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Free Gary McKinnon! Petition

For those of you who don't know Gary McKinnon, he hacked in the pentagon's computers and supposively saw some top secret UFO material. He says the computers had no password protection and that it wasn't a matter of hacking in to them as they were left open. This must have embarrass the pentagon as the want him deported form the UK to the USA to execute him.

This petition is to help free him.

To: U.S. Congress
Free Gary McKinnon!

In 2002, Gary McKinnon was arrested by the UK's national high-tech crime unit, after being accused of hacking into Nasa and the US military computer networks.

He says he spent two years looking for photographic evidence of alien spacecraft and advanced power technology.

America now wants to put him on trial, and if tried there he could face 60 years behind bars.

Banned from using the internet, Gary spoke to Click presenter Spencer Kelly to tell his side of the story, ahead of his extradition hearing on Wednesday, 10 May. You can read what he had to say here.

Spencer Kelly: Here's your list of charges: you hacked into the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Department of Defense, and Nasa, amongst other things. Why?

Gary McKinnon: I was in search of suppressed technology, laughingly referred to as UFO technology. I think it's the biggest kept secret in the world because of its comic value, but it's a very important thing.

Old-age pensioners can't pay their fuel bills, countries are invaded to award oil contracts to the West, and meanwhile secretive parts of the secret government are sitting on suppressed technology for free energy.

SK: How did you go about trying to find the stuff you were looking for in Nasa, in the Department of Defense?

GM: Unlike the press would have you believe, it wasn't very clever. I searched for blank passwords, I wrote a tiny Perl script that tied together other people's programs that search for blank passwords, so you could scan 65,000 machines in just over eight minutes.

SK: So you're saying that you found computers which had a high-ranking status, administrator status, which hadn't had their passwords set - they were still set to default?

GM: Yes, precisely.

SK: Were you the only hacker to make it past the slightly lower-than-expected lines of defence?

GM: Yes, exactly, there were no lines of defence. There was a permanent tenancy of foreign hackers. You could run a command when you were on the machine that showed connections from all over the world, check the IP address to see if it was another military base or whatever, and it wasn't.

The General Accounting Office in America has again published another damning report saying that federal security is very, very poor.

SK: Over what kind of period were you hacking into these computers? Was it a one-time only, or for the course of a week?

A bird or a plane?... Gary was not able to get a picture of what he saw
GM: Oh no, it was a couple of years.

SK: And you went unnoticed for a couple of years?

GM: Oh yes. I used to be careful about the hours.

SK: So you would log on in the middle of the night, say?

GM: Yes, I'd always be juggling different time zones. Doing it at night time there's hopefully not many people around. But there was one occasion when a network engineer saw me and actually questioned me and we actually talked to each other via WordPad, which was very, very strange.

SK: So what did he say? And what did you say?

GM: He said "What are you doing?" which was a bit shocking. I told him I was from Military Computer Security, which he fully believed.

SK: Did you find what you were looking for?

GM: Yes.

SK: Tell us about it.

GM: There was a group called the Disclosure Project. They published a book which had 400 expert witnesses ranging from civilian air traffic controllers, through military radar operators, right up to the chaps who were responsible for whether or not to launch nuclear missiles.

They are some very credible, relied upon people, all saying yes, there is UFO technology, there's anti-gravity, there's free energy, and it's extra-terrestrial in origin, and we've captured spacecraft and reverse-engineered it.

SK: What did you find inside Nasa?

GM: One of these people was a Nasa photographic expert, and she said that in building eight of Johnson Space Centre they regularly airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution satellite imaging. What she said was there was there: there were folders called "filtered" and "unfiltered", "processed" and "raw", something like that.

I got one picture out of the folder, and bearing in mind this is a 56k dial-up, so a very slow internet connection, in dial-up days, using the remote control programme I turned the colour down to 4bit colour and the screen resolution really, really low, and even then the picture was still juddering as it came onto the screen.

But what came on to the screen was amazing. It was a culmination of all my efforts. It was a picture of something that definitely wasn't man-made.

It was above the Earth's hemisphere. It kind of looked like a satellite. It was cigar-shaped and had geodesic domes above, below, to the left, the right and both ends of it, and although it was a low-resolution picture it was very close up.

This thing was hanging in space, the earth's hemisphere visible below it, and no rivets, no seams, none of the stuff associated with normal man-made manufacturing.

SK: Is it possible this is an artist's impression?

GM: I don't know... For me, it was more than a coincidence. This woman has said: "This is what happens, in this building, in this space centre". I went into that building, that space centre, and saw exactly that.

SK: Do you have a copy of this? It came down to your machine.

GM: No, the graphical remote viewer works frame by frame. It's a Java application, so there's nothing to save on your hard drive, or at least if it is, only one frame at a time.

SK: So did you get the one frame?

GM: No.

SK: What happened?

GM: Once I was cut off, my picture just disappeared.

SK: You were actually cut off the time you were downloading the picture?

GM: Yes, I saw the guy's hand move across.

SK: You acknowledge that what you did was against the law, it was wrong, don't you?

GM: Unauthorised access is against the law and it is wrong.

SK: What do you think is a suitable punishment for someone who did what you did?

GM: Firstly, because of what I was looking for, I think I was morally correct. Even though I regret it now, I think the free energy technology should be publicly available.

I want to be tried in my own country, under the Computer Misuse Act, and I want evidence brought forward, or at least want the Americans to have to provide evidence in order to extradite me, because I know there is no evidence of damage.

Nasa told Click that it does not discuss computer security issues or legal matters. It denied it would ever manipulate images in order to deceive and said it had a policy of open and full disclosure, adding it had no direct evidence of extra-terrestrial life.

