
What is shamanism

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Shamanism believes that everything has a soul, people, trees, animals, stones and so on. Everything is connected to everything, everything is equal and everything is part of the Great Spirit.

The origins of shamanism

Shamanism is of all times, and is present on each continent, but was originally created in East Siberia and Mongolia. The word shaman comes from the Tunguz, a Siberian language, "the ecstatic".

Anthropologists assume that shamanism originated in the Old Stone Age. It is probably the forerunner of many other religious and magical traditions.

Shamanism now

Some native Americans (Indians) accuse the Western people of the common (mis) use of their rituals and views. And they do have a bit right, because Western society has little information on their ancient rituals and customs of their ancestors.

And yet we feel the shamanistic attraction and we want to deepen it, but because the current knowledge of shamanism based on those of cultures where this is still a role, it is natural that our attention focuses mainly on the shamanism of Native Americans.

Universal symbolism

Many shamanistic goodbye and express ways to make use of a universal symbolism, and is therefore not culture bound. Although we always connected with the country where we live, creating a region and people are still differences.

What is a shaman

A shaman is a kind of bridge, an intermediary between the people and the spirit world. Also, a shaman for people who have problems or illnesses. A shaman tries imbalance back into balance.

Another awareness

With ritual dances and using drums, rattles and voice calls on the shaman in a state of consciousness that he brings in a trance, a state of mind which makes it possible to travel through different worlds and connect to personal assistance ghosts.

Fixed patterns

Such a ritual is almost always a fixed pattern. The shaman dances and sings, often in special clothing, and used a drum or rattle to get into trance. If the shaman is back of the tours he report of his journey to other worlds.

The three worlds

There are three worlds, one above and one underworld and the world as we know, the physical world. The latter is the middle world.

In these other worlds will include guides, spirits and ancestors. A shaman acquires during his training for the skill, supported by helpers as totem animals, totem trees and natural beings, to establish contact with other worlds.

When shamans in trance to their soul travels to the upper world to the gods favorable vote, and the underworld for the souls of sick people or retrieval of deceased people to assist. Many shamans say that they travel the world over as a bird.

Yesterday and today

Previously had a shaman in a community if it were the function of priest, healer and clairvoyant. The modern shaman is still out that problems of people and animals the natural balance between earthly and spiritual things is disturbed.

In the service of the community

Shamans are always serving the community and have different tasks depending on their talents. Women have traditionally mainly been involved in herbal medicine, the care of wounds and other medical problems with an identifiable cause. Also, women have been always active as a midwife.

Perform rituals

In fact, you can perform in any environment rituals in a forest, but also in your own back garden. To shamanism in our lives we need to bring the rituals of other peoples is not a one to reproduce. Guides may also contact you via your dreams.

Look around you, to what is now a role in your life and ask you what is needed in your immediate environment. Find the balance and provides support where needed and desirable. Plunge nobody on, resepecteer your fellow man, including those with a different view.

Sources: catharinaweb.nl

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