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    Lobby: Argentina soccer fans hate Jews!

    Jewish Lobby is very sensitive toward Argentina, which is home to South America’s largest Jewish community. Argentina has produced several internationally known pro-Israel leaders like former Jewish interior minister Carlos Vladimir Corach, who allegedly paid $400,000 to hire a terrorist to bomb...
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    Argentina president blasts UNSC for shielding Israel

    On Tuesday, Argintina president Cristina Fernadez de Kirtchner, as “rotating Chairperson” blasted the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (United States, Britain, France, Russia and China) for misusing their veto powers in favor of their allies. She highlighted United States’...
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    Chavez haunts Zionist leaders from his grave

    Obama administration refuses to accept the 1.6% margin victory by Chavez’s handpicked successor, Nicolas Maduro, over USrael-backed crypto-Jewish candidate Henrique Capriles in April 14 presidential election. Washington, as usual, has called Maduro victory as “stolen election” even though former...
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    [Must Watch!] Conspiracy Files 2013 HAARP Around the World Mind Weather Control secrets documentary Illuminati

    Conspiracy Files 2013 HAARP Around the World Mind Weather Control secrets documentary Illuminati Published on 3 Mar 2013 Conspiracy Files 2013 secrets documentary Illuminati HAARP Around the World Secret society Extraterrestrial Life HAARP heating earth's atmosphere tornado Manipulation...
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    Israel’s big brother hesitant to attack Iran

    Barack Obama told Israel’s TV Channel 2 ahead of his visit to Israel next week that Washington was committed to cover Israel’s back from Iranian attack no matter what. He also said that Washington considers an Iranian nuclear weapon as the “red line” that threatens Israel and its big brother...
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    EU refuses to declare Hizballah a ‘terrorist organization’

    The Zionist regime is furious over European Union (EU) for refusing once again to bow to Zionist pressure and declare Lebanese Islamic Resistance Hizballah a “terrorist organization”. Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was sure that after a pro-Israel Bulgarian official blamed Hizballah...
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    UK Chief Rabbi: “Murdoch is Israel’s best friend”

    Britain’s Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks, during his recent visit to Israel, declared the notorious multi-billionaire media tycoon, Rupert Murdoch, Israel’s best friend. “Israel doesn’t have a better or more significant friend in the world than Mr. Murdoch,” said Sacks at the Tel Hai academic college...
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    Argentina’s President slams Israel Lobby

    Last week, the foreign ministers of Argentina and Iran signed an agreement to establish a joint Truth Commission to investigate the 1994 bombing at the Jewish Community Center (AMIA) in Buenos Aires and 1992 bombing at Israeli Embassy building. This has infuriated the Zionist regime and the...
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    Israel: ‘Hizballah behind Bulgarian bus bombing’

    On Tuesday, Zionist prime minister Netanyahu called on European Union (EU) to declare Lebanese Islamic Resistance and partner in Lebanon’s Unity government a “terrorist organization”. Why? Because some pro-Israel Jewish Bulgarian official jumped in front of gun and announced that Hizballah was...
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    Israel outraged at Iran-Argentina joint ‘Truth Commission’

    Israel’s foreign ministry has lodged a protest with Argentinian ambassador in Tel Aviv, showing country’s outrage over Argentina’s Jewish foreign minister Hector Timerman for agreeing with Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi to establish a joint “truth commission” to examine the 1994...
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    Chavez, oil and the ‘Ketchup Revolution’

    Yesterday, Argentine president Cristina Fernandez visited Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez in Havana hospital to show her respect and support for Chavez who is recovering from a cancer surgery in his pelvic region done on December 11, 2012. “I came with the intention to show support and respect...
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    The (Jewish) Gatekeepers: An Israeli confession

    Dror Moreh, Israel-born cinematograper, producer of 2008 movie ‘Sharon’ – has released its 2012 movie ‘The Gatekeepers’. The movie is based on interviews with six former heads of Israel’s demestic terrorist organization known Shin Bet. They proudly talk about Shin Bet’s intelligence and terror...
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    US military officers learns Holocaust at Auschwitz

    Since 2004, the Auschwitz Jewish Center in Oswiecim and the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York have been sponsoring an annual two-week American Service Academies Program (ASAP) program to teach the future US military officers the Zionist narrative of the Nazi era Holocaust. This narrative...
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    Canada: Jewish minister’s anti-Iran mail campaign

    In September 2012, Stephen Harper’s government expelled Iranian consulate staff and closed its embassy in Tehran. Harper was congratulated by the Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and honored as “world statesman” by an American Jewish group – for Harper’s great services to Israel. Some...
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    ADL: ‘Press TV promotes anti-Semitism’

    On October 5, 2010, one of America’s most powerful Jewish lobby groups working for the Zionist entity, ADL, published a report which blames Iran’s Press TV for propagating ‘conspiracy theories’ against Jews and Israel. ADL has also claimed that Press TV gives air-time to some of the well-known...
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    Israel-US fear Iran-Argentina bilateral talks

    Argentina’s Jewish foreign minister Hector Timerman held bilateral talks with his Iranian counter-part Ali Akbar Salehi at the United Nations headquarters in New York on the next day of Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s landmark address at the UNGA. The Jewish press has reported that both...
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    US Filmmaker: ‘Iranians are beautiful people’

    Merlin Miller, an American filmmaker and American Third Position Party presidential candidate visited Tehran to attend ‘New Horizon - The 1st. International Independent Filmmakers Festival’ held in Tehran from September 2-7, 2012. Over 120 movies from diffrent countries competed in the festival...
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    Hitler, Zionists, Obama and Romney

    The very mention of Adolf Hiter, reminds westerners the ‘Jewish Holocaust’, though his Nazi troopers killed more Gypsies and Christians than they killed Jews. Strangely, while the Zionists expects every human-being to remember Hitler as an evil person – there are many people who adore Hitler...
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    2012 Olympics: ‘Iran 8 vs Israel 0′; Mossad watching

    Last year, when Iran pointed out that London Olympic logo didn’t show ”2012″ but “Zion” – whole Zionist-controlled world went into hysteria. Now, Lady Michele Renouf in a video below confirms Iranian story. By the time of writing this post, the Islamic Republic has won 8 medals (Gold 4, Silver...
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    Israeli El Al: ‘From spying to PR’

    The staff of Israel’s national airline El Al is known for spying for entity’s secret police, the Shin Bet. In 2009, its former employee Jonathan Garb, a South African Jewish citizen who received his military training in Israel – admitted when South African government expelled two of El Al for...