Free Gary McKinnon! He have evidences! He have evidences!

Go here to sign the Petition: Free Gary McKinnon! Petition
Good news' for British hacker Saturday, February 21, 2009


Good news' for British hacker
Saturday, February 21, 2009

The British hacker facing extradition to the the U.S. for hacking into American military computers will know on Friday whether he can seek a judicial review.

Video Below:

The court hearing his request for review was told that Gary McKinnon, 42, of London, could be a suicide risk if his extradition to the U.S. went ahead.

He has been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and his legal team argued his extradition would be inappropriate.

Lawyers for the home secretary played down the risk to Mr. McKinnon's health.

Psychosis or suicide

Edward Fitzgerald QC acting for Mr McKinnon told the court: "The very fact of extradition would endanger his health."

The lawyer told the High Court his medical condition was likely to give rise to psychosis or suicide if removed to the U.S., far away from his family, and he should be allowed to stand trial in the UK.

His legal team are requesting a judicial review into Mr McKinnon's extradition, as he was only diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome last August.

The condition had not been taken into consideration by Home Secretary Jacqui Smith at the time she decided he should be extradited.

Mr Fitzgerald accused the Home Secretary of failing to inform herself and properly consider these risks before decide in October last year to permit extradition.

He said she had also failed to request an undertaking from the U.S. that Mr McKinnon, "a seriously disordered person", would be repatriated to serve his sentence in the UK, or request that he be given bail pending trial.

Hugo Keith, appearing for the Home Secretary, argued that the Minister had ACTED within her powers and extradition would not be oppressive or unjust.

Mr. McKinnon's risk of mental illness could be mitigated by treatment in the U.S. - otherwise one would be arguing that no-one with severe or moderately severe mental Suffering could ever be extradited. "

Lord Justice Maurice Kay and Mr Justice Simon said they hoped to give their decision on Friday.

Mr. McKinnon has always admitted hacking into the computer systems in 2001-2 which the U.S. government says cost $ 800,000 (£ 550,000) in damage.


He has always said that he had no malicious intent but was looking for classified documents on UFOs he believed the U.S. authorities had suppressed.

Speaking on Thursday, Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, a leading expert on Asperger's Syndrome responsible for the diagnosis of Mr McKinnon said: "If, as I believe, the crime was committed through naivety and through an obsession - in this case with computers and trying to find information - without any intent to deceive, without any attempt to hide what he was doing, we should be thinking about this as the activity or somebody with a disability rather than a criminal activity. "

Mr McKinnon's legal team have sent a request to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Keir Starmer, for him to face trial in the UK rather than the U.S..

The DPP will give his answer in four weeks time and the court heard today that the Home Secretary had agreed to postpone Mr. McKinnon's extradition until the DPP had considered his response.

'Ray of hope'

Speaking on Thursday, his solicitor, Karen Todner, had feared he could be removed to the U.S. within days.

Speaking outside the court Mr McKinnon said: "It's been a good day overall. For a change it's slightly good news - a little ray of hope."

If his legal team can persuade the DPP to try Mr McKinnon in the UK, he would face a three to four year sentence rather than a potential 70 years in U.S. courts.


Translated version of
breaking news; Gary McKinnon

Itv news 10.25pm this evening has just claimed that Gary McKinnon has lost his appeal!
OMG! never thought it would come to this.
Sorry no links i can not find anything on line as yet.:mad3::mad3:
UK government delays hacker extradition deadline

LONDON – The British government says it will consider new medical evidence before approving the extradition of a computer hacker wanted in the U.S. on charges of breaking into military computers.

U.S. prosecutors accuse Gary McKinnon of hacking into dozens of computers shortly after Sept. 11, 2001. McKinnon says he was looking for evidence of UFOs.

This month, Britain's High Court ruled the 43-year-old should be extradited. The government gave him two weeks to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.

McKinnon's lawyers say he has a form of autism and is at risk of suicide if extradited.

Home Secretary Alan Johnson said Monday he had "stopped the clock ticking on the representation to the European Court" because of new medical evidence about the autism.
Whistleblowers’ evidence of NASA UFO fraud might kill UK hacker case

Whistleblowers’ evidence of NASA UFO fraud might kill UK hacker case
« on: March 23, 2009, 04:47:20 PM »

Whistleblowers’ evidence of NASA UFO fraud might kill UK hacker case

Whistleblowers? evidence of NASA UFO fraud might kill UK hacker case

Whistleblowers’ evidence of NASA UFO fraud might kill UK hacker case

Evidence that U.S. space agency NASA has defrauded U.S. taxpayers for billions of dollars could scrap NASA’s case against UK hacker Gary McKinnon. Credible witnesses have claimed that NASA has altered or destroyed its photos containing images of UFOs. This could become a legal and public relations nightmare for NASA.

The space agency is attempting to prosecute McKinnon for hacking into NASA computer files. McKinnon has stated that he saw UFO-related files in NASA’s computers. But NASA has denied any “cover-up”.

NASA’s claim of innocence faces a serious challenge. Some of the whistleblowers are former NASA employees and contractors with inside knowledge of NASA’s operation. If NASA’s destruction of public property is confirmed, the alleged cost of McKinnon’s hacking would be insignificant compared to NASA’s annual funding of more than $17 billion. Even worse, NASA’s year 2000 mission statement boasted that it is “ethical and honest” in all that they do.

Part of NASA's mission is to look for signs of intelligent life in outer space. So asking for more money to 'look', after they've already destroyed evidence that they 'found', is a not going to be easy.

