Linda Brown's "Rain On The Windows Papers" - A Continuation


I DO have solid evidence against you. Solid enough for me to turn from the person who wanted to accept you as my little brother to someone who now considers you untrustworthy. This is not the jury and what I know does not get revealed here just because you are wondering what it is that I found out.
It was strong enough to turn me so thoroughly against you that I don't believe there is redemption in this.......Know that it was enough to put us where we are in our relationship. And its strong enough to keep us there...Accept that answer or not. Your choice.

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I DO have solid evidence against you. Solid enough for me to turn from the person who wanted to accept you as my little brother to someone who now considers you untrustworthy. This is not the jury and what I know does not get revealed here just because you are wondering what it is that I found out.
It was strong enough to turn me so thoroughly against you that I don't believe there is redemption in this.......Know that it was enough to put us where we are in our relationship. And its strong enough to keep us there...Accept that answer or not. Your choice.


You have nothing. In fact, anyone reading your post can see the desperation seeting within it to keep up an appearance.

I did absolutely NOTHING to you. You on the other hand fabricated fictious individuals and presented them as entirely different characters which you are still doing on the forum and others.

What did you do to Paul? What about Morgan/Barrett/Garrett and the latest, Logan? What about twigsnapper?

They are not real as the individuals you presented them as. I can prove that where it counts the most, in a court of law and that missy, is not something you can do.

Believe what you wish but don't present falsehoods to me or in my name that I know to be false for then I will rise to rebut.

Now if I operated as you do, I would say that since you didn't comment upon the other things I said then that would mean....(insert an answer that would be fitting to sound like you)

One last item I forgot to comment upon.

"he who finds you untrustworthy"...coming from a man who would continue to have an affair with a married woman....I am judged by that?

Regardless of what anyone thinks of this “show”, it has to play out. This is something between Linda Brown and Mikado, and it is for them to deal with.

Besides, if it is merely a show and for attention only, by catering to their disputes you propagate the show and keep it running longer. If it is what you say then it will only continue as long as there are people to pay attention to it, but if it’s not what you say, and this is a real dispute, then it will continue until it is resolved by the parties involved.

Some of you keep pushing that this is all an act, but you can’t leave it to be dealt with, you keep having to “warn” people of what you think is going on. Maybe some of YOU are getting something out of this? Maybe some of you who are not (on the surface) directly involved in the conflict are creating a bigger conflict? If you truly wish it to stop, then you must ignore what is going on between these two individuals or else you concede to being part of it.

I’m just making an observation based on what all has been said, in this thread and the Pegasus thread.

You can give all the “warnings” you like, but those warnings are based on opinions and biases that have been gained over a period of time from numerous dealings with these and other people. The TRUTH? in this little (or large, what have you) dispute is that it does not involve you; it is a conflict between 2 parties (Linda Brown and Mikado) and so what if it is playing out before your eyes, it doesn’t mean you have to form opinions for everyone else by telling us ‘it’s put on’, ‘it’s a scam for attention’. I for one, hold no bias and am not listening to your warnings.

Again, based on observations from an outside point of view. Sometimes you need to step back a little to see more of what is going on.
Regardless of what anyone thinks of this “show”, it has to play out. This is something between Linda Brown and Mikado, and it is for
Again, based on observations from an outside point of view. Sometimes you need to step back a little to see more of what is going on.
I was making a point in a humorous manner. Feel free to ignore it.

However, it does not have to be played out in public if they have so much to work out at all. That is complete nonsense. It looks like a private matter to me, quite frankly. However, if you think your forum is where people should do their private laundry that is your business.

I made the point because some of the players/performers have tried to smear us, accusing us of being NAZIs or something because we wanted our site to be a research one and removed this pathetic drama. Hence the name: Pegasus Research Consortium. Not broken relationship therapy forum.

I completely respect your right to have whatever Gilbert and Sullivan Opera you choose played out on here. Message me if you fancy Pirates of Penzance.


You can play Mabel: Mabel

MABEL is the female ingénue.

Look it up.

Kindest regards


P.S. To ignore my opinion which is based on experience is to show bias against it.
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However, it does not have to be played out in public if they have so much to work out at all. That is complete nonsense. It looks like a private matter to me, quite frankly. However, if you think your forum is where people should do their private laundry that is your business.

Some people feel the need to make public their private matters. It helps them to deal with certain situations. I will not silence what needs to be. If THEY choose to make their matters public, then so be it. Why should I be the one to silence them like so many have in the past? It's called 'therapy', and it's healthy for everyone.

No one has to agree with me, but this is the way it is, and as I said, it must play out, either public or private. The publicity or privacy of the matter at hand is at the sole discretion of the parties involved.

Pimander, I don't know why you are so worried about their argument on MY site. You removed it from yours and got your forum back to the research forum it is meant to be, have you not?

