Shoes and Eggs Thrown at Blair


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Press Association
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Shoes and eggs have been pelted at Tony Blair as he attended his first book signing in the Irish Republic.

The missiles, which were thrown by anti-war protesters, did not hit the former prime minister as he arrived at a bookshop in Dublin.

Activists clashed with Gardai as they tried to push down a security barrier outside the Eason store on O’Connell Street.

Campaigners, who turned out in the pouring rain, were chanting: “Hey hey Tony hey, how many kids have you killed today?” They also shouted: “Tony Blair war criminal” and “blood on your hands”.

Undercover detectives mingled with the crowds taking names before Mr Blair arrived at the shop at about 10.30am on Saturday.

The city tram service was suspended as Gardai blocked off streets surrounding the city centre store. Shops in the area also closed, with Penny’s department store pulling down its shutters as scuffles broke out.

Full story here.



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Rothschild Zionist Tony Blair's Book Takes Unexpected Journey

09-04-2010 04:23 AM

'Tony Blair's book should be sitting alongside the memoirs of other political big hitters: Barack Obama, Margaret Thatcher and Bill Clinton but, in some cases, it is also sharing a shelf with Agatha Christie and Ruth Rendell.

A new Facebook group called "Put one of Tony Blair's books in the crime section of your bookshop" has appeared on the internet and there are photos on Twitter beside the tweet: "Brighten up your day by moving at least one of Tony Blair's books to the crime section in your local bookshop".'

Read more: Rothschild Zionist Tony Blair's Book Takes Unexpected Journey