
MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) or (Miracle Mineral Supplement), very deadly to toxins, beneficial to humans
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Just as colloidal gold and silver (see Article Spiegelbeeld January 2009) MMS is also a simple and inexpensive means that a huge impact on the good health of mankind can have. MMS also has no unpleasant side effects and accumulates not in the body.

In 1997, Jim Humble a trip through the jungle. His goal was gold mining. However, he discovered something far more precious: the strength of stabilized oxygen.

Jim always had a few bottles of stabilized oxygen with him to the polluted river water to drinking.

At one time there was an emergency, two members of his expedition had an acute attack of malaria and no malaria because they had resources and it would take two days before the first aid would arrive, it was a question for Jim of improvisation. He gave the men stabilized oxygen with water and to his great delight, they were soon restored. The same evening they were already comfortable to eat with the group. The next morning there were again two patients. These men had malaria. Jim said they also stabilized oxygen and afternoon, they were healthy again.

This procedure is repeated several times. Several people through the stabilized oxygen, but not everyone had benefited. Humble wanted to find out why an average of seven out of ten people , and three were sick.

What was found? The cure of the malaria victims had nothing to do with the oxygen, but with small amounts of chlorine dioxide in the stabilized oxygen. Chlorine dioxide is a chlorine atom with two oxygen atoms.

Chlorine dioxide kills viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi.

The bond between chlorine and oxygen is easily explained. When this molecule a pathogen (disease agent) comes directly kills the pathogen.

In stabilized oxygen showed only three percent (NAClO2) present and that was the reason why all serious patients were no better.

Jim Humble failed to deal with twenty-eight percent . MMS is in fact a solution of twenty-eight percent in distilled water. This drug is only active when activator (citric acid, vinegar or fresh lemon juice) was added. Then, chlorine dioxide-free and that kills the pathogens in the following way.

Chlorine dioxide is very explosive and thus a good killer of bacteria, fungi and yeasts. Because literally explosive substance may therefore be difficult to be transported and MMS is also prepared on the spot.

The chlorine dioxide kills bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses?

PH ((PH = pH). When the pH above 7, we speak of a base and below the seven of an acid. Acids are substances containing hydrogen ions H +. Bases are substances that include hydrogen ion H-. The more H + ions the more acidic the environment, the lower the PH. When an atom a different number of protons (positively charged) and electrons (negatively charged), which is not neutral, we speak of an ion.) natriumchloriet of 13 . A little acid (vinegar, lemon juice or citric acid 10%) to add the pH drops and we get a small explosion. This results in chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is a safe substance in hospitals and water used for decontamination (unlike chlorine chlorine dioxide is not carcinogenic). It is by the American Society of Analytical Chemists "(American Organization of Analytical Chemists) has been declared the most powerful pathogen fighter available. Chlorine dioxide destroys harmful organisms by their electrons to escape. These pathogenic organisms have a low PH value and a positive ionic charge.

In a polluted human body is actually the same. The red blood cells carry the chlorine dioxide ions and wherever they come into contact with toxins, these gifts keep their electrons and thus to exist.

The fantastic is that chlorine dioxide is not healthy cells and good bacteria because it attacks a PH of 7 or higher and a negative ion charge. Only the culprits with an acidic character and a positive ion charge be destroyed. Chlorine Dioxin is so powerful that five electrons from pathogen draws. If there are no harmful substances are present, chlorine dioxide cease to salt or hypo chlorine. Hypo Chlorine is used by the body.


Meanwhile, in seven African countries to some 75,000 people from malaria members MMS administered. The success rate was one hundred percent. This means that anyone under the plea was properly administered, healed. MMS is a great bacteria and virus killer. Also removes heavy metals and fungi from the body.

Many malaria patients have their blood examined in laboratories and are medically demonstrable malaria Friday This has also been done with HIV-infected people. Their blood was clean after using MMS.

The miraculous mineral is also promising in other diseases such as hepatitis, herpes and cancer.


In his book "Break Through. The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century, "explains Jim Humble several extensive how the drug should be used. He has many years experience before that people have a tendency to deviate from its very simple way to use. He tells how some people do strange things like it in their coffee pouring and dosing will increase for additional results. This is not necessary. It is essential to following the rules.

Start with 1-2 drops of MMS (all sensitive or ill people with 0.5-1 drop) in a glass drip.

Then add 5 drops of acid (vinegar, fresh lemon juice or 10% citric acid) to each drop of MMS. Mix well and let stand three minutes. In those three minutes natriumchloriet as chlorine dioxide converted. Then add one third or half glass of juice or water. This should definitely not orange juice or fruit juice where extra vitamin C is added, because vitamin C is destroyed efficacy.

If the mixture does not cause nausea or diarrhea, the dose each time with a drop increased. When nausea is necessary to decrease until it is tolerated.

This procedure can be two or three times daily 15 druppels.Dit a week to sustain and could geminderd to 4-6 drops per day for older people and 4-6 drops twice a week for younger people.

It is important to the amount slowly to introduce the least possible burden of the Herxheimer effect. This Herxheimer reaction occurs when the body detoxifies quickly. There may be nausea, vomiting or diarrhea occur. This is not pleasant but innocent and that the body cleans itself. Waste is removed, and this may provide temporary inconvenience.

When a person suffers from a serious disease such as malaria, and quick action must be one starts directly with a higher dose (15 drops twice per day).

Struggle for recognition.

MMS is not a medicinal product may be, it's not recognized as such.

Distributors should be good to it as food and provide it to state that should not be used in place of regular medical treatment.

Ironically, there are sentences read in the lines of "Natriumchloriet is no medicine. It supports our immune system by making a clean effect. Use at your own risk. In case of doubt, always consult a doctor.

MMS is not medicine but healing all malaria patients in the right way were administered. MMS is actually the stronger the human immune system can heal itself. Many approved drugs, however, combat the symptoms of disease and pollute the body with toxins. This means do drugs because they are recognized. How ironic!

Humble has his own views and express them in bold text in his book.

He advises his readers to do research and to terms such as "FDA Suppression" in typing in any search engine on the Internet (The Food and Drug Administration in the United States of America the body the quality and safety of food, medicines and additions to it monitored. Suppression means oppression).

Jim Humble is very unfortunate that our mainstream medical world preoccupied with the symptoms and if the patients are often not really better, because the underlying causes of the diseases are not addressed.

His sober conclusion is that pharmaceutical industry profits will evaporate if cheap life-saving resources such as MMS would be commonplace. In BIG PHARMA runs in his eyes to the big money and people continuing symptoms to provide more medication than courses which address the cause.

Jim Humble is his invention to various official bodies (FDA and WHO = World Health Organization / World Health Organization) went over and got zero in the request. They were not interested in his discovery.

Dr. Tullio Simoncini: "Cancer is a fungus.

What does this theory for MMS?

Fortunately, there are doctors who have dared their neck out and open to new methods.

The Italian oncologist Dr. Tullio Simoncini is one of them.

Simoncini has revolutionary ideas and let not only theorize. For years he treats cancer patients with sodium bicarbonate and the results are very encouraging. His book "Cancer is a fungus" explains that a fungal always the basis of a tumor.

First there is the growth of mold colonies and then the immune system sees these colonies, when they reached a certain size, as a foreign body and the man trying to protect it in capsules. This creates a tumor.Volgens Simoncini candida is therefore always the cause of cancer. Because at different places in the body may be present there are different types of cancers, depending on their location in the body.

At present, sodium bicarbonate (in a solution of 5% or 8.4%) was the only substance which Simonici tumors completely disappear by late fungal mass destruction. The plea must have had direct contact with the tumor. This is done through catheters to the arteries to the various organs or cavities walk or endoscopic methods.

Sodium carbonate is easy to use and has little side effects. Dr. Simonici has already been declared incurable cancer cure.

He also regrets the fact that the contemporary oncology stick to outdated theories and treatments that rarely results.

Cancer is public enemy number one. One hundred years ago died a hundred people with this disease. Currently one in three and in the future one in two.

For several researchers, the coexistence of Candida and cancer were found (if there is cancer, there is always present candida) and still wants to conventional medicine's outdated beliefs about cancer is not letting go.