This is MY site, and I will run it as I see fit. That means, all are welcome, and all have the same freedoms. Most of my 'rules' are set out by what are considered to be "laws" in the legal systems of North America, and/or are the rules from our host. Otherwise, you all have the freedom to speak about what you wish to speak about and argue all you want. Just follow the rules/laws, and I have no issues.
Regardless of what anyone thinks of this “show”, it has to play out. This is something between Linda Brown and Mikado, and it is for them to deal with.

Why? Why does it have to play out? Its been going on for about six years over many forums, most of which were destroyed because people just got fed up with it. In fact the opening posts look like they were just copied from a previous forum :cupcake:

Besides, if it is merely a show and for attention only, by catering to their disputes you propagate the show and keep it running longer. If it is what you say then it will only continue as long as there are people to pay attention to it, but if it’s not what you say, and this is a real dispute, then it will continue until it is resolved by the parties involved.

Oh its a real dispute alright, just staged by a few old actors who no longer have a stage..

But hey its your house... so...

On with the show....


Some of you keep pushing that this is all an act, but you can’t leave it to be dealt with, you keep having to “warn” people of what you think is going on. Maybe some of YOU are getting something out of this?

Sure its fun once in a while to stir the pot and let the readers see there is more to this. Besides you guys opened the can of worms when you created a thread about Pegasus. What did you expect? That we would just let you and your members say whatever they wanted to make up without challenge?

So much for 'light workers' and 'truth seekers' here... its just another sham site seeking hit counts. Well that was how GLP got to where they are today too... and ATS... so I guess you reap what you sow...

Maybe some of you who are not (on the surface) directly involved in the conflict are creating a bigger conflict? If you truly wish it to stop, then you must ignore what is going on between these two individuals or else you concede to being part of it.

Hard to ignore when those involved deliberately call us out with lies and insults. I recall that Hobbit character called my dad a NAZI in the opening post of a thread titled Pegasus... so seriously... you asked for it :smiley_simmons:

I’m just making an observation based on what all has been said, in this thread and the Pegasus thread.

No you are NOT an observer... you are merely a referee that is biased to the side bringing the traffic to your site. Once the cancer spreads, you will come back to this day and we can say "We told you so" :p that is IF we were the gloating type :love_heart:

You can give all the “warnings” you like, but those warnings are based on opinions and biases that have been gained over a period of time from numerous dealings with these and other people. The TRUTH? in this little (or large, what have you) dispute is that it does not involve you; it is a conflict between 2 parties (Linda Brown and Mikado) and so what if it is playing out before your eyes, it doesn’t mean you have to form opinions for everyone else by telling us ‘it’s put on’, ‘it’s a scam for attention’. I for one, hold no bias and am not listening to your warnings.

That is your privilege LOL, but you said its an open forum for those seeking truth. You are welcome to wear the blinders and the ear plugs, but others out there are not so silly. Any person that simply takes the word of ANYONE on the internet without checking credentials is a fool...

"it must be true... It's on the Internet... the Government has said no lies on the internet are allowed"

Yeah I saw that connercial on TV the one where that Blonde gets that French Model :smiley_simmons:

Again, based on observations from an outside point of view. Sometimes you need to step back a little to see more of what is going on.

Well fence sitting is fine for some... but it won't solve the worlds problems to be so wishy washy. Sometimes you just need to call bullcrap what it is too, or risk loosing your own credibility. And I highly doubt yours is an unbiased "outside point of view"

This is MY site, and I will run it as I see fit. That means, all are welcome, and all have the same freedoms. Most of my 'rules' are set out by what are considered to be "laws" in the legal systems of North America, and/or are the rules from our host. Otherwise, you all have the freedom to speak about what you wish to speak about and argue all you want. Just follow the rules/laws, and I have no issues.

To bad forums don't use Robert's Rules for Presiding over a Debate - For Dummies
Why? Why does it have to play out? Its been going on for about six years over many forums, most of which were destroyed because people just got fed up with it. In fact the opening posts look like they were just copied from a previous forum :cupcake:

Your wrong. It has not been "going" on for six years. You are guilty of what you accuse others of...not reading.

No where did I ever say it was going on for that period of time. I explained it on the Pegasus forum and I will do so again, since you only appear to have the capacity to pick and choose that which you want to understand.

I have known Linda since August of 2006. The disagreement began in August of 2011. Do the math.

Any disagreement has not transpired over "many" forums. In fact, the disagreement began on the Hut and that is that. I have followed Linda to other forums which are only two, the Pegasus and this one, to offer rebuttal when she offers up information that is not true or a variation of truth.

I explained that before on the Pegasus, as I mentioned, and I have done it again.

I was making a point in a humorous manner. Feel free to ignore it.

However, it does not have to be played out in public if they have so much to work out at all. That is complete nonsense. It looks like a private matter to me, quite frankly. However, if you think your forum is where people should do their private laundry that is your business.

I made the point because some of the players/performers have tried to smear us, accusing us of being NAZIs or something because we wanted our site to be a research one and removed this pathetic drama. Hence the name: Pegasus Research Consortium. Not broken relationship therapy forum.

