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The report prepared by a commission, set up by the UN to investigate the Israeli commandos attack on Mavi Marmara, and approved by the UN Human Rights Council said: “The conduct of the Israeli military and other personnel toward the flotilla passengers was not only disproportionate to the occasion but demonstrated levels of totally unnecessary and incredible violence. It betrayed an unacceptable level of brutality”.

The Israeli response, as usual, was that the report is baised and amount to anti-Semitism. The Zionist regime set-up its own inquiry commission. The Western Israeli-puppet regimes sided with Israeli version of the massacre.

What happened was clear. IDF commandos planned and executed a premeditated attack against unarmed, nonviolent humanitarian activists, trying to break Israel’s illegal blockade to deliver essential aid. Cold-blooded murder resulted. The entire world knows it except the Zionist Jews in and outside Israel, who prefer to live in their self-denial. The Israel’s self-appointed Turkel Commission, established to whitewash, not reveal, facts – which included two voting members: former Israeli Supreme Court Justice Jacob Turkel (its head) and Amos Horev, a retired major general; two non-voting observers, a close Israeli ally David Trimble, a Northern Ireland unionist allied with death squads during “The Troubles” and the other a retired Canadian general Ken Warkin, involved in the coverup of the Canadian Airborne Regiment Battle Group’s early 1990s Somalia atrocities.

The Turkel Commission’s verdict, as expected, was – it unanimously endorsed bald-faced lies, distortions, omissions, false conclusions, and exoneration of cold-blooded murder, as ordered by top Israeli government and military officials who’ll get off as usual scot-free. The outcome was preordained as was Israel’s Cast Lead whitewash.

In response, Ankara established its own inquiry commission headed by Ambassador Mithat Rende . Its report was submitted to the UN on Monday. The report countered Israeli claims that passengers on the flotilla that set out from Turkish ports to break the blockade on the Gaza Strip were armed, saying the vessels contained no firing weapons. The objective of the attack was to spread fear and to deter any future conveys to Gaza, Rende said, adding that passengers had said in their testimonies that they used the tools available for self-defense, thinking they would all be killed. Eight Turks and one American of Turkish descent were killed in an Israeli commando attack on the ship. According to the Turkish report, five of those who died were shot in the head from close range, including the Turkish-American, who it said was shot while he was already injured.

Echoing the U.N. Human Rights Council’s report, Rende said Turkey’s report found that Israel could have rendered the ship ineffective through peaceful means rather than attacking it with helicopters and submarines. He added that the measures employed by Israel targeted not only the Mavi Marmara but also the other ships in the convey, calling Israel’s actions physical, verbal and psychological mistreatment.

The report by Turkey also said that Israel’s blockade on Gaza is illegal

Mavi Marmara massacre report: Turkey vs Israel | Rehmat calling


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Mavi Marmara Crew Not Peaceful Activists After All...

Mavi Marmara Crew Not Peaceful Activists After All
Posted by Shane Vander Hart at 6:23 pm .Jun 01
2010. I admitted that I jumped the gun in my response to the Israeli Naval Commandos boarding the Mavi Marmara one of six ships that was part of the “Freedom Flotilla” that was going to try to break Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. In the process 16 of the crew were shot and killed which brought international criticism.

I think the media coverage we’ve seen so far has been pretty one sided. They have portrayed this crew as being peaceful activists. A video just released of the boarding shows a different picture.

This video coupled with the facts I think tell quite a different story.

•This group was warned that their ships were going to be boarded and searched if they tried to run the blockade.
•They were given the opportunity to deliver humanitarian supplies to an Israeli port in order for it to be sent to Gaza.
•Israel is in armed conflict with Palestinian Authority Hamas, and as a result had the right to blockade Gaza and to enforce that blockade.
•Thereby they had the legal right to board ships in international water under current international maritime law.
•The crew of the Mavi Marmara clearly attacked the commandos as they were boarding the ship first. It isn’t like the commandos lined up the crew and shot them while they were unarmed. The commandos do have a right to defend themselves while being attacked.
•This flotilla was being backed by a terror finance organization – The Turkish IHH (Islan Haklary Ve Hurriyetleri Vakfi in Turkish) which would certainly be a red flag to Israeli intelligence
They knew full well they were not going to reach Gaza. Ralph Peters in a New York Post op/ed today pointed out the flotilla’s ulterior motives and Turkey’s role in all of this.

Yesterday’s "aid convoy" incident off the coast of Gaza wasn’t about bringing humanitarian supplies to the terrorist-ruled territory. It wasn’t even about Israel.

It was about Turkey’s determination to position itself as the leading Muslim state in the Middle East.

Three ships of that six-ship pro-terror convoy flew Turkish flags and were crowded with Turkish citizens. The Ankara government — led by Islamists these days — sponsored the "aid" operation in a move to position itself as the new champion of the Palestinians.

And Turkish decision-makers knew Israel would have to react — and were waiting to exploit the inevitable clash. The provocation was as cynical as it was carefully orchestrated.

He then points out the video that was shot…

The lead vessel, the Mavi Marmara, just happened to have an al-Jazeera TV crew on board to film Israel’s response. Ironically, the early videos would’ve been counterproductive, had world leaders and journalists not been programmed to blame everything on Israel.

Those videos showed Israeli commandos rappelling onto the ship with both hands on the rope (making it rather hard to use a weapon), yet activists claimed the Israelis opened fire as they descended.

Purely by coincidence, dozens of "peace activists" waited with sharpened iron bars, clubs, slingshots — and rifles. Of course, the nine dead in the melee were all Israel’s victims.

The first wave of Israeli commandos reportedly were armed only with paintball rounds for crowd control. Inspect those videos of maddened peaceniks assaulting the soldiers as they landed on deck. You don’t see any Israelis pointing rifles — they’re fending off blows.

But the claims of pro-terrorist "peace advocates" are given instant credence.

I think the world has been duped, and at second glance I believe the blame lies with IHH and the crew of the Mavi Marmara. I don’t think Israel is perfect by any stretch of the imagination, and like I said before my support for them is not blind. The facts speak for themselves. Had the flotilla heeded Israel’s warning no one would be dead. Had they truly responded in a peaceful manner to Israel’s lawful boarding – no one would be dead.

But I know it’s fashionable to just blame Israel, but we shouldn’t ignore the facts (and video evidence) before reaching a conclusion.