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To save his ill-gotten wealth, Hosni Mubarak finally listened to Ben-Obama and yesterday stepped down and handed-over his powers to his deputy General Omar Suleiman, a known CIA-Mossad agent in Egypt. Mubarak’s decision came after over two weeks of protests in which million of people came on the streets chanting anti-Mubarak and anti-US/Israel slogans. The clashes with security forces resulted in death of over 300 protesters.

The British journalist who had reverted to Islam a year after she was released by Taliban, Yvonne Ridley was interviewed by RT after Mubarak’s exit.

“The people are determined to get every member of this current brutal Regime out…” observes Yvonne Ridley.

When asked what are the implications for the rest of the Middle East?

She continued, “…well when the people lead, their leaders better listen…or they will become irrelevant…”

A solemn warning to all dictators out there who think Might is Right, ‘Today the Power is with the People,’ she concluded.

Last, a poll taken by the Pew Research Center found that Muslim publics overwhelmingly welcome Islamic influence (Islamic Shari’ah) over their countries politics. The survey found people in Indonesia (95%), Egypt (95%), Pakistan (88%) and Nigeria (88%) are on the top the list of Muslim-majority countries which said that Islamic Shari’ah would be good for their countries. These four countries were followed by Lebanon (72%), Jordan (53%) and Turkey (45%).

Yvonne Ridley: Today the power is with the people | Rehmat calling
And America still wins. We all here in America wanted Hosni Mubarak out of office. He has gotten far to greedy and hard to control. We need someone we have a little more control over. Your survey is stupid, of course if you ask a Muslim, they are going to overwhelmingly welcome Islamic influence (Islamic Shari’ah) over their countries politics, any idiot would know that without a survey. If you did the same survey in America, it would come out we don't need or want anything to do with the Islam influence in our politics...Again your ramblings here don't really make much sense or mean anything to anyone.
Your Brother,
Kike Moses
How can America win anything when it's always licking Israel's and local Jewish butts?

America is ruled by Zionisfacism, which controlled by Jewish Lobby (AIPAC, ADL, AJC, etc.).

Shalom= What is good for kikes.
Again your propagandistic writtings don't make any sense or tell the truth. You think because you write something, that makes it true. Wake up my brother, you can write all the lies you want, but it will never come to be just because you write it. May Allah bless and give you some peace in your life.
Your Brother,
Kike Moses
Again your last post or should I say ramblings, doesn't make any sense. I have already told you I am not Jewish, you have continued to call me a Jew and now you post about fake Jews????? I just use the name you gave me "Kike Moses".

Your Brother,
Kike Moses
A Zionazi mind is only good for understanding pornography - not a sensible posting.

Shalom = What's good for kike.