Among these whistleblowers are US Air Force Sergeant Karl Wolfe, former NASA employee Donna Hare, and former NASA engineer John Schuessler. Wolfe and Hare exposed some of NASA’s misdeeds at the May 9, 2001 Disclosure Project press conference in Washington, D.C. They both offered to give similar testimony before the U.S. Congress.

According to the Disclosure Project:

Donna Hare had a secret clearance while working for NASA contractor, Philco Ford. She testifies that she was shown a photo of a picture with a distinct UFO. Her colleague explained that it was his job to airbrush such evidence of UFOs out of photographs before they were released to the public. She also heard information from other Johnson Space Center employees that some astronauts had seen extraterrestrial craft and that when some of them wanted to speak out about this they were threatened.” [See Hare’s testimony at 100:10 minutes into the May 9, 2001 Disclosure Project press conference.

“Sergeant Karl Wolfe was in the Air Force for 4 and 1/2 years beginning in January 1964. He had a top-secret crypto clearance and worked with the tactical air command at Langley AFB in Virginia. While working at a NSA [National Security Agency] facility he was shown photographs taken by the Lunar Orbiter of the moon that showed detailed artificial structures. These photos were taken prior to the Apollo landing in 1969. [See Wolfe’s testimony at 57:50 minutes into the May 9, 2001 Disclosure Project press conference.

John Schuessler is a Denver area resident and retired aerospace engineer from Lockheed Martin. He worked at NASA on nearly every manned U.S. space flight since its inception. In a March 19, 2008 lecture in Lakewood, CO, Schuessler talked about seeing an unfamiliar photo from one of the Apollo moon landings. Schuessler said:

“I went to a conference in Canada, in Toronto. I think it was [19]82. A guy came up to me and said ‘I’ve got this NASA photo. Do you recognize this?’ And it was an Apollo shot. And it was an official lithograph that they release. I’ve got hundreds of these lithographs.

I didn’t have that one. And they are all numbered. They have a photograph number on them and on the back of them is printed the information about what it is. This photograph had a UFO in the background.

So as soon as I got back to Houston I went to the photo lab and told them I’d like to look at the Apollo photos. And we’re old friends you know, so they said ‘sure here’s the rack of them.’

So I went down through the rack of the Apollo photos and the numbers sequentially. And I got to a series of numbers, that this one was in the middle of, and there were no photos. They were all missing. And I said ‘well where are these photos?’ He said, ‘well it’s like all these others, the film was bad.’ And I had seen the thing first hand with the NASA printing on it so I know it came out. But it was withdrawn.”

Schuessler was also the co-founder of MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) International and its past Director. It was Schuessler’s story of the missing NASA UFO photo that was largely responsible for inspiring the ballot initiative to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver.

NASA seems intent on making an example of UK hacker Gary McKinnon. In the end, the public might be intent on making an example of NASA. After all, how can NASA keep getting $17 billion a year during an economic crisis after taxpayers find out NASA has been lying to them for decades and squandering their hard-earned money? The legal experts should ask, “is it a crime for someone to hack into a government agency that is committing a much bigger crime?”

There's talk that McKinnon might serve up to 60-70 years in prison if found guilty. So what is the maximum sentence for NASA officials if found guilty of defrauding taxpayers? On Jan. 20, an UK judge is expected to make a final decision on McKinnon’s extradition to the U.S. That gives NASA less than one week to avoid a collision with reality.

“Earth to NASA, you have a problem!”
Whistleblowers’ evidence of NASA UFO fraud might kill UK hacker case Whistleblowers
? Anybody seen this~~Gary McKinnon; BBC; today 12 Nov '09

Nothing wrong with GM's "mental or physical health". UK together with US has got to figure out a way to keep GM info from getting in front of the cameras.
That info would probably be bad, bad, re; getting full disclosure out from US.

He's got 'em over a barrel. CIA and NSA and 'other alphabets' are retarded for having pushed this to this stage.
Things are looking up for gary Mckinnon could this be the life line he needs.

You CAN save Gary McKinnon: MPs' bombshell letter explodes Home Secretary's claim that law makes him powerless to halt extradition
Last updated at 1:15 PM on 13th November 2009

'Suicidal': Gary McKinnon faces extradition to the U.S. for hacking into Pentagon and Nasa computers

Alan Johnson was last night told by a powerful group of MPs that he can and must halt the extradition of Gary McKinnon.

In a devastating letter, the Home Affairs Select Committee flatly rejected Mr Johnson's claim that he is powerless to intervene.

Gary, who has Asperger's syndrome and is said to be suicidal, is due to be handed over to the U.S. under the controversial Extradition Act.

There he faces up to 60 years in jail for hacking into Pentagon and Nasa computers while searching for proof of alien life.

But the Labour chairman of the committee, Keith Vaz, said the 'precarious state' of Gary's mental health meant his removal should be stopped.

The letter also calls for a 'comprehensive review' of the entire Extradition Act - which is widely considered imbalanced against British citizens.

It is a stunning vindication for Gary's supporters, and will pile enormous pressure on Mr Johnson to change his stance.

Earlier this year, the Mail presented the Home Secretary with evidence from two leading extradition lawyers stating that he could stop the removal on health grounds.

But Mr Johnson - while refusing to publish his own legal advice - stubbornly insisted that this was not the case.

Now - after studying the legal opinion obtained by the Mail, and holding a public evidence session with Mr Johnson and Gary's mother Janis this week - the Home Affairs committee has sided with Gary, 43, and this newspaper.

Bombshell: Alan Johnson has been told by the Home Affairs Select Committee - chaired by Keith Vaz (right) - that he can stop McKinnon's extradition

The letter from Mr Vaz - a former minister - to the Home Secretary says: 'We received a clear legal opinion... that the scope for the exercise of discretion by the Home Secretary is greater than you believe.

