BobE... You are a funny and very smart man.

Just " reading between the lines of course".

Trying to figure out who everybody actually is on this Forum might turn out to be a full time job.
Are you sure you have the energy for it? <g> Linda
BobE... You are a funny and very smart man.

Just " reading between the lines of course".

Trying to figure out who everybody actually is on this Forum might turn out to be a full time job.
Are you sure you have the energy for it? <g> Linda

Many people from History here, Linda. Trust me, they're aerospace folk. I figured out who most people are from the old History days. The way people write is like a fingerprint. BTW that's ole Harry Holler.
I wouldn't know Bob, but I am inclined to take your word for it. The way that I was so completely ragged on when I was here from the Pegasus group told me that something was up.....

We need a program.

Still trying to figure out who Mikado really is and who he is aligned with because his "upset" with me goes way beyond just a casual interaction....In another guise he admitted to running a "program" on the members of the ttownsendbrown forum ( called the HUT).... I think Ridgerunner was quoted as saying that he liked throwing comments out there.... likened it to " throwing a firecracker in the middle of the crowd" just to see which way they would respond.... I see alot of that provocation happening here........Of course Mikado was " Found out"... he was indeed the person he called " Ridgerunner"....
Managing the way forums are manipulated. Part of the game.

But its not for fun. Its deadly serious. And if you watch what happens when they decide to " attack" a forum it becomes very obvious that they are out to disarm and destroy it.... usually by getting the topics totally disgusting and off topic... letting the conversations slide into insults and personal attacks.... soon the entire thing is shut down.... and the " Ridgerunners" ( in their various forms) have won. Its sad to see it happen, more important to recognize it when it first starts.

On the other hand..its a learning experience..... this is something that will continue... I pretty much figured this place and others would be under somebodys microscope....I wish I had your experience with the History Channel though... that was my first experience with the way Forums work and BOY was I a newbie.

I swear to the 'Mother of all Mothers' I want to 'Evil eye' the FU** OUT YOU just because I can. You’re a Scorpio, and Scorpios don’t possess the gift that you talk about, the only thing your nasty ass sign does is cause destruction. You’re such a dark individual that I no longer even come to this site because of you. You need to go to church and ask your god for forgiveness .Something is really wrong with you, you need help, and as far as time jumping, I honestly am, and was waiting for you to ask me to give you details, it might have not been your lover, but you did something very bad to 2 people in your life, and that’s all I’m going to say.

I think I’m going to evil eye you just because it will make 'Logios Hermes' happy, TELL ME HOW LIFE IS GOING FOR YOU IN THE NEXT 7 DAYS, and maybe if you apologize to me for seeing what you did, then maybe I will disable It, other than that, until you do good by me, your life is going to be chaotic more than what it was before.

You really remind me of Jack be it you're in character or just being yourself.



i think it was...'i lost my reality when i started killing'...i dont know?

WTF are you people talking about?

Gemini, what exactly did I say to you because I usually don't forget when I insult somebody (just ask Linda Brown she can tell you all about it). The last thing I remember, Pat M was accusing me of murder, so if anyone deserves an apology, it would be me.

Mikado..... This is the statement I was talking about and you know it.

and that would be that her husband, the one she is cheating on

My response to that is..... My husband laughs at you. Linda

OMG you're married? .... no doubt infidelity has helped you stay married. Why the f**k are we talking about people's private lives?
IAN Chris .EVERY since you came to this site, I have received very bad vibes from your light that has turned dark for some reason, I usually don’t talk to Scorpios because our gods are at war. I would like to ask you this...did you kill your friend, and you just don’t realize it ,or are you just using this site to hide what you really did to cover your tracks of your vicious murder.

I already know the answer because I time jumped to that day, I just want to know when it happened how far did your reality go astray?????

WAIT, how the F**K do you expect an apology from me when you're the one throwing insults??

Interesting, so why did I confuse you with being "Pat M" a moment ago??

Something tells me Gemini 527 and Pat M are to Linda Brown and Mikado as the Federal Government is to Undercover Infiltration.

It might not be a bad idea, if Lady of Light started asking for Identity confirmation because I have no problem sending her my verification documents. On some level there should always be accountability, which is the reason why I am completely transparent....
WAIT, how the F**K do you expect an apology from me when you're the one throwing insults??

Interesting, so why did I confuse you with being "Pat M" a moment ago??

Something tells me Gemini 527 and Pat M are to Linda Brown and Mikado as the Federal Government is to Undercover Infiltration.

