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“If Murdoch sells up shop, it would be a blow to Israel’s fortunes,” wrote Robin Shepherd in London Jewish Chronicle on July 14, 2011.

Frankly, that’s not true. Rupert Murdoch’s son James, the heir apparent of Murdoch media empire (Times of London, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, The Australian, Fox News, BSkyB, The Weekly Standard and many more) – carries more hatred for Palestinians than his father.

British Guardian, recently, quoted a dinner talk between Rupert and James at Islamophobic Tony Blair’s 10 Downing St. residence in 2002, recorded by Labor Party publicist Alastair Campbell in his diaries. “Murdoch said he did not see what Palestinians’ problem was and James replied; it was that they were kicked out of their f-ing homes and had nowhere to f-ing live”.

Michael Wolff, author of the Rupert Murdoch biography “The Man Who Owns the News” in an interview with Bloomberg said that Rupert is trying to protect his son James’ future as head of Murdoch mediaempire.

On October 13, 2010 – Murdoch was honored by American pro-Israel Jewish Supremacist organization, Anti-Defamation League (ADL) – for his “stalwart support of Israel and his commitment to promoting respect and speaking out against anti-Semitism”.

Rupert Murdoch in his speech told the racist Zionist audience: “My own perspective is simple; we live in a world where there is an ongoing war against the Jews. When American think of anti-Semitism, we tend to think of the vulgar caricature (such as the recent cartoon posted by Dr. Richard Falk on his blog) and attacks of the first part of the 20th century. Now it seems that the most virulent strains come from the Left.”

Last year Murdoch put his foot down on Fox News’ chief Roger Ailes to fire ‘Islamophobic’ talk-show host Glenn Beck for calling Jewish billionaire George Soro ‘a Nazi collaborator’. Interestingly, Glenn Beck addressed the Israeli Knesset a week ago, saying: “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is about destruction of Israel and the West…. Anti-Semitism is going to go through roof. when these conditions appear; it’s always the Jews fault. It is not about Holocaust, just the latest in string of events thousands of years. Holocaust is just the one they made movie about, it was same way all the times”. I do hope the bigot was not blaming Muslims for the expulsion of Jewish communities from almost every European country in the past.

Murdoch carries US-Israel dual citizen. He was honored by American Jewish Committee in 2009. He told Israel-Firsters at AJC meeting: “In the West we are used to thinking that Israel cannot survive without the help of Europe and the United States. Tonight I say to you, may be we should start wondering whether we in Europe and the United States can survive if we allow terrorists to succeed in Israel”. Pity, after sucking $3 trillion dollars from US taxpayers and over 56 US vetoes at UNSC – Israeli ambassador in US, Michael Oren wrote in Foreign Affairs in April 2011 that the US needs Israel on its side more than ever before.

Keith Rupert Murdoch 80 is an Australia-born American Crypto-Jewish multi-billionaire media baron and Chairman and CEO of News Corporation. He has used his media empire to manipulate world opinion in favor of Israel than make money. Watch Gordon Duff’s, senior editor Veterans Today on Press TV below.

Murdoch trail may bring-in his past fellow culprits Tony Blair, Dubya Bush, Brown, David Cameron and Stephen Harper - who had wined and dined with Murdoch and following Murdoch’s Zionist lies for invading Iraq and Afghanistan and covering Israel being behind.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper who is listed on Israel Hasbara Committee as ‘Author’ had a novel way of showing his support to Israel. He and his daughter Rachel attended the filming of TV series Murdoch Mysteries being filmed in Toronto. He even played desk sergeant for 90-second in the new episode.

Murdoch trail terrifies Israel Lobby | Rehmat's World
I don't think Rupert will sell up shop, he might have to step down to appease the shareholders, and he doesn't want his son to take over news corp as he still thinks he's a 'loose cannon' (hence rebecca brooks was originally planned to take over the corporation), BUT he might not have the final say in the matter. As for the 'bumbling fool' appearance on Tuesday, that was an act. Didn't anyone not notice his 'wife' (more like bodygaurd, who trained her?) watching his every move and stepping in when she felt like it? Also strange one of the whistle-blowers 'died' (more like murdered) 12-16 hours before murdoch was questioned wasn't it? This isn't the end BUT this could also be a smokescreen for the UK government to take complete control (have the right to censor) the UK media as a whole... This isn't over yet......
Who else you think will take over Murdoch's media empire? Stephen Harper since he the only Canadian mentioned on Israel Hasbara Committee.