'Because of Mr McKinnon's precarious state of mental health, the Committee is of the view that he should not be extradited to the U.S.A. and you should exercise your discretion in this case.'

Officially, Mr Johnson has 'stopped the clock' on Gary's removal to the U.S while he considers new medical evidence of the danger he may take his own life if extradited.

Gary McKinnon's mother snubbed in Commons by Alan Johnson
A decision is expected later this month, but the Home Secretary continues to insist his hands are tied.

If he allows the extradition to proceed, he would be flying in the face of evidence from lawyers, autism experts and now one of Parliament's most influential committees.

Gary's mother - who has warned Gary would rather die than be extradited, and that he is 'suicidal' - was delighted by the committee's letter.

Long fight: McKinnon's mother Janis Sharp hopes Johnson listens to the committee

She said: 'It's excellent news and I am incredibly pleased they have come to the same conclusion as everyone else - apart, that is, from the Home Secretary and his advisers.

'I appreciated the careful way that the MPs on the committee listened to my evidence and considered my written submission to them. Now I hope Mr Johnson listens to what the committee is telling him.

'I am delighted that MPs from all the political parties are standing up for what is right and just for Gary.'

Gary's solicitor, Karen Todner, said: 'We are very pleased with the committee's decision. It reinforces what Gary's legal team - and serious legal opinion - has consistently argued.

'The Home Secretary does have the power to intervene in Gary's case - and he should halt his extradition.'

Liberal Democrat spokesman Chris Huhne said: 'The Home Affairs Select Committee is telling Alan Johnson what he has already been told and what he should have known.

'It is not in the interests of justice to send a British citizen with mental health problems to face decades in an American jail.

'The Home Secretary must put an end to this shameful episode and then renegotiate the extradition treaty so this fiasco is not repeated.'

The evidence the Mail obtained from human rights QC Tim Owen and Julian Knowles, a leading extradition lawyer, categorically stated: 'The Extradition Act 2003 gives the English courts the primary responsibility - but, importantly, not the exclusive responsibility - for ensuring that... safeguards are maintained. This is because both the courts and the Home Secretary have a role to play in extradition.

'It is therefore plain that the Home Secretary has the power - and indeed the duty - to intervene in any extradition case even after the court process has ended if the evidence establishes that there is a real risk of a human rights breach should extradition proceed.

'Statements made to the contrary by the Government are obviously and plainly wrong.'

Lord Carlile, Mr Johnson's adviser on terror laws, has also said he is satisfied that the minister does have the power.

He said placing Gary at the mercy of the U.S. courts would be 'disproportionate, unnecessary and unconscionable'.

Last night, a Home Office spokesman said: 'The Home Secretary has maintained throughout the proceedings that he has no general discretion to refuse extradition. At this stage in the case the sole issue is whether extradition would, or would not, breach Mr McKinnon's human rights.

'Unless the evidence shows that extradition would breach the European Convention on Human Rights it would be unlawful to refuse extradition.'
update on Gary McKinnons long awaited freedom or maybe not now!

An affront to British justice: Gary McKinnon could be in a U.S. jail before Christmas
Last updated at 11:06 PM on 27th November 2009

Appeal: Janis Sharp, pictured here with son Gary, fears he will be in a U.S. jail by Christmas
Gary McKinnon's heartbroken family fear he could be behind bars in the United States by Christmas after Alan Johnson's 'barbaric' decision not to halt his extradition.
The Home Secretary faced widespread condemnation yesterday for ignoring overwhelming medical evidence that the computer hacker is highly likely to kill himself if sent to America.
A devastating psychiatric report said suicide was an 'almost certain inevitability' if the 43-year-old Asperger's sufferer was extradited to the U.S., where he faces up to 60 years in jail for hacking into military computers searching for reports of UFO sightings.
But Mr Johnson rejected the lastditch appeal by Gary's lawyers, leaving his mother Janis Sharp, who has fought a tireless campaign – backed by the Daily Mail – to have her son tried in the UK, in despair.
She said: 'This is a cruel and miserable decision. If the severity of Gary's mental condition isn't sufficient to prevent his extradition, I can't imagine what is. God help others facing a similar fate. Alan Johnson and this Government should hang their heads in shame to force a peaceful, vulnerable, misguided UFO fanatic like Gary thousands of miles away from his much needed support network.
'Who exactly is our Government's loyalty to? Certainly not its own citizens.
'We have seven days to seek a judicial review of this awful decision, or an intervention from the European Court of Human Rights.
'If not, Gary could be extradited before Christmas.'
Gary's lawyer, Karen Todner, said: 'It's a devastating blow and we are certainly coming to the end of the road.
'We're just hoping that someone sees sense and steps in.
Gary McKinnon graphic
'All the legal team do know is we cannot give up because in some ways it's like dealing with a Death Row case. We genuinely believe that Gary's life is at stake.'
Last night it emerged that Mr Johnson had also refused a separate request to postpone Gary's extradition for four to six months so he could receive medical treatment.
Mr Johnson said only that, if Gary's condition deteriorated further, 'there are suitable protections available within the United Kingdom – including in-patient treatment and the power to detain compulsorily if necessary'.
Conservative justice spokesman David Burrowes said: 'Alan Johnson has washed his hands of Gary.'
Downing Street was also under fire over the timing of the announcement that the Government was cutting Gary adrift.
Letters were emailed to Gary's lawyers and mother only after Gordon Brown was in the air on his way to a Commonwealth summit in Trinidad and Tobago, where he could not easily be held to account.
Liberal Democrat spokesman Chris Huhne said: 'It should be a source of shame to Gordon Brown that his Government waited until he had left the country before running outrageous risks with a man's life.
'This Government has appalling priorities when it values unfair and unequal extradition arrangements with another country over the vulnerable life of one of our own citizens.'

