"I have been painfully cvivil, considering how my life is spent as mediator between millionaires and their transsexual hookers"

An interesting lifestyle arrangement. Whats in it for you then? Linda
"I have been painfully cvivil, considering how my life is spent as mediator between millionaires and their transsexual hookers"

An interesting lifestyle arrangement. Whats in it for you then? Linda

He promised to help me by referring me to one of his attorneys. However, now I realize that helping me isn't in his best-interest since my legal matter creates a liability for him .... I think the "son" killed my partner. He's been covering up for him, for whatever reason, except I don't know the"son's real name, and that's the reason I filed my allegation against "Mr. Warbucks" who happens to share Masonic ties with Steve Cooley, the District Attorney.

It gets messy because my Uncle also has Masonic ties with these men. in fact when Marvin Gay, Senior shot Marvin Gaye, "Mr. Warbucks" used one of his properties in Beverly Hills as the bond collateral, and my Uncle was the one that posted bail. My partner's father was a deputy who also had Masonic ties with my Uncle.

That's the reason I went to "Mr. Warbucks" for help. He's known me my entire life, I considered him "family" Sadly enough, he's still the only person I can trust and I'm hoping he eventually does the right thing for me.

In 2009 I approached several Masons who were serving on the board and I told them to do whatever they had to do get those -ssholes out of my house. They tried to calm me down and they advised me they were looking into the matter and they also promised me they would "fix" it ... I'm impatient and I'm tired of waiting for them because five years later it feels like they were just "stringing me along"
Lets talk about what you said here Ianchris

"My entire life the universe has always seemed to respond to me. Perhaps it is my perception, or perhaps I am more sensitive to the subtle nature of that energy. I cannot begin to explain it, so instead I offer reference.

If you can not explain it.... wouldn't it make sense to join others who are trying to "explain" that " subtle nature of that energy?

You say that you have " looked into" my " feud" with Mikado.... by the use of your words I can tell that your source of information for your " due diligence " was Zorgons Forum... ( Pegasus Research Consortium) . am I right? You might look around carefully there and ask yourself what is happening... instead of automatically being drawn into one side of that feud. I can understand if you do go in that direction and it wouldn't surprise me at all because I know that there is a certain amount of " control" being used on you.... But the question is.... are you strong enough to break those bonds and see for yourself what has happened here?.

Some of my friends say that my optimism is the weakest part of me. In which case.... I accept that.

You want to right wrongs? You want to make a difference? Then throw off the yoke of control that has been placed on you! Linda

If I have ascertained his location I would say he was on the Hut and reading and on the Token as well. All one has to see on your site is how many threads you have with my name in an attempt to cover yourself in paint.

They tried to calm me down and they advised me they were looking into the matter and they also promised me they would "fix" it ... I'm impatient and I'm tired of waiting for them because five years later it feels like they were just "stringing me along"

If you actually believe in the Freemasons.... which you seem to.... you should realize that they seldom operate on the time frame that most of us do and sometime its important just to learn the importance of being able to " wait for it".... with a certain amount of gracious patience.

Am I a trial to you? Really? Hey... I am listening to what you have to say. Thats a full time job too.

Watch your six.... Mikado has popped up on the screen. <g> Linda
According to Mikado he has " assertained your location!"

"If I have ascertained his location I would say he was on the Hut and reading and on the Token as well. All one has to see on your site is how many threads you have with my name in an attempt to cover yourself in paint.

hahahaha..... Mikado.... why don't you just ask Ianchris how he came to form an opinion of you. He is right here... isn't he? Linda
They tried to calm me down and they advised me they were looking into the matter and they also promised me they would "fix" it ... I'm impatient and I'm tired of waiting for them because five years later it feels like they were just "stringing me along"

If you actually believe in the Freemasons.... which you seem to.... you should realize that they seldom operate on the time frame that most of us do and sometime its important just to learn the importance of being able to " wait for it".... with a certain amount of gracious patience.

Am I a trial to you? Really? Hey... I am listening to what you have to say. Thats a full time job too.

Watch your six.... Mikado has popped up on the screen. <g> Linda

Linda Brown .... I know you don't believe in divine intervention but regardless of your opinion it does exist. I have documented the response time between when I asked for divine intervention and when divine intervention was delivered and if God, in all of its omnipotence, does not use "time" for giving itself a false sense of importance or power, then I know a bunch of 90 year old men with limp d_cks and knee deep into their graves, don't have an excuse for staling time which they do not have.... because I sure as hell don't have the time to watch myself advance into middle age while they are busy using my money.....

Because there is no other reason why they would be stalling when a phone a call to Brother Grand master Mason Cooley only takes 3 minutes.
Linda Brown .... I know you don't believe in divine intervention but regardless of your opinion it does exist.( Why do you say that I do not believe in " Divine Intervention"? What gave you that impression?) I have documented the response time between when I asked for divine intervention and when divine intervention was delivered ( thats a matter of interpretation there. What you say is Divine Intervention could be simple coincidence too.) and if God, in all of its omnipotence, does not use "time" for giving itself a false sense of importance or power, then I know a bunch of 90 year old men with limp d_cks and knee deep into their graves, don't have an excuse ( and who are YOU to say that they don't have an excuse that is more than proper ) for staling time which they do not have.... because I sure as hell don't have the time to watch myself advance into middle age while they are busy using my money..... My initial reaction is very simple. Get over it. Because there is no other reason why they would be stalling when a phone a call to Brother Grand master Mason Cooley only takes 3 minutes.

