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Who are the Star Nation People?

By Bearcloud

excerpts from starnationgallery...
I have been asked many times who are the Star Nations
to which I am always referring to in my talks and articles.
Unless one understands the nature of the Native American
culture, it can get confusing. We have a belief that we are
related to the stars and have always been. It goes back
into our history for thousands of years......

Here are the words to a Star song we sing of the stars.

We are the stars which sing
We sing with our light
We are the bird of fire
We fly over the sky
Our light is a voice We make a road
For the spirit to pass over
(Algonquian “Song of the Stars”)

We have star shields that carry spiritual
understandings and essences and pictorially speaks of our
connections to the stars. We understand that our spirtual and
universal laws came from the stars. The native culture which
spans 750 different nations in the US, feel we are connected
with the stars nations and that they are our relatives. Our close
relatives of Central and South America feel the same. We have
names with stars in them, for example “Red Star”. We believe
that we are so closely related to the stars that we call them the
Star Nation People...

Mitakuye Oyasin

Many Blessings


animations of star glyphs and teachings
Star Nation Gallery - Crop Circle Gallery



Rod Bearcloud Berry


Crop Circle Research & Sacred Symbology

Since 1997, Bearcloud has been involved with the phenomena that has become known as crop circles. He believes many of them to be highly evolved sacred symbols. He is able to understand a great deal of these symbols because they reflect Native American spirituality. They are an inherent part of the native ways. They are universal symbols that are understood because of their overlapping similar qualities. He says that all indigenous nations have symbols like these in common; each nation being on a completely different path but with similar understandings.

Bearcloud says that in looking back at many of the Crop Circle starglyphs, it is obvious that whoever has created many of them, comes from a highly advanced order of Universal understanding and consciousness. Many of the symbols carry unique expressions that we do not really possess as symbols in our archives, but they can be understood.

Bearcloud believes that true Star Glyphs have inspired some people to want to go out and create symbols in the fields for themselves. So many are man made, especially in these later years after the year 2000.

His focus is on starglyphs that reach beyond the ordinary, into a highly complex series of hidden symbols, messages that truly stretch us to higher orders of understanding. They carry the pure nature of the Universe as sacred geometry.

The crop circle research that he does has unlocked many of these Star Glyph meanings. Bearcloud explains that many of the symbols are mathematical in nature or intrinsically geometric. Geometry is the avenue by which the symbols are created for display. For example, some of them use fractal symbology. Such symbols are found in the Native American symbology, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, and many other paths of spirit, as well as being mathematical formulas. However, many are unique and are only carried by one nation's way of spirit. For example, the origin of the yin and yang symbol is Chinese and will only be found there, but the truth that it reflects is also found in other symbols of the Native American way. Hindus and Buddhists also have their own symbols that reflect into Native American and other indigenous symbologies.

Many of the symbols are only found in Native American symbolic languages. Many of the important starglyphs are individualized to what Bearcloud would consider an unknown nation, and although they are uniquely different, they can be understood.

Bearcloud has come to call crop circles Starglyphs, and sees them as being created by the Star Nation people.
Star Nation Gallery - Bearcloud - Crop Circle Article Library
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:plains-moc-::plains-moc-: :eskimo-mask-: :yuchi-mans-shir:



Paintings by Bearcloud

