[Attention] Now Offering Online Tarot Card Readings At Reasonable Price (Psychic)

Lady of Light

I am a Psychic. I have been doing readings for many years now. The only type of readings I do for people are the Tarot readings. (That is where my focus for others lies, although that is not my only power.) I use the Tarot to channel.

I am now offering online tarot readings at the low cost of $20 per reading.

This is a full spread reading which looks at all aspects of one's life and any question(s) that need answers.

Ask anything you like for a specified reading, or nothing at all if you would like a general reading.

All that is needed is a first name. (This is for a focal point only. I will never require any more information on a person than their first name.) Anyone who asks for more than that may not be legitimate and may be getting their information elsewhere. You shouldn't trust anyone who asks for your personal information for any type of reading. A first name is not personal as there are many people out there with the same first names.

$20 is my starting price. If a more in-depth reading is required, we'll work out a price based on what is needed, as each situation is different.

I charge for my time and the energy that I must put into each reading. I've had people say that I don't charge enough, but I think what I charge is more than fair.

You can pay via PayPal by clicking one of the Donate links above in the navigation bar. Or you can contact me if you don't have a PayPal account and we'll work out payment. I prefer PayPal because it's easier for me.

Thank you, and I hope to hear from all that require some clarification in their lives and wish to go the way of Tarot to help gain that clarity.

Love, Peace, and Light!!! :)

Lady of Light
Thanks Lady of Light, or Cobra. I rather not knowing something that I should'nt be knowing. I like mystery in life. Taking chances in life is part of the fun, if every step I took is correct then life will be very boring. Don't you agree?
I would love a reading. I do readings myself but I keep ending up with the same info every time. My readings are done intuitively, meaning that I don't use standard spreads. What comes, comes, and in whatever format they choose to fall in. Additionally, I haven't studied the symbolism of the cards to any great extent, so when I say it's intuitive, I really mean it. :)

I live in Northern Europe and I have withdrawn my support for the banking system some years ago. ;) Do you take cash via post?
I would absolutely love to do a reading for you kotn! :) As for cash in the mail, money order would be better if you could, but I guess you could take the chance of the money actually getting here.

But, because of no other form of payment, I'll send you a PM to discuss this further. :)
I think so. I'm quite happy to pay. I normally do my own cards, but I can't read them like someone else can. There is stuff I miss or take for granted or misinterpret. Someone else can give a greater perspective, providing they know what they're doing. :)
It's not that I couldn't offer readings for free. It's that I don't offer for free. It's nice to have a little bit of compensation for the time and energy that is put into the readings. It actually takes a lot of energy to do a reading. It's not just a matter of shuffle and lay out and just throw any bit of general information out at a person. There is a connection that is made in order to gain an accurate reading for them. That's where the energy is used. I'm not out to just take people's money. You should beware of anything that is offered as FREE. There is almost always a catch.

If you want a reading and you can't afford to pay the $20, we can work something out, sungazer. In fact, you've been doing so much posting on here, that I could take that as my payment. Did you want a reading?
Ok, fair is fair. I just wondered that's all. I didn't realize there was so much involved.

I CAN afford to pay, but I'll let you know. I don't think I'm ready for a reading just yet. I was only looking for now.
I'm iffy on anything psychic. Are you for real? I know asking you, you'll say yes. But can anyone else attest to this? I'm curious what a reading would bring up for me. I want to know how real you are before I ask for a reading. But, I am curious. I've got a lot going on right now and I'm not sure where to turn.
I can recommend her. You won't be disappointed, if you're looking for the truth, that is. Sweet little lies are expensive.
Thanks for such an informative reading. You're right on the money with what you've told me. There's still some things that i need to examine closer, but you're good! Thank you. I highly recommend you! :) :)