British government doesn't have the muscles to take-over Murdoch's empire as both Conservative and Labour parties are occupied by Jews directly or through Jewish Lobby. David Cameron had boasted his Jewish family background while Ed Milliband is 101% Jewish.
I do have serious issues in regards of 'the jews trying to take over the world thing'. It comes across a bit racist. True that many powerful people are Jewish, but many powerful people are also christain, catholic, muslim, hindi etc.I also have doubts that they're all following what's written in the 'protocal's of zion'. You might as well say they're following what's written in The Lord of the Rings as well.

Most of the powerful elite are singing from the same hymn sheet. They use religion as a tool to gain control of what they want. History is full of them, and will continue if people don't wake up. Man made religion is a con, just like most things in life, and people who use religion as a means to gain power need to be exposed for the con artists they are. Yes I beleive the Illumanti are a powerful elite, made up of people from ALL walks of life and religions, but these same people are playing the old 'racist card' that hitler used in the 1920's-blaming the jews for everything (including the kitchen sink). This is DANGEROUS, as most normal working jews don't have an inkling what's happening around them.

This doesn't mean I'm sticking up for oppressor's in Israel or in the US (far from it), but you have to look at the bigger picture here. What happened with the NOTW, was PLANNED, just as the burning of the German Chancellary was in the 1930's. It's a plan to have the governement gain full CONTROL of all media, starting with newspapers, then televised news, then the internet. They see what's happening in China and go 'well if it works for them, it'll work for us'. Murdoch KNOWS this, and you can see he ain't running scared from this in fact he's EMBRACING IT!

If china are going to be THE superpower of the 21st century then your going to have to do things to appease them. government control of all media is one, abolishing the minimum wage is another that will happen soon, as will working long hours just to get unemployment benefit-MODERN SLAVERY. This isn't a jewish conspiracy this is a WORLDWIDE RELIGIOUS one, planned by the vatican, fundamentalist christains, powerful islamists etc. The jews are just pawns (albeit the most powerful of them of willing pawns).
Any political aware person will tell you that there is nothing wrong for you live in your 'self-denial' as tens of millions of Zionist Jews and Christian does. Since daily bashing of Muslims, Christians, Arabs, Japanese, Blacks, Native Indian or Latinos is not considered 'racism' in the West - why it's 'racism' to expose evilness among the Jewish elites?

I know bigots like Abe Foxman, Glenn Beck, George Soro, Henry Kissinger, Hillary Clinton, Sen. Joe Lieberman, Rep. King, etc. etc. never agree with my point of view about 'Jewish menace' - so why should you!!
It's the way your stating it. 'The Jewish menace'. Hitler used the same language against normal Jews, blaming normal, hard working jews for everything-instead of blaming England and France for what happened to Germany after 1918. if your going against Jews then make it CLEARER. state your talking about the Jewsih HEIARCHY (in Israeli government, holding high postiions in power), instead of painting every single jew with the same brush. i'm sure you'd be pissed of if people started blaming all catholics for the inquisition, all protestants for the what happened to the native american, all muslims for tyranny in the middle east etc etc. People need to be very careful in blaming one RACE of people for all the worlds ills. The same people stating this, their ancestor's hads no problems owning and abusing African and carribean slaves and blaming them for their problems (same excuse different race).

also i did not say the British government will take over ther complete murdoch empire. They'll just relenquish murdoch's hold on the british media, and more than likely force him to sell his entire shares on bskyb as well as sell the times and the sun newspapers-thus giving the british government the chance to take control. Watch the states soon as well. Congress are looking very closly at what's happening over here and will be taking notes. As for a canadian Jew taking over Murdoch's empire??? as if!!! Will never happen!!!

I'm a very strong beleiver in Conspiracy and all that, what I'm not for is blaming one race for ALL ills in the world. Every single person is to blame for what's going on in the world, as every single person in this world isn't doing anything to stop it (including yourself and myself).

Racism in any form is abhorent, blame the power elite, not the normal person in the street. ;)
hahahaha you beleive the biggest MYTH of the 21st century. That hitler had Jewish blood in him. but then by the way you write you believe anything that furthers your believe in the 'jewish conspiracy. Funny Hitler being both a jew and a Catholic...I find it hiliarious. i'm sure you read your copy of Mein Kampf before you go to bed as well? i'm not debating wether he had jews in the nazi party-that's been proven, but he also loved Jewish composers as well. History is full of tyrannts that loved their enemies music and arts. Hitler was no exception. But he wasn't a jew-get over it.