
Sacred Geometry is the key to your divine potential
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Janosh shows that miracles exist, but if you believe in your own strength. It is itself the epitome of the life of your own passion. Not long ago he worked as a graphic designer in the advertising world. But now the artist travels around the world with his multi-media presentations.


Even the United Nations worshiped him twice with an invitation in their headquarters in New York. These presentations are a unique experience where the viewer is inspired by including the geometric, colorful images, supported by powerful music. The starting point of these presentations is to inspire people to discover their own passion, to dreams and wishes into actuality.

An open conversation with a passionate man.

(NOTE: Special for WantToknow at the bottom of this piece of 3 desktop achtergrronden of using Janosh)
Universal beauty

I met Janosh for the first time in his white muscle gallery in Amsterdam. This jump the 'codes' on the walls - as he called geometric symbols - extra in the eye. One hologram is still colorful and complex than the other.


For lovers rays they all provide a kind of 'universal' beauty. But even people who do not hold, will be fascinated by the complex, colorful geometric figures.

The special Janosh his work is that these images on an unconscious level you communicate. "Geometry sounds quite mathematical, rational, even a bit distant," says Janosh. "But it is perhaps more accessible if I tell you that geometry known as the 'language of light' is mentioned. If you think that light energy and a lot of energy is then you know that the mystery of creation lies in geometry. "

Contact Saïe a Arcturian

Janosh was five years ago not fear that he 'suddenly' transparent, three-dimensional energies in the vacuum of his office would be hung. Holograms of a perfect geometry.

Janosh: "This happened in November 2003 during the Harmonic Concordance. This is an astrological constellation with six planets together form a Star of David was adopted. I got a call around this time to meditate. Initially nothing happened.

"Until he so suddenly the beautiful geometrical figures began to be seen." Geometry is also called the 'language of light "mentioned. If you think that light energy and a lot of energy exists, then you know that the mystery of creation lies in geometry. "

What he lacked in his work as a graphic designer - passion - suddenly started to drink. "The shapes inspired me to them carefully to make on my computer." But that was not the only special. At the same time, Saïe contact with him. Phone, but telephathisch the words came through his thoughts. Saïe is a Arcturian from a solar system many light years away from Earth. This multi-dimensional light Janosh essentially made from these images that he was not presented.

The normal thing in the world

Janosh is a sober man. Anyone who ever met him will testify to that. He is even modest, will prefer not too much to the fore. And is certainly not for sale with contact Saïe. Yet here I am curious about. In his book 'The art of creating' Saïe suggests this: "I am Saïe, a programmer, and I come to you to guide you, your programs (ie beliefs) to clean and to make .

Meanwhile, the Janosh normal thing in the world, he says: "Anyone can do this." In time it will be perhaps the most normal thing in the world: contact with extraterrestrial life. But now he is at least a precursor. In his book Saïe says this: "We are many and are always ready for you. Even for those who are comfortable with contact in another way, there are armies escorts, guides, angels, et cetera who are ready for you specific things to work. "
2012 & crop formations

Because what is now the basis on our planet that help light things so important? And what contribution Janosh it with his art? It is not been in multi-media presentations with topics such as Pure Contact and The Art of Creation.

Meanwhile, there are many people who inspired home cards are Janosh have, have read his books and his art on the walls are hung. What is your motive? "I want to inspire people to live their passion. We live in a very special time, which become increasingly faster.

You've ever heard of the year 2012? Humanity is moving towards a broader awareness, a new paradigm. This is based on unity, joy and abundance. But the life of your own passion! "

"We live in a very special time, which become increasingly faster. You've ever heard of the year 2012? Humanity is moving towards a broader awareness, a new paradigm. "

This incredible crop of more than 400 small circles, was in 2001 found 450 meters in diameter.

specially that Janosh later discovered that his holograms exactly corresponded to the crop circle formations, particularly in England, as it were, appear to be magic. "I had absolutely nothing to do with crop circles. Until I discovered that I got to see the same holograms, when I was really curious. "

Although the crop circle mystery Janosh one in the middle leaves (the messages are interesting "), in his book" The art of crop codes experience 'that the formations using frequency beams are made. The Arcturianen make use of this advanced technology. This course is open to debate, but the man to such art is capable of is beyond doubt. But!
The power of thoughts and intentions

I especially numerous other questions I want to Janosh. Why geometry? Why crop circles? Why your art? "Many people feel that it is nice in the vicinity of geometric shapes reside.

Of the crop which is shown above, this' code 'by Janosh entitled' Confirmation

The frequencies that are integrated in my geometric art, but also in crop circles, resonate in our subconscious. if it were the keys that open the door to your divine potential. The crop formations but also my art, are gifts of 'top', to give us an extra helping to give during the evolutionary process, where we end. "

Janosh begins enthiousiast to speak, he continued: "You and I as the true geometry. Geometry is deeply rooted in our body and celgeheugen. For this reason, the focus on Sacred Geometric forms you touch, and become enchanted. And it shows if you work in the hidden treasures you uncover. "

With his art, books, maps and 'experiences' would he make people aware of their creative power. Janosh: "The power of thought, energy and intentions, we are not every day but it still has enormous influence on our everyday lives. On how we feel, what we create, we the people and situations in life attract. "

"You and I as the true geometry. Geometry is deeply rooted in our body and celgeheugen.

For this reason, the focus on Sacred Geometric forms you touch, and become enchanted. And it shows if you work in the hidden treasures you uncover. "
"Geometry, the soul for the truth leyden '

Plato: "Geometry, the soul for the truth leyden"

I find it surprising that 'codes' such as Flow, Resistance, Transformation, Oneness, and so anything I can put in motion. Janosh: "Maybe if I say that every 'light', which vibrates at a certain frequency and, if information is meedraagt. The codes are the true emotions, and emotions are the perfect messengers that tell us how we feel.

All kinds of beliefs - Saïe called the programming - to keep us from our true essence. Geometry can be a tool to close to yourself to come. The Greek philosopher Plato said, not for nothing, "Geometry, the soul for the truth leyden."

Janosh is very enthusiastic about his new online workshop Inspirience. "In eleven stages, I would like to give people practical tools to gain clarity who they really are, where their pitfalls are and how they can opt for positive change. To return to 2012, nobody can exactly say what exactly will happen. Perhaps a large part of how the transformation taking place, of our people depends? Or reluctantly, are increasingly scientists to understand that everything is energy, which vibrates at a certain frequency. The frequencies on Earth are higher, and that affects us all. "

"If we as people experience anxiety? Then we get that in a rapidly confirmed.

If we experience happiness? Idem dito. Therefore it is important that people choose to liberate themselves. "
Creator of your own reality

What then? "You see the chaos in the world is growing, but it has also to ensure that the spiral of growth is diminishing, making everything faster. Also playing is that our creative power is now increasing the frequency of the Earth rises. If we as people experience anxiety? Then we get that in a rapidly confirmed. If we experience happiness? Idem dito.

Therefore it is important that people choose to liberate themselves, learn to listen to their own feelings, their own truth. Many people are still in the waiting room of their own lives. Why wait? Everything is NOW. In the ancient codes of the Sacred Geometry, let me see how you yourself are the creator of your reality. "

Source: wanttoknow