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On Sