
National Emergency - Ukraine Plague Connection

Quote from original poster:

November 06, 2009

Just one week after President Obama declares a National Emergency on October 23, 2009, reports start coming out of the Ukraine about a severe outbreak of flu pandemic that in some cases has symptoms like Pneumonic Plague. What makes this all very suspicious and unusual is that just about two months ago allegations were made by a microbiologist named Joseph Moshe that Baxter Pharmaceuticals had plans to release a man-made virus, in of all places, the Ukraine.
What is really going on?
If anyone from the Ukraine has information, please share it with us in the comments.

Peace to all of you,

YouTube - National Emergency - Ukraine Plague Connection

Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist): “Swine flu vaccine is bioweapon”...
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In response:

Joseph Moshe Standoff 1/4

Quote from orinal poster:

August 20, 2009
NOTE: After the incident that led to the pepper spraying and tazering of Joseph Moshe on Thursday, August 13, 2009, this story appears to have vanished with no follow up by the mainstream media. To this day I have not found information regarding Joseph Moshe's current location and status.

Was he released?
Did he go to court?
Where is he now?
Who is he?
I sent emails to reporters Carlos Lozano of the LA Times and Larry Altman at The Daily Breeze who wrote about the eight hour standoff between Joseph Moshe and the police. I asked the reporters if they knew what happened to Moshe and who he is. I did not receive a reply.

The story raises many questions such as who is Joseph Moshe and how could he withstand several assaults of tear gas. Even the law enforcement officers on the scene where surprised by this feat along. ~Ed

There is some misunderstanding regarding Moshe's phone call to Dr True Ott's radio program 2 days before the standoff. Moshe phoned Dr Ott after the radio program so there is no recording of the conversation. You can listen to an audio of Dr Ott discussing his conversation with Moshe at the link below


You can also listen to an audio of Dr Bill Deagle reporting the Joseph Moshe standoff and the phone call to Dr Ott at the same link above. Dr Deagle said that Moshe was a biological-scientist with a dual citizenship in the USA and Israel.

Moshe phoned Dr True Ott Show who has a radio show on Republic Broadcasting and said he was a microbiologist who wanted to hand over evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 vaccines being produced by Baxter pharmaceutical.

Moshe said that Baxter's lab in the Ukraine was in fact preparing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He maintained that the vaccine contained both adjuvants designed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 global pandemic.

Thats it. He made no threat against Obama, nor said anything about bombs or any attack.

Dr Ott has said that This Joseph Moshe arrested in L.A. is likely a MOSSAD agent with a CONSCIENCE—and has apparently been extradited immediately to Israel. Now his testimony, whatever it would have been, is still secure. Notice, the federal agents used an electro-magnetic pulse—which knocked out his car, as well as any cell phone so he couldn't contact the U.S. Attorney he was obviously going to meet with.

Dr True Otts complete reply is at the link below.

The day after Moshe phoned the radio show, a swat team surrounded his Volkswagen Beetle near the Federal building near the Israeli consulate. The consulate was apparently Moshes destination. The federal building was locked down at noon and employees were told to stay inside.

The mainstream media spun a story that Moshe had threatened the White House with a bomb, that there were outstanding warrants (misdemeanors) against him and that he was depressed. No mention that Moshe was a biological-scientist or of the information he provided on Dr. True Otts radio show about the vaccine company Baxter.

This resulted in an eight hour standoff. A large armored military vehicle with microwave weapon, a robot and other equipment were brought in. It was reported that the electronics of the Volkswagen and Moshes cell were disabled by the microwave.

Moshe sat peacefully in the car smoking for several hours before a robot broke a rear window of the car so officers could see inside and try to communicate.

Police eventually fired 4 volleys of tear gas into the window of the Volkswagen. But Moshe remained inside the car and briefly wound down the passenger window to let out the fumes. Police broke the drivers side window of the Volkswagen and tasered Moshe.

NBC LA reported on Aug 17 that Moshe was in jail but Dr. Deagle says that Moshe has been sent to Israel.

Read more: News | Mail Online...

Also see Jay Weidners article Mystery Man Claims Baxter Flu Vax Is A BioWeapon at the link below.
Bizarre - Mystery Man Claims Baxter Flu Vax Is A BioWeapon 


Sources: StarPeople

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Flu Figures from the Ukraine - update

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Health Ministry confirmed 315 deaths or flu and acute respiratory viral infections in 23 regions, the city of Kyiv and Crimea as of November 16.