Read more:
U.S. space program exposed on video, in support of Gray McKinnon

For Immediate Distribution


[Exopolitics Hong Kong - 7December 2009] Exopolitics
Hong Kong expose on film, actual footage [in infrared] of the Secret Governments Space Fleet, piloted
by Non Terrestrial Officers. The technology concerned is antigravity, taken from
their UFO crash retrievals or given through technology exchange programs by
ETs. Financed without
congressional oversight and paid for by an unsuspecting American public, these
forces are now trying to extradite Gary McKinnon to the USA to ensure his
silence; under the guise of his damaging of NASA computers. To see what they are
hiding watch as Ed Grimsley, Neil & Jake Gould show you first hand evidence
of these craft at 200 miles altitude moving at an alleged 30,000 MPH

McKinnon is to be extradited to the USA within one week for allegedly hacking into NASA computers and
causing damage.
US government alleges that between February 2001 and March 2002, the 40-year-old computer enthusiast
from north London hacked into dozens of US Army, Navy, Air Force, and Department
of Defense computers, as well as 16 NASA computers.
wasn't just an interest in little green men and flying saucers," said Mr
believe that there are spacecraft, or there have been craft, flying around that
the public doesn't know about."
McKinnon further explained that he believes the US military has reverse engineered an
anti-gravity propulsion system from recovered alien spacecraft, and that this
propulsion system is being kept a secret.
that sense, Mr. McKinnon said he sees his own hacking as "humanitarian. " He said
he only wanted to find evidence of a UFO cover-up and expose it. He called the
alleged anti-gravity propulsion system "extra-terrestrial technology we should
have access to".
wanted to find out why this is being kept a secret when it could be put to good
use," he said in the BBC interview last year.

was the most exciting thing you saw?" I ask.
found a list of officers' names," he claims, "under the heading 'Non-Terrestrial
Hacker Gary McKinnon to appeal against US extradition

December 10, 2009

Computer hacker Gary McKinnon is mounting a fresh High Court challenge to stop his extradition to the US.

Solicitor Karen Todner said papers were lodged with the High Court seeking a judicial review of the home secretary’s decision not to block his transfer.

The home secretary has 14 days to respond before a judge considers it.

Mr McKinnon, 43, who has Asperger’s syndrome, is accused of breaking into the US military computer system. He says he was seeking evidence of UFOs.

Read entire article

Gary McKinnon Granted Review on Extradition Ruling

Hacker granted review on extradition ruling
By Jack Doyle, Press Association
Wednesday, 13 January 2010

A High Court judge will rule on whether Home Secretary Alan Johnson was wrong to allow the extradition of computer hacker Gary McKinnon, it was announced today. Mr McKinnon's lawyers have been granted permission for judicial review of Mr Johnson's decision that sending him to the US for trial would not breach his human rights. Gary McKinnon faces up to 70 years in jail if found guilty of hacking into Pentagon computers.

His lawyer, Karen Todner, said she was "delighted" by the decision. A hearing is likely to take place in April or May. But she warned that Mr McKinnon, who suffers from a form of autism known as Asperger's Syndrome, was in a "very poor mental state" because of stress. She appealed to Mr Johnson to reverse his decision and asked US president Barack Obama to withdraw the request for extradition. She said in a statement: "I am delighted that the High Court has agreed to grant permission for the judicial review of Alan Johnson's decision to extradite Gary McKinnon. However, that is countered by the very poor mental state of Mr McKinnon due to the ongoing pressure of these proceedings. I would urge Mr Johnson to review his decision and I appeal to President Obama to withdraw the application for extradition. Mr McKinnon's suffering has gone on long enough."

In November Mr Johnson rejected the application, saying he had "no general discretion" to refuse the request from the US government. Authorities in the US want Mr McKinnon to stand trial for hacking into top secret military computers. But the 43-year-old from Wood Green, north London, says he was looking for evidence of UFOs. Mr McKinnon's mother Janis Sharp said: "I can't believe it - some common sense at last. This judge has made such an honourable and decent decision. The relief is incredible, indescribable. We've fought for so long for compassion and understanding. Gary's health has badly declined, it's been traumatic to see. I hope this brings him comfort that the right decision will be made, even if it requires the courts to impose it rather than our Government to reach it."
Nick Clegg Admits: I Might Not Have the Power to Stop Gary McKinnon's Extradition

05-26-2010 03:07 AM

'Stopping the extradition of Gary McKinnon to the U.S. may not be within the Government's power, Nick Clegg suggested yesterday.**
The comment - his first intervention in the case since becoming Deputy Prime Minister - surprised supporters of the 44-year-old computer hacker because it was completely at odds with Mr Clegg's previously stated position.

In opposition Mr Clegg, backed by independent legal advice, had argued fiercely that ministers could use human rights grounds to halt Gary's extradition to the States, where he faces up to 60 years behind bars. Last night campaigners said that, with trust in politicians at an all-time low, it was vital for Mr Clegg to keep his word.'

Read more: Nick Clegg Admits: I Might Not Have the Power to Stop Gary McKinnon's Extradition
Gary MacKinnon in the Leaks

Prime minister made personal request to allow British man who hacked into US computer systems to serve sentence in UK

WikiLeaks cables: US spurned Gary McKinnon plea from Gordon Brown

Prime minister made personal request to allow British man who hacked into US computer systems to serve sentence in UK

Tuesday 30 November 2010 10.00 GMT

WikiLeaks cables revealed that Gordon Brown asked for computer hacker Gary McKinnon (above) to be allowed to serve any sentence in the UK. Photograph: Linda Nylind for the Guardian.

