[Must Read!] London, Englands "Shard" building has Illuminati symbols


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I unfortunately don't have Adobe Flash video ll.3 however, since I didn't see any postings about this building, I thought I'd bring it to your attention, so you can watch the video, and perhaps tell me what you thought when you saw the video.

I do believe the Illuminati exist, and they are in with or part of the powerful elite in this country and in the world. Who do you think they are?

Here is the story:

Europe’s tallest building, London’s Shard, now open and filled with Illuminati Symbols | The latest UFO Sightings, UFO Videos, Paranormal and UFO News | UFO Sightings

TBTB can’t be more blatant! The huge pyramid-shaped skyscraper known as “The Shard” which was officially open last night in Central London, is plentiful of Freemason numbers embedded on its structure and totally suggest a role in the upcoming false flag event of the Illuminati cabal.Londoners flocked to rooftops, balconies and public spaces as the tower, which rises to 1,016ft above the city, was lit in blue, green, purple and gold and lasers probed out across a clear night sky in the capital.
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The Illuminati absolutely exist. They plant their symbols all over the place. This would appear to be their latest. They tend to make themselves more and more obvious. Either that, or I'm becoming more and more aware, lol.

I honestly don't know what they could have planned with this building, but I'm sure SOMETHING's up.
I think it's or maybe I should say hope that people like you and me are becoming more and more aware of things.

I hope that the jig is up for alot of these elitists, who think their you know what doesn't stink, and just because they're filthy rich doesn't mean they're any better then you and me.
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Maybe it means everything will be in pieces by the time the Illuminati get through. When I see the word Shard in just a sentence, I think it technically means broken up pieces.

ex: You got some shards of glass left on the floor laying around after you broke the glass. Sounds logical but they're idea of logic and ours are probably two different things.
I definitely think it means broken up pieces.

Shard definition:
A piece of broken ceramic, metal, glass, or rock, typically having sharp edges: "shards of glass flew in all directions".

Shard etymology:
O.E. sceard "fragment, gap," from P.Gmc. *skardas, a pp. from the root of O.E. sceran "to cut" (see shear). Cf. Du. schaard "a flaw, a fragment," Ger. Scharte "a notch," Dan. skaar "chink, potsherd." Meaning "fragment of broken earthenware" developed in late O.E. Fr. écharde "prickle, splinter" is a Gmc. loan-word.

Fragment definition:
A small part broken or separated from something.
Seperated from something, sounds like the thing to me, they "break" us and then separate us from our freedoms, one by one.
OR..... it might mean that all of us have been broken and separated from each other and now is the time to find our way back to the wholeness that we once were. Perhaps its time for that... and all of the little " dots" of information that we have all felt the need to explore is just the way this is manifesting itself.

Sorry not too much more I can tell about it. However, History internaitonal 2 channel has some specials that talk about the illuminati, and also secret societies, i.e., free masonry and such. Now my friends husbands uncle was a 33 degree free masonry, from what I remembered from the show that was called a master mason. Hope this helps :)