Ukrainian News learned this from a statement by the Health Ministry.

The ministry registered 16 deaths over the past 24 hours.

According to the statement, since October 29, a total of 89 lethal cases have been registered in Lviv region, 38 lethal cases have been registered in Ivano-Frankivsk region, Chernivtsi region in 25 cases, 22 cases in Ternopil region, 17 cases in Khmelnytskyi region, Kyiv region in 13 cases, 14 cases in the Donetsk region, Rivne region in 10 cases, 11 cases in the city of Kyiv, Volyn region in 10 cases, 11 cases in Chernihiv region, and 7 cases in Zakarpattia region.

Also, 6 people have died of flu and acute respiratory viral infections in each of Cherkasy region, Kharkiv region, Vinnytsia region, and Poltava region, Sumy region in 5 people, 3 people in each of Kherson region, Zhytomyr region, Zaporizhia region, Kirovohrad region, two people died in each region of Dnipropetrovsk and Crimea, and one in each region of Mykolaiv, Odesa region, and the city of Sevastopol.

Since October 29, a total of 1,400,999 people have contracted flu and acute respiratory viral infections in Ukraine, according to the statement.

A total of 78.326 people have been hospitalized with flu and acute respiratory viral infections since October 29, and 48.155 patients have been discharged.

The epidemic threshold has not been overridden only in Crimea, Zaporizhia region, Odesa region, Kharkiv region, Kherson region, and the city of Sevastopol.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, the Health Ministry confirmed 299 deaths or flu and acute respiratory viral infections in 23 regions, the city of Kyiv and Crimea as of November 15.

Editorial Note:

Official figures can always be questioned!

Sources: Ukranews

Scientist Warned of H1N1 Plague - Then Arrested by SWAT on National TV

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bio-scientist Joseph Moshe who was arrested by the FBI tried to warn the public about Baxter's sinister plan to release a plague in the Ukraine by creating a vaccine bio-weapon that would result in hundreds of deaths.

Precisely that is what occurred in the Ukraine, a plague infected 1.5 million people, about 80.000 being hospitalized and leaving 328 dead. The WHO (World Health Organization) claims that the virus running through Ukraine is nothing more than the same influenza A/H1N1 experienced around the world and that its not pheumonic plague. Many suspect that this is a bacterial pheumonic plague that is ten-times worse than swine flu influenza that is spread from person-to-person. Reports from the infected tend to say that their lungs have a burning sensation as turning them black as charcoal.

Joseph Moshe is a bio-scientist working for a unit within Mossad and had dual national (Israeli-American) citizenship, Moshe was later seized for blowing the whistle on Baxter International contacting a radio show and the White House, warning them of the pharmaceutical companies a plot to spread plague from Baxter Ukrainian lab. He knew the FBI was bugging his house, so he decided to pack up his things and head for the Israeli consulate where he was armed by LAPD / SWAT, FBI and the Secret Service surrounding his car. He was pepper-sprayed, Tasered and is now being held in the Patton State Mental Hospital in California, his next court date is December 25, 2010.

What is not certain yet is how this disease was released to the public, its certainly not natural. According to local newspapers hundreds of phone calls from Kiev residents and business owners to close the area where it was reported that planes and helicopters spraying aerosolized medication over the city during the time frame between October 28 October 30, 2009. Not only that but local businesses and retailers were advised to stay indoors during the day by the local authorities.

As if that was not enough, the government authorities also pushed the radio stations in Kiev to deny the reports. On-line forums, websites and blogs reports came in about eye witness accounts that confirms this. There were also reports of helicopters spraying aerosols but not just about Kiev Lviv, Ternopil and throughout Ukraine. The spraying was vehemently denied by the countrys Office of Emergency Response.
This takes me back to when reports surfaced about gelatin-like rain pouring down on a small town of Oakville, Washington. The gelatinous like substance contained live bacteria that made an entire town sick for months.

This is a lot like what happened in the Ukraine, and is like the winch scenario on how this infection was spread. A bacterial pneumonic plague is of course much more virulent and lethal than the ordinary influenza A virus that is spread from person-to-person through viral shedding.

Regardless of how this infection had spread, it should always be tasks that into account that governments have been using their own populations as their own experimental lab for decades. It always seems to lead back to the military, government and big pharma using us for their own megalomaniacal reasons, the mainstream media is used to hype up the fear to sell vaccines.

Sources: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