Leaked US embassy cables reveal that Gordon Brown unsuccessfully put his reputation as prime minister on the line in a plea to Washington that the computer hacker Gary McKinnon be allowed to serve any sentence in the UK.

Brown's face-to-face attempt to strike a deal with the US ambassador was spurned by the Obama administration, in a humiliating diplomatic rebuff.

Washington now appears to be just as intransigent with Brown's successor, David Cameron. The Cameron government has failed to announce whether or not it will comply with continued US demands to hand over McKinnon after he hacked into their government computers.

The Labour chairman of parliament's home affairs committee, Keith Vaz, said: "A decision still has not been made on the case of Gary McKinnon more than six months after the home secretary said that the issue would be looked at."

McKinnon's mother, Janis Sharp, is due to testify to Vaz's committee this morning as it launches a hearing into the extradition demands.

Brown made his unsuccessful direct intervention in August 2009, according to a secret cable from the US ambassador in the UK, Louis Susman, to the secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

Susman wrote: "PM Brown, in a one-on-one meeting with the ambassador, proposed a deal: that McKinnon plead guilty, make a statement of contrition, but serve any sentence of incarceration in the UK. Brown cited deep public concern that McKinnon, with his medical condition, would commit suicide or suffer injury if imprisoned in a US facility."

Read more here:
Secret document reveals PM met US Ambassador to discuss Scottish hacker

A leaked American diplomatic document has revealed that former Prime Minister Gordon Brown met with the US Ambassador to discuss the case of Scottish computer hacker Gary McKinnon.

Mr McKinnon is wanted in the US for computer hacking charges. He was arrested in 2002 after American prosecutors accused him of hacking into military computer systems, the Department of Defence and Nasa, as well as sabotaging American military systems after the September 11, 2001 terror attack.

Mr McKinnon, who suffers from Asperger's syndrome, says his motivation for his unauthorised use of sensitive networks was to find information on UFOs held by the US government.

A document that came to light on the Wikileaks website showed that Mr Brown had a one-to-one meeting with the US Ambassador in August 2009, and asked the US authorities to allow Mr McKinnon to serve any sentence in the UK if he admitted guilt and contrition for what he had done.
Fresh blow for Gary McKinnon as President Obama refuses to halt extradition

"Gary McKinnon’s hopes of avoiding extradition to the U.S. suffered a severe setback yesterday when Barack Obama declined to allow him to be tried in Britain.

Campaigners had hoped the President would halt the legal proceedings because of the Asperger’s sufferer’s precarious mental state.

But Mr Obama – despite previously saying he wanted to find an ‘appropriate solution’ to end the computer hacker’s ordeal – effectively endorsed the extradition process."


Gary McKinnon, 43, with his mother Janis Sharp, 60. McKinnon, who has Asperger's syndrome, hacked into Pentagon computers

"He said: ‘We have confidence in the British legal system coming to a just conclusion, and so we will await resolution and we will be respectful of that process.’

Over the past decade, the British courts have repeatedly refused to block 45-year-old Mr McKinnon’s extradition, despite doctors saying he will kill himself if bundled on to a plane to the U.S.

Judges have themselves agreed he is a suicide risk but – under the controversial Extradition Act, which is biased in favour of the U.S. – this is considered insufficient reason to halt proceedings.

David Cameron raised his plight in face-to-face talks with Mr Obama yesterday morning. The two leaders were then questioned during a joint press conference at which the extradition was one of only a handful of subjects raised, alongside Libya and the Middle East.

Campaigners say this shows the huge importance of the case, which has been the subject of the Daily Mail’s Affront to British Justice campaign.

Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, said: ‘If, as the President says, he will be “respectful” of our legal process, then he should be happy for Gary to be dealt with here in the UK.

‘If our Government seeks to honour the words of both Coalition partners in opposition, it will decide that Gary’s condition warrants halting this farcical extradition immediately, so that justice and compassion can be dispensed at home.’

Mr McKinnon’s case began almost a decade ago when he hacked into Nasa and other military computers from the bedroom of his North London flat, searching for evidence of ‘little green men’.

There are two ways of ending his ordeal. The first is for the U.S. to agree to allow him to be put on trial in the UK, where the crimes took place. The alternative is for the British courts or Home Secretary to rule that he cannot be extradited.

Under the 2003 Extradition Act, it is very hard for Britain to stop the proceedings. This placed the focus on the U.S. helping to find a way out of the legal mess during Mr Obama’s visit.

At a White House press conference last year, the President had raised the hopes of Mr McKinnon’s supporters by promising an ‘appropriate solution’. He said that, in dealing with the case, the U.S. would recognise Britain was an ‘ally that is unparalleled in terms of our co-operative relationship’.

Yesterday, however, this language was replaced with the simple statement that America would respect the rule of British law. President Obama said: ‘We have proceeded through all the processes required under our extradition agreements. It’s now in the hands of the British legal system.’

Mr Cameron said: ‘The case is in front of the Home Secretary (Theresa May), who has to consider reports about Gary’s health and his well-being and it is right that she does that in a proper and effectively quasi-judicial way.

‘I totally understand the anguish of his mother and family about this issue. We must follow the proper processes and make sure this case is dealt with in the proper way and I am sure that is the case.’

Mr McKinnon’s mother Janis Sharp tried to find some positives from Mr Obama’s words. She said: ‘I am happy because President Obama has confirmed that it is a UK decision and the United States will accept it and not contest it.

‘But we are tired and worn into the ground and really expected our family’s torment to be over this month. We so need an end to it.’

