What does 2012 mean to you?


New member
Everyone seems to have their own theory of what will happen in the year 2012, from a catastrophic end of the world to a global pandemic. What do you personally think will happen in 2012?
It's 2011 December 31 23:59:59 the clock shifts, it 1 second past midnight and it's now 2012. What happened? Absolutely nothing besides the fireworks. I'm sure something new will pop up, but will civilization end in 2012? No.
I agree with you two, I think it's funny how everyone is freaking out and making a big deal over the whole thing when it will likely end the same as Y2K. Extremely uneventful.
It really doesn't matter to me. If the world ends then, then we won't be. There isn't anything to worry about. However, if you are still concerned, do whatever it is that you want to do before you die. Or at least, whatever you can. The way I look at things now is life is already short. You or anyone can die at any moment. It doesn't have to be 2012 to make you realize that. It sounds cliche, but do what you love. Spend time with those that matter the most. :)
Excellent point, purplerain! Everyday I focus on my family and my little corner of the world. IF something globally catastrophic was going to happen in 2012, I wouldn't be able to stop it anyway.
It means nothing to me because I don't believe in those Mayan calendars but it is pretty bad that so many people are drawn to that phenomenon. It's bad because the government and elite can use it to their advantage.
The Maya were incredibly smart and advanced. But they simply did not see any point in going any further, they didn't make a calendar till infinity because they were already hundreds of years ahead. So, 2012 will just be another year.
Actually it's a calendar so it's on a loop, it's just a bigger one than 365 days. What happens when our calendar end's? Nothing, we start over. As far as living like there is no tomorrow goes, if you are not already doing it than 2012, 2013 not even 2050 will make a difference in that.
It means another year. I am not worried about the world ending. As Mr. X mentioned, it's just a looped calendar that starts over, so it's no big deal.
It is just another year to me and as someone said if the world ends it ends. I just don't believe that we were put here without a purpose and I don't believe the purpose is finished. But the way I look at it what ever happens happens.
I think something will happen sometime, and 2012 would be just as likely as any other year. It's already been 10 years since 9/11, and it's incredible that nothing major has happened in that 10 years. When something does happen, if it is during 2012, then everyone will say "Told you so!"