Simonici, the Ministry of Health and various oncological institutes about his experiences. He received no positive responses.

He sees the fight against cancer than as a two-fold battle. First, the fight against the disease itself and secondly the battle against the official oncology. This second fight, it seems difficult, but the war on cancer can only be won if the conventional medical world would change.

It seems as though progress is being made by the official oncology, but this is only Simonici appearance. The mortality really big tumors remains shockingly high and the results are often only in the early stage tumors detected. The statistics are therefore misleading and obscure the truth.

That is not a scientific proof that the chemotherapy extends life of patients, is symbolic of this situation. Simoniti writes that examinations of American oncologists found that seventy-five percent, so only three of the four doctors would refuse chemotherapy because of lack of results and devastating effects on humans. But let their patients undergoing chemotherapy on a large scale.

When Dr Simoniti right and cancer would be a fungus, would offer enormous opportunities for MMS. Treatment with sodium bicarbonate is effective only when it directly comes into contact with the fungal colony, while MMS know from fungi to grow by the means taken orally. Patients may simply stay home and use it and do not to a clinic because catheters necessary for the drug to the tumor.

In my view, the theory of Dr Simoniti almost unbelievable, so simple and unlike the usual ideas about cancer.

How great would be if this well-researched to be done and we have more evidence or even security would be affected. Now it remains speculation.

Even if both Jim Humble and Dr Simoniti that the adherents of conventional medicine a duct vision, it is the mainstream medical science available to a lot of money and equipment. It would be a breakthrough if these unconventional resources such as MMS would give a chance and would thoroughly investigate. Until this happens remains a struggle of individuals. Simoniti claims that cancer is only the world will disappear if the medical world for other methods would be. Increased opportunities and finances were separate discoveries can be assessed and opportunities for sharing a breakthrough with respect to certain incurable diseases grow exponentially. Now, certain discoveries small light and it runs the whole. Sound scientific research and will continue to be required. Laboratories, medical equipment, finances to pay researchers is essential.

Jim Humble continues to struggle.

Jim wants as many people as possible are informed of the operation of MMS. This is the reason why his book "Breakthrough. The Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century" has written. The first part is free to download from the Internet. (Downloading may through Jim's website Miracle Mineral). For the second part of the book (also downloadable from its website), the reader is a small contribution. This money is spend on malaria projects and of course there is a modest part to the cost of living by Jim Humble. Also the book is available with a hard cover.

In this way, Jim Humble inform as many people as possible and so far seems to work fine this way.

He is already seventy when he passed and no longer will the second part of his book are free to download.


MMS is a wonderful mineral, an explosive killer of many pathogens. It is only harmful microorganisms that have a low acidity (pH below 7) and therefore has no unpleasant side effects.

Now is experimentally shown that people with serious diseases such as malaria after taking MMS genazen total. MMS has also been proven to work for many other serious diseases such as cancer, hepatitis, AIDS, Lyme disease. Yet it is not recognized by official bodies. This is very unfortunate because it is a cheap and easy to prepare means that a lot could mean at the global level.

Although it may not be a drug, there are fortunately other ways to distribute. It is currently sold as a dietary supplement and Jim Humble has made its mission to as many people as possible to inform about his discovery. For a malaria patient in Africa, which cures his illness is not as much or MMS FDA approves a drug, for humanity as a whole, however. There could, for example research into the impact of MMS on various diseases, including cancer. Cancer is a disease that more and more victims and an impasse is reached. If the unconventional dr Simonici from Italy right with his revolutionary idea that cancer is always caused by fungal colonies would MMS may be a cheap way without major side effects to the fight against cancer to go.

Physicians preconceived ways of conventional medicine are discredited and abandoned risking their career and reputation. The course of history has taught us that innovative ideas were often geridiculiseerd and the advertiser is not taken seriously. However, MMS increasingly the shadow, because an agent that is capable of explosive to destroy pathogens, may be able to help a much-needed paradigm shift in the traditional medical beliefs to achieve.


Breakthrough. The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21 st Century. Parts 1 and 2. 3 rd Edition.

