ZORGON, MIKADO, PIMANDER, OTHERS.... come to understand that there is a threat here to them..... Unless they are very much more aware of things than they are letting any of the public know. They present themselves as one thing....but from their actions they are clearly not. They present themselves as being separate individuals.... when clearly if you watch their actions.... they are not.

I believe that Exterminator has been the one supplying Mikado with information all along. He has often mentioned his mystery Emailer. She is a member on my Forums....

And yes.... conspiracy is an appropriate word. Linda
Oh good, I got your attention. Linda, you need to read and oay attention a bit better. I said co-worker, not patient. Anyway, B,who was our monitor tech/unit secretary, was grieving for her mom who had died recently. So there she is, watching the monitors for our patients who were on telemetry, and I keep seeing an Irish setter with purple ears next to her. After a couple if nights, I finally asked her why I would be seeing something like that. I knew she raised show dogs, but I didn't know she raised Irish Setters. I also didn't know that her favorite dog Doobie, had passed a couple of years before, nor that ears are very important for Irish Setters, nor that B's favorite color is purple. It all made sense after that.

Not long after that, I asked our other tech, D, why I kept seeing a small white house and lilac bushes, in Trinidad, associated with her. She was born in Trinidad and I was describing her grandpa's house.

I would assume that You are acting as a radio to the transmissions of those You are picking up the information from.
I do this, but try not to, as I begin to answer people before they ask Me something, and it spooks many if You start mentioning the powerfull thoughts that they are transmitting.
What I saw when I read that was that you may have been talking to the co-worker but it was regarding the patient... sorry...and you are right... I do need to pay closer attention! <g>

Wouldn't it be nice if we knew more about that particular gift but On the other hand...perhaps its just as important that we don't? Perhaps its beyond our understanding? Maybe it needs to remain out of our reach?

"Logan" once tried to tell me that the attraction that he and I felt for each other was 90% biological... and that there were reasons that strong bonds were struck between us... and most of it had to do with chemicals and stuff that I am sure that you are much more knowledgeable about than me.... in your career you understand all of that......... but at the end of it he still had to admit...... " ButThat the other 10% is pure magic"....... Sometimes I would just rather accept it as that!!!!!

What is given to you.... to me anyway... is the best of " pure magic" Linda
Going to visit the Mentalphysics place in Joshua Tree today. Let me know if any strange blocks of color come in your direction.

and thanks Hobbit for your input.... get some rest................ Linda
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Going to visit the Mentalphysics place in Joshua Tree today. Let me know if any strange blocks of color come in your direction.

and thanks Hobbit for your input.... get some rest................ Linda

If You think on whilst at Mr Dingles place, to ask them just what is the sensitive device they use to determine vortexs???
Tell them You know a little hobbit that reckons it's a two way deal with living fields , a symbiotic relationship between the individual field, and it's larger brother and sisters same.
Or thats what they( My friends the serpents) told Me.
Some strange beings in England?
I don't know if I'm acting as a radio, or if something else is happening. I get information, which often makes no sense to me, and I relay it. D got really freaked out when I told her that her son would be in a bad car accident but would be okay. The accident happened about a month later. He had to be cut out of the car with a "jaws of life" device. He had some cuts and bruises.

I understand completely when Lady of Light says she just gets the information but stays out of the interpretstion. How can you interpret something that leaves you scratching your head?

I don't know if I'm acting as a radio, or if something else is happening. I get information, which often makes no sense to me, and I relay it. D got really freaked out when I told her that her son would be in a bad car accident but would be okay. The accident happened about a month later. He had to be cut out of the car with a "jaws of life" device. He had some cuts and bruises.

I understand completely when Lady of Light says she just gets the information but stays out of the interpretstion. How can you interpret something that leaves you scratching your head?


Lady of Light...

I understand having to wade through garbage. I know that it is a human challenge for most of us.... and it always takes on different faces..... but I really have wondered why I am so uniquely challenged with people who seem to have this PASSION for discounting what I might have to say.... even the most obvious of things.... my own identity is assaulted with such a fury! Where does this passion come from and WHY?

The only thing that I can figure is that Dads work presents a change... and this is being resisted. But follow along with me here. HOW DO THESE CHALLENGERS.... ZORGON, MIKADO, PIMANDER, OTHERS.... come to understand that there is a threat here to them..... Unless they are very much more aware of things than they are letting any of the public know. They present themselves as one thing....but from their actions they are clearly not. They present themselves as being separate individuals.... when clearly if you watch their actions.... they are not.

I believe that Exterminator has been the one supplying Mikado with information all along. He has often mentioned his mystery Emailer. She is a member on my Forums....

And yes.... conspiracy is an appropriate word. Linda

Linda, I am not threatened. I don't feel threatened. Therefore I am not threatened.

It is as I said. I am here to rebut things you say that are not accurate in regard to anything I am connected with. A perfect example is just this from the above quote - your assumption that I feel threatened.

However, I will state the truth as I know it which proof is in the "pegasus" thread in regard to you being who you are. I stated what I knew.

I don't know about the others you mentioned in regard to being or feeling threatened for I can only speak for myself.

Thats interesting Mikado. You don't deny that she was your mystery Emailer.... do you? That tells a whole story right there. We all know how very careful you are with your words. Mark mine well then too. I am not threatened by you in the least. So.....

It is as I said. I am here to rebut things you say that are not accurate in regard to anything I am connected with. A perfect example is just this from the above quote - your assumption that I feel threatened.

OK... You are not threatened either. You are also not telling us the truth here but avoiding doing that. OK with me. I don't much care. That was an observation on my part which I believe that you have just confirmed. Linda
Thats interesting Mikado. You don't deny that she was your mystery Emailer.... do you? That tells a whole story right there. We all know how very careful you are with your words. Mark mine well then too. I am not threatened by you in the least. So.....

It is as I said. I am here to rebut things you say that are not accurate in regard to anything I am connected with. A perfect example is just this from the above quote - your assumption that I feel threatened.

OK... You are not threatened either. You are also not telling us the truth here but avoiding doing that. OK with me. I don't much care. That was an observation on my part which I believe that you have just confirmed. Linda

Linda, there you go again, coming to wrongful conclusions. I didn't mention the mysterious emailer because if they are mysterious, how would I know who it is? To either confirm or deny would be a lie if not just a simple guess. Again, you showcase how you come to wrongful conclusions.

As to you being threatened by me, fine, you shouldn't be, I never made a threat as the "gutless marine" anyone. However, if you read what you originally wrote, you questioned why a group of individuals, which you named that I was one of, you never said "threatened by whom". I never took it to mean threatened by you. I simply answered that I don't feel anyone which includes you, since you brought it up. But for you to come back and specifically mention that you do not feel threatened by me tells a do feel threatened. You needed to voice it to bolster yourself perhaps? Voicing the words empowers - energy follows thought and also words.

As to my speaking the truth, I have said nothing but the truth. If you have evidence to the contrary, then present the evidence...and I do mean REAL evidence to make such a bold statement. Otherwise, you are letting your personality show through and it is most unbecoming if not substantiating your overactive imagination that others have said about you.