So far, the Americans have repeatedly refused to allow Mr McKinnon to be tried in the UK. Cables released by WikiLeaks revealed that the U.S. ambassador had rejected a personal plea from then prime minister Gordon Brown for him to be imprisoned in Britain.

The U.S. has taken an equally robust position with the Coalition.

This month U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said the administration would ‘take all of the necessary steps’ to have Mr McKinnon extradited and ‘held accountable for the crimes that he committed’.

Mr McKinnon’s solicitor Karen Todner said: ‘I hope the British justice system does now support Gary and stop this misery that he and his family are going through.’
Nasa Hacker Gary Mckinnon's New Development

5/25/2011 - The mother of computer hacker Gary McKinnon has welcomed comments by President Barack Obama about her son's possible extradition to the US.

Janis Sharp, who is fighting to keep her son in the UK, described the president's words as "very positive".

Mr Obama, who is on a state visit to the UK, said he would "respect" the British legal process.

Glasgow-born Mr McKinnon, who has Asperger's syndrome, is accused of hacking US military computer systems.

The 45-year-old - who lives in north London - faces up to 60 years in jail for hacking into Pentagon and Nasa computers between February 2001 and March 2002. He does not deny hacking into the systems but insists he was seeking evidence of UFOs.
Gary McKinnon is Mentally Fit For Extradition Says Doctor in Report - 28 March 2012

Wednesday 28 March 2012

New evidence seen by Channel 4 News suggests Gary McKinnon is mentally fit enough to be extradited. But the report is by an expert who previously said McKinnon would likely commit suicide if deported.


Mr McKinnon (pictured) has fought for more than a decade to stop the government extraditing him to the US on computer hacking charges. The decision over whether to reject the request for his transfer across the Atlantic has hinged on the likelihood of him trying to take his own life.

He is wanted by the US authorities on charges of hacking into Nasa and Pentagon computers from his home in north London in the months following 9/11.

Three years ago, Mr McKinnon's legal team commissioned Prof Declan Murphy to carry out a psychiatric examination of the 46-year-old, as they fought to prove that the Asperger's sufferer would likely commit suicide if he was extradited.

And Professor Murphy's evaluation of Mr McKinnon appeared to firmly support the lawyers' argument that transiting him to America would be in breach of European convention.

The King's College academic concluded that unless the patient he had seen was under constant supervision if he was to be imprisoned in the US, he would almost certainly attempt suicide.

Last year, the Home Office - which will ultimately decide whether to green-light his extradition - also hired Professor Murphy to give his professional opinion on Mr McKinnon, even though he had not seen the Scottish hacker since writing his original report.

Sources say the report will represent "the final word" in Home Secretary Theresa May's decision, even though four other experts have also submitted evaluations, having seen Mr McKinnon face-to-face in recent months and years.

Channel 4 News has seen Prof Murphy's two reports - the one from 2009 and the one from the end of last year - and the contrast between them is stark.

In his 2009 report commissioned by Mr McKinnon's family, Professor Murphy warned: "If Mr McKinnon is deported to the US, he will require - in my opinion - continual observation on a one-one basis during that time period, and for the rest of his incarceration. If this does not happen, he is likely to make a serious attempt at suicide.

That assessment appears to have changed drastically by last year, when he makes no recommendation for one-to-one, round-the-clock observation of Mr McKinnon.

In the report commissioned by the Home Office he writes: "The risk of actual self-harm could be ameliorated by regular contact with mental health professionals with supportive counselling and listening services of the type that are available within UK prisons."

And. asked by the Home Office to assess the chances of Mr McKinnon killing himself if his deportation was granted, Prof Murphy plays down the possibility by describing how his suicide plans were far-fetched and poorly thought out.

"Suicide plans are not well formulated, e.g. he initially informed Dr Vermeulen about an elaborate plan to harm himself involving potassium chloride and electric shock, though he then gave contradictory accounts of his level of knowledge about the likely fatal dose of potassium chloride," he writes.

It's an in absentia report and it contradicts his previous face-to-face report. It's a mystery to everyone - Janis Sharp

But Professor Murphy he makes no mention of a conversation he had with his patient three years earlier - included in his original report - in which Mr McKinnon stated he would kill himself by overdosing on sleeping tablets, an arguably less "elaborate" plan.

Professor Murphy said that he could not comment on Mr McKinnon's case while it is still being considered by the Home Secretary.

Human rights lawyer, Julian Knowles QC, said that there is no conflict of interest regarding Professor Murphy's reports for both the McKinnon family and the Home Office.

"There is no property in a witness. A witness is not owned by either side. The witness is under obligation not to reveal privileged matters that are confidential, but there is no problem in speaking to either side," he said.

But Mr McKinnon's mother, Janis Sharp, said she could not understand why Professor Murphy's conclusions appeared to have changed, particularly as her son had refused to see the pychiatrist for almost three years.

"He's obviously changed his mind," she said.

And referring to reports of Mr McKinnon's mental state by other experts, she added: "What basis could he possibly have to go against the expert opinions of four of the top people in the country, who say that Gary will absolutely take his own life. It's an in absentia report and it contradicts his previous face-to-face report. What did he base this on? It's a mystery to everyone."

Ms Sharp said that the contents of Professor Murphy's latest evaluation had upset her son.

"To suddenly have Professor Murphy say the opposite for no reason that anyone can fathom has shaken Gary to the core," she said.

FactCheck: Is the US-UK extradition treaty unfair?

Shami Chakrabarti, director of civil liberties campaign group Liberty, told Channel 4 News that the dissimilarities in Professor Murphy's two reports calls into question the Home Office's handling of Mr McKinnon’s extradition case.

"I think there are obviously questions now about Professor Murphy’s second report: it’s so contrasting with the first report which was based on an interview with Gary McKinnon," she said.