I completely respect your right to have whatever Gilbert and Sullivan Opera you choose played out on here. Message me if you fancy Pirates of Penzance.

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You can play Mabel: Mabel

MABEL is the female ingénue.

Look it up.

Kindest regards


P.S. To ignore my opinion which is based on experience is to show bias against it.

Humorous manner? You are portraying yourself in not a very appropriate manner.

As to airing anything publicly, look to your own. Exterminator is every bit as bad as Linda as far as arguing incomplete truths. In fact, I have never said anything negative about the Pegasus. Go to the link below and tell me if you find anything negative about either Zorgon or the Pegasus forum in my post from July 2.

And don't forget, check the date.

The Quonset Hut • View topic - Unbelievable things and some recommendations

I speak truth as I see it and what I am seeing from the two of you gives me concern to rethink those at the Pegasus.

How does Zorgon truly feel about this? Since what has been referred to as "the cleansing", I have never spoken a bad word, been derogatory, defamed his name or spoken badly of the Pegasus forum.

But look at yourself, both of you. You defame my name. You make fun of it just as those that are on the Cosmic-Token. I suppose it makes you feel superior. As I said before, those that cannot discuss intelligently resort to prepubescent tactics.

Next you'll be double dog daring someone.

I just have one question. What do all of your comments here have to do with the " Rain on the Windows Papers?"

I think you are all being rude to your hostess and If I have played a part in it I apologize.

Anyone want to talk about Pegasus? I think there is an appropriate thread for that. Seems you all were having such a good time that the thread topics got a little blurred. Would anyone mind if we slid back to the original topic here. I would appreciate seeing that happen.

But thats just a nudge....I am still trying to figure out why all of you care so very much about all of this to spend so much time agonizing over it......

Don't include me in that. I have only been rebutting certain individuals posts. But I do wonder, if someone is a neuroscientist, don't you think they would know how to spell their profession?

Just wondering...Neoroscientist...that definitely is mispelled or it is something new to me.

Doesn't matter.

"However, if you think your forum is where people should do their private laundry that is your business

Pimander. It amazes me that you would say that...of course it is HER Business, but you are using it to conduct your own concerns here. ... you are being rude..... If you want to see laundry being washed then the Pegasus thread is more appropriate.....If you want to join Mikado as you seem to be doing then I suggest that you gentlemen have the opportunity to adjorn to his HUT. I am sure that he will make a splendid host for you there. Problem is... You all won't have an audience will you? THATS why you are here yammering away at each other....I think that Dad might have called it " Grandstanding".... and thats what each one of you is after....

There isn't a single one in this immediate discussion ( besides Cat and Hobbit) that understands what Lady of Light has tried to point out here to all of you.... that there is something much more important happening here and it is seeing to it that its message and its import gets "played out"

Have you all realized that you have been pawns in all of this... Used by an entity that knows each of your weaknesses and strengths and is playing all of them to the hilt. The fact that you don't see this... Just amazes me. I know that Lady of Light sees it.... Thats why she has been so danged patient with all of us.....

Grow up guys.Look around. Don't you see what is really happening here. acting like school kids isn't going to stop the changes from happening.

I know this was in the other thread, but it belongs here for my question that I must ask.

I walked around the MentalPhysics grounds today and had a very odd reaction. Suddenly I got really shakey and almost physically ill... I couldn't stay there. as soon as I was away.... I was alright.

What TIME would you say that "ill" feeling happened?

I also had something strange happen that I think (if the time fits in) may be related. I was sleeping, so I only have a rough estimate of between certain times. I'm sleeping days this week, so the timing may be accurate for the interaction to have occurred. I WAS in contact with you yesterday afternoon, and we had a very vivid conversation. And from that conversation, there was a big realization for you and things that needed to be stated online for me, and it's just now occurring to me what ACTUALLY took place.

I'm not used to these things happening yet. :)
Lets see..... I went into town about noon.... so it must have been shortly afterward.... I would say probably 1 or 2 here?

When I came back from that experience I had an odd reaction to all of the ..... no other word for it here.... " Yammering" between Mikado and Ta Ta and our operative here Mr. Pimander. And thats exactly how I saw them, stripped bare..... and I got the message.... loud and clear..." You aren't actually going to fall for this .... are you?" It wasn't an angry message.... just a pensive one.

And the feeling I got was. Pay attention to the important things.... sail on.... Sail South... and Hobbit... I finally got it!!!!! Thanks Linda
That makes perfect sense. That would have the timing right on for when I would've contacted you. We had a great discussion and you GOT IT! It all made perfect sense, and then I was gone.

Usually, whenever I have contact with someone through a 'dream', I'm not usually in contact with them in any other way. This was very direct. Very to the point.

I'm still learning new abilities all the time, lol. It takes some getting used to. Now only if I could control it, lol. :) I'll get there. I'm still young. :)