It might not be a bad idea, if Lady of Light started asking for Identity confirmation because I have no problem sending her my verification documents. On some level there should always be accountability, which is the reason why I am completely transparent....

Undercover Infiltration? Okay, Joe McCarthy.

And Gem and I are friends. Linda and Mik aren't from what I understand, so your analogy might be just a lil off.

As far as your analogy being about infiltrating, if Gem has infiltrated me, it's been in the way of expanding my mind. You'll have to ask Linda if Mik has expanded her's. :smiley_simmons:
Actually I was accusing you of being Immortal Gemini ... just as I was accusing Linda of being Mikado... and the analogy, Redwood, is that your purpose here has an ulterior motive. From my observation, it seems the four of you create quite a bit of chaos. BTW I am defining chaos by cause, not the effect because I am very honest about how I handle attacks. Therefore, the intention to attack me would be to incite my reaction, which everyone should know by now, is very volatile.

Ultimately, if your intention was in earnest, you would make an effort to communicate in a civil manner instead of making petty attacks, which might appear to discredit the conversation, unless the moderator is able to address the issue effectively.

It is such a lovely video, isn't it. Be advised, if you believe my life is a movie, it is because I am extraordinary and if I were an actor, I imagine one of you would have been able to score at least one point by now.
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Since I cannot see your video Ianchris I guess I just have to go by what you have actually written here.

Its not enough to hold my attention other than to note that you must not have a very good memory.

Since I cannot see your video Ianchris I guess I just have to go by what you have actually written here.

Its not enough to hold my attention other than to note that you must not have a very good memory.


Yeah, except I have the memory of an elephant, if not better. I have the intuition and instinct of a wolf and the fact that you have mocked me by comparing me to a crazy dog only reinforces how much you're threatened by me.

I have a question to ask of you Ianchris, since you know so much about everything and are not, you say, a man to be mocked.... why is it that the photo of "Jose Escamilla" on Zorgons " The Living Moon Forum" look so disturbingly like Mikado.
I am beginning to think that you all are running around with various names... Maybe thats why he never wanted his real name to be attached to the name of Mikado? How many identities have you assumed in the last couple of years?

Those of you who have actually met Mikado. Take a look. An amazing resemblance? Linda

What do you think BobE.... are we dealing with a bunch of disinformation agents with a very BIG agenda? Take a look at Jose Escamilla on the Pegasus Research Consortium and tell me if you recognize him.

And Ianchris.... the saying is....." the mad dog never sees the wolf". I didn't identify who I was talking about. I will let you try to figure it out.
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X History board bored trolls who come to these type of sites to rant their philosophies to ears that do not care on the plains of old as social media has taken hold of the new. That's what i think.
I have a question to ask of you Ianchris, since you know so much about everything and are not, you say, a man to be mocked.... why is it that the photo of "Jose Escamilla" on Zorgons " The Living Moon Forum" look so disturbingly like Mikado.
I am beginning to think that you all are running around with various names... Maybe thats why he never wanted his real name to be attached to the name of Mikado? How many identities have you assumed in the last couple of years?

Those of you who have actually met Mikado. Take a look. An amazing resemblance? Linda

What do you think BobE.... are we dealing with a bunch of disinformation agents with a very BIG agenda? Take a look at Jose Escamilla on the Pegasus Research Consortium and tell me if you recognize him.

And Ianchris.... the saying is....." the mad dog never sees the wolf". I didn't identify who I was talking about. I will let you try to figure it out.

Linda Brown? What the f**k are you talking about?
why is it that the photo of "Jose Escamilla" on Zorgons

Which "photo" are you referring to? Considering the amount of media I have posted as supporting evidence, you must be making the attempt to create confusion because if your intention was in earnest your communication skills would facilitate a constructive conversation.

I swear to God you're like a retarded preschool child
why is it that the photo of "Jose Escamilla" on Zorgons
is like a special ed field trip to a museum and hearing one of them say "Why is that picture on the wall."

Who the hell is "Jose Escamilla" and what the hell is "Zorgons" because it sounds like something one would find on the science-fiction channel and I do not watch television.

Ms. Brown, for future reference, it would be helpful if you would actually present the visual diagrams and exhibits in question so they can be cross-examined appropriately. For the record, I am offended by few things, but of which, stupidity and censorship offend me the most.

I would think after a couple months of giving you the example of how to challenge something, you would have learned something by now. Find a picture of "Jose Escamilla" and download the picture I used that you believe is of "Jose Escamilla" and present them side by side and explain to us why you believe they are the same person.
Opening up a whole new can of worms here BobE... but thank you for that.

Ianchris.... Not my problem if you can't keep up.
