
Truth feeder

That Woman could be providing useful information..
Just jump to 2:45 minute of the video.

Nevertheless check her out:
Her name is: Lyssa Royal Holt
Website: http://www.lyssaroyal.com/



New member
i believe in this so much :0
what i want to know is what the bible is really tellling us o.o

jus reading this made me want to cry cus im so happy that the truth is opened up to me..

Truth Vibrations

New member
She has a very interesting message, the age of secrets is ending and the age of truth to here right now. The only thing that is important is truth and love!!

White Rabbit

New member
The thing about truth is it relative to the observer. Your truth and my truth may or may not be the same thing...
This is easy to see when you have a large group of people observe a situation, they will all tell you a different story, similar to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John from the bible, same story different relative point of view.

However there a certain fundamental truths that can not change....love and fear....


New member
ive been researching on this fer bowt two days now..
im clear of what the reptillians are doing to us and this world!!!
it scares me and makes me want to cry.. but i am strong!!!!
i have faith and love..

please tell me more abowt this subjecttt