Jim Humble.

Miracle Mineral


By: Irma Ellen Maat

Images February 2009
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Re: (Miracle Mineral Supplement), very deadly to toxins, beneficial to humans



Thanks for providing us a beneficial content that everyone should be aware of.

vitamins and minerals work together in order to give you a balanced amount of all the components needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

If you feel as though your daily diet does not provide you with adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals, taking supplements can greatly improve your lifestyle and can give you the energy and the boost you need to get you through the day.

There are many courses on how to improve the health by giving proper intake of food containing more vitamins and minerals.

Thanks :):)
Re: (Miracle Mineral Supplement), very deadly to toxins, beneficial to humans

Thanks for posting and welcome to the site yes you are right many people are unaware of the benefits of proper vitamin and mineral intake in there diets.
colodial silver can be purchased in Canada at this website in concentrations from 50 parts per million to 10,000 ppm for very good prices compared to the FDA approved counter colodial from 30 ppm to 50 ppm this is so low ppm that it renders it useless.

The FDA is now trying to take colodial silver right off the market .You can guarantee that when CODEX ALIMENTARIUS comes in to effect in decenber of 2009 that availability of this product will be very difficult.
But not to worry this can be made at home.with this video.

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Re: (Miracle Mineral Supplement), very deadly to toxins, beneficial to humans

Thanks for posting and welcome to the site yes you are right many people are unaware of the benefits of proper vitamin and mineral intake in there diets.
colodial silver can be purchased in Canada at this website in concentrations from 50 parts per million to 10,000 ppm for very good prices compared to the FDA approved counter colodial from 30 ppm to 50 ppm this is so low ppm that it renders it useless.
Advantage Pharmaceuticals Silver Protein Natural Antibiotic - Advanced Colloidal

The FDA is now trying to take colodial silver right off the market .You can guarantee that when CODEX ALIMENTARIUS comes in to effect in decenber of 2009 that availability of this product will be very difficult.
But not to worry this can be made at home.with this video.

YouTube - How to make Gold Colloidal Silver

:):) Hi ricklbert,

Thanks for the response back and seeing you in the first post with a beneficial content which a few know it.

A good, potent mineral nutrition food was certainly much easier and much tastier than a handful of tablets.

But I learned further that the liquid form of the vitamins and minerals was more apt to be easily absorbed by my body than were the old tablets.

Hope this is helps you for the day to live longer..

Re: (Miracle Mineral Supplement), very deadly to toxins, beneficial to humans

Absolutely my wife and i and my three wonderful children have been trying as many natural mineral supps as well as a human chelating agent to help take heavy metals from your system such as mercury and lead toxins chelating is also used in plant foods as a agent to stop bonding and precipitating of certain chemicals it is quite interesting. this product is from this link below:
Herbal Health Supplements

Take care ....ricklbert
Re: (Miracle Mineral Supplement), very deadly to toxins, beneficial to humans

:) :) Hi

Hope you wife and you are not aware of the importance of the vitamins and minerals which we have to take in our daily meal.

I support that generally vitamin and mineral supplements are not encouraged, due to their low absorption and high cost. Real food is much cheaper and better absorbed than supplements.

As an alternative we can take a liquid nutrient called Marine Phytoplankton which is a superfood that is new to market, there are only a few other companies making it right now.

Re: (Miracle Mineral Supplement), very deadly to toxins, beneficial to humans

:) :) Hi

Hope you wife and you are not aware of the importance of the vitamins and minerals which we have to take in our daily meal.

I support that generally vitamin and mineral supplements are not encouraged, due to their low absorption and high cost. Real food is much cheaper and better absorbed than supplements.

As an alternative we can take a liquid nutrient called Marine Phytoplankton which is a superfood that is new to market, there are only a few other companies making it right now.

It is what you eat with the vitamins to help as a catylist otherwise you are right 90% of vitamins and minerals are use less with out the proper foods to help absorbtion other that that we grow our own vegetables Non (GMO) seeds from local farmers market and friends that carry seeds from there own gardens.you can get most of your vita,mina from just eating wholesome foods,that you can produce yourself.