
Truth feeder
09-01-2010 03:49 AM
'Many more "normal" people are talking and writing about the global government these days. So many more people are actually exposing the global government's matrix that our ACL research has been elevated from "conspiracy theory" to necessary and vital information. The Big Plan for global Utopia is finally coming out into the open, because People are asking the right questions.
I'm not talking about the movie, "The Matrix," although it was based in the Hegelian dialectic and matrix101 links directly to our antithesis. I'm not referring to a secret plan handed out at the Bilderberg or Club of Rome, although evidence shows elite groups participated in the creation of the NWO. I'm not talking about Bible prophecy, and I'm not talking about Luciferian Enlightenment or the secret British-Masonic-Zionist plan to make a better world either, although some communitarian teachers do admit they worship at the alter of Satan.
I am talking about the published plan to build a One World Bureaucracy. It's the blueprint for Sustainable Development handed out at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. It does exist and it's completely verifiable, as more and more people will now admit. They have to.'

Read more: UN Local Agenda 21 - The Smoking Cannon