"I'm interested in what makes a senior consultant psychiatrist, having seen a patient [and concluded that] they have a fixed idea that suicide is the best outcome for them, to switch to saying there's only a moderate risk of suicide.

"I don't think it's a coincidence that a psychiatrist who's seen a patient and written a report then speaks to the home office and waters down the report."

Ms Chakrabarti added: "If all the Home Office has got to say that Gary McKinnon is fit for extradition is the evidence of an expert who contradicts his earlier evidence on [his] vulnerability, I think it's impossible for the home office to extradite this man."

As recently as this month, David Cameron raised Mr McKinnon's plight with US President Barack Obama. And in opposition, the prime minister backed his bid to be tried in the UK.

In a statement, the home office said:

"After consulting the Chief Medical Officer, the Home Secretary instructed two independent experts to review the case and their report was sent to Mr McKinnon's representatives on 24 February in line with the directions of the court. Mr McKinnon and his legal team have until 6 April to respond and make any further representations.

"The Home Secretary will consider the report alongside all other relevant material and aims to reach a decision as soon as is consistent with dealing fairly and properly with this case."

Further inconsistencies between the reports

Suicidal, but not hopeless?

2009: "With regards to the future, Mr McKinnon stated that he was not confident about his future in that he expects to be deported…[he] stated that as a result…he would be very likely to face a very long prison sentence – approximately 60 years…I asked Mr McKinnon how he felt about this outcome and he stated 'I don’t even plan to go over there. I'll top myself. They treat you worse than animals. I couldn't face it – I couldn't stand being bullied at school, so I definitely could not stand being jailed. I don't think I'd be protected. I’d top myself before I go.'"

2011: "At an appointment with [me], he did not express significant hopelessness or helplessness.

US prisons

2009: "I cannot comment in an expert way on Mr McKinnon’s ability to cope with a custodial sentence within an American prison – as I have no experience of American prisons."

2011: "The arrangements made for transit to the US…refer to supervised transit to a detention centre which has psychiatry, psychology and counselling services available. From a psychiatric viewpoint, these arrangements appear, at face value, to be adequate and…are compatible with UK standards."

Treatment of Asberger's

2009: "There are relatively few specialist inpatient units (in Britain) for people with an ASD and a normal intelligence who have significant forensic histories. However, one such facility does exist."

2011: "Individuals with autistic/Asperger traits are overrepresented in the prison population, and it is not unusual for prison mental health clinicians to have to deal with such individuals or, indeed, with a wide range of complex cases."
Gary McKinnon hacking prosecution called 'ridiculous' by US defence expert

Here is an update on the accused hacker Gary McKinnon:

Gary McKinnon hacking prosecution called 'ridiculous' by US defence expert

Hackers like McKinnon should be recruited, not prosecuted, if the US wants to dominate cyber warfare, one expert says.

Rory Carroll in Monterey, Tuesday 10 July 2012


Computer hacker Gary McKinnon is a potentially invaluable human resource, a US government adviser says. Photograph: John Stillwell/PA

A US government adviser on cyber warfare has criticised the efforts to extradite the computer hacker Gary McKinnon from Britain, saying such people should be embraced rather than prosecuted.

John Arquilla, a professor of defence analysis at the US Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, said the US authorities were squandering a potentially invaluable human resource and that his extradition would not deter other hackers.

"Personally I think it's ridiculous. And punitive. They're attempting to create a deterrent effect that will not deter and is slowing our progress," he said in an interview with the Guardian.

McKinnon, of Wood Green, north London, claims he was looking for evidence of UFOs when he hacked into 97 Nasa and Pentagon computers from his flat in 2002. His case has become lightning rod in Britain for campaigners against the UK-US extradition treaty, which they say is one-sided.

McKinnon, who has Asperger's syndrome, was arrested in June 2005, and an order for extradition was made in July 2006. The case has dragged through the courts since then.

Arquilla said the US government should think about hiring rather than prosecuting hackers like McKinnon. "There are other places in the world where these communities are embraced by official authority, and these are places that are becoming great cyber powers. The analogy is as if after world war two the Russians were using these rocket scientists while we put the ones we got on trial and incarcerated them."

He said there were some people in the US government who shared his view that hackers should be hired, not prosecuted. "There are good people in many different departments of the US government that are open to this idea, but they are a tiny minority."

Arquilla said that because of hackers' backgrounds in illicit activities, it is hard to get them security clearance. "How can we have a master hacker in our system if we can't get clearance? We have to create a new kind of institutional culture that allows us to reach out to these diverse kind of actors."

Not all at the Naval Postgraduate School were as keen on master hackers. Dorothy Denning, an information security expert at the college's department of defence analysis, expressed compassion for McKinnon but balked at the idea of recruiting him. "It's a sad case. He obviously has some personal problems. I wouldn't want to hire him. But maybe he is someone who doesn't belong in prison either."

She acknowledged the skill of certain hackers but ruled out hiring them if they were committing illegal acts. "It's one thing snooping into other people's computers when you're 13, 16, 18, but if you're still doing that when you are 30 or 40, that's something else."


Mother of Gary McKinnon, Janis Sharp talks to George Galloway

Published on 10 Jun 2012 by OwilsonO

Janis Sharp, Gary McKinnon's mum speaks to George Galloway about Gary, Aspergers and the 10 year wait for justice. In 2002, while looking for evidence of UFOs, Gary discovered that many many NASA and Pentagon computers had no passwords setup or firewalls installed. Shocked by this he left numerous notes warning them that their security was deeply flawed. In response to this America demanded Gary's extradition to face 60 years in an American prison. Janis has been fighting for her son ever since.