Like I said. You don't know everything. Obviously. Linda
Little boys always think that they are so important because they have that strange tool hanging between their leg. Actually any little girl knows almost immediately that with what she has..... she can have her pick of anything that any boy would have to offer......Up to her to be selective. Thats a secret the girls never disclose and guys never figure out!

And obviously there just no accounting for the behaviour of some of our Presidents. <g>

I hope that your GodMother kept samples.... Like Monicas blue dress.... thats a pretty good ticket to financial security. If she thought she was royalty.... she must have secured a good spot for herself. More power to her.

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Little boys always think that they are so important because they have that strange tool hanging between their leg. Actually any little girl knows almost immediately that with what she has..... she can have her pick of anything that any boy would have to offer......Up to her to be selective. Thats a secret the girls never disclose and guys never figure out!

And obviously there just no accounting for the behaviour of some of our Presidents. <g>

I hope that your GodMother kept samples.... Like Monicas blue dress.... thats a pretty good ticket to financial security. If she thought she was royalty.... she must have secured a good spot for herself. More power to her.


What a wonderful display of double-standard hypocrisy.

I hate to burst your bubble Ms. Brown but the secret among "brothers" is a secret that women well always hold against us .... I'm sorry if that makes you feel rejected and spiteful. Any woman who compromises her virtue without the exchange of marriage, cannot be respected in my opinion.

Gender equality goes against mother nature because the only way to achieve complete unity, is when both genders work as a team and contribute equally to the family unit. Therefore, if one gender is contributing its fair share and the other gender is competing to contribute in the same manner, it produces a deficiency that causes an imbalance

The only difference between my actions and her actions for achieving financial security, is that I didn't have to be a whore to achieve it, which is also the reason why I am fighting for justice.

Don't forget, without men, women wouldn't become mothers and the last thing a man should want to give his children, is a whore for a mother.
What a wonderful display of double-standard hypocrisy. and reading your words here I entirely agree with you!

I hate to burst your bubble Ms. Brown but the secret among "brothers" is a secret that women well always hold against us .... I'm sorry if that makes you feel rejected and spiteful. Any woman who compromises her virtue without the exchange of marriage, cannot be respected in my opinion. Listen to you talking.... the man who trades sexual favors with another man.Gender equality goes against mother nature because the only way to achieve complete unity, is when both genders work as a team and contribute equally to the family unit. Therefore, if one gender is contributing its fair share and the other gender is competing to contribute in the same manner, it produces a deficiency that causes an imbalance What?

The only difference between my actions and her actions for achieving financial security, is that I didn't have to be a whore to achieve it, which is also the reason why I am fighting for justice. Oh Please, you are sounding like Mikado again with his constant striving for justice.
Don't forget, without men, women wouldn't become mothers and the last thing a man should want to give his children, is a whore for a mother.
And without the Mother.....men would never be able to procreate which is his only outstanding virture in some cases.

I was right in my opinion of you and the more you write, the more I am sure of it. Linda
Oh Please, you are sounding like Mikado again with his constant striving for justice.


It is usually characterized as "Truth and Justice".

You have it wrong, see how you twist?

I want TRUTH and it isn't coming from you, that is for sure. And it isn't coming from twigsnapper, Morgan, James Barrett and a cast of characters dreamed by the little girl with the patent leather shoes and the white pinafore.

Ianchris.... what would you say to a 60 year old man who constantly obsesses about a little girl dressed in a white pinafore and black patent leather shoes? Its an interesting mental twist, wouldn't you say? Linda
Ianchris.... what would you say to a 60 year old man who constantly obsesses about a little girl dressed in a white pinafore and black patent leather shoes? Its an interesting mental twist, wouldn't you say? Linda

This is priceless.

1. I am not 60, as always, you prove that you never listened to me and never knew me.

2. My obsession as you put it, has been explained - many times. It is a mental image of you when you protest in circular logic, refabrication of incidents, obfuscation of truth or in short, the little girl in the white pinafore with patent leather shoes with arms on her waist and elbows out spewing non-sensical gibberish as loud as possible so as not to hear the truth.

Now, if you were not referring to me than I stand corrected but something tells me I am correct...chinese whispers from Morgan....lol...


PS: I listened to you. You are 67 going on 68 this December.
Ianchris.... what would you say to a 60 year old man who constantly obsesses about a little girl dressed in a white pinafore and black patent leather shoes? Its an interesting mental twist, wouldn't you say? Linda

Well honestly, I would find it troubling, a little bit creepy and loaded with unresolved personal issues. It would suggest a tip of an iceberg which I am not sure I have the qualifications to even consider approaching, at least not in an effect way.
This is priceless.

1. I am not 60, as always, you prove that you never listened to me and never knew me.

2. My obsession as you put it, has been explained - many times. It is a mental image of you when you protest in circular logic, refabrication of incidents, obfuscation of truth or in short, the little girl in the white pinafore with patent leather shoes with arms on her waist and elbows out spewing non-sensical gibberish as loud as possible so as not to hear the truth.

Now, if you were not referring to me than I stand corrected but something tells me I am correct...chinese whispers from Morgan....lol...


PS: I listened to you. You are 67 going on 68 this December.

See now that makes sense. Thank you Mikado, I was actually totally creeped out. I think you have given her too much credit with the patent leather shoes. She says your a "mechanic" and I beg to differ because a mechanic wouldn't pay that much attention to detail in apparel. Besides, I always pictured her barefoot... but my point of reference is slightly skewed.