Uniyetsvi - They Are Awake


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learn your culture:Black-Tip:

learn your history:Black-Tip:

feed your spirit:Black-Tip:

honor your ancestors:Black-Tip:

Remember your connection to the Creator:Black-Tip:





These Memories
by JOhn Trudell



In the reality of many realities
how we see what we see
affects the quality
of our reality


We are
children of earth and sky
DNA descendant and ancestor
human being physical spirit
bone flesh blood as spirit


We are
in time and space
but we're from beyond time and space
the past is part of the present
the future is part of the present
life and being are interwoven


We are
DNA of Earth, Moon, planets, stars
we are related to the universal
Creator created creation
spirit and intelligence with clarity
being and human as power


We are
a part of the memories of evolution
these memories carry knowledge
these memories carry our identity
beneath race, gender, class, age
beneath citizen, business, state, religion
We are human being
and these memories are trying
to remind us
human beings human beings
it is time to rise up,
remember who we are
~ John Trudell

:caddo-ma: :Turtle-Feather: :caddo-man-:

Nancy Red Star - Star Ancestors Universe

Lyrics: John Trudell
Music: Mark Matson & Hayley Hutt
Vocals:John Trudell & Hayley Hutt
Additional Vocals and Harmony Deirdre Radford
Keyboards and Drum: Mark Matson
Guitars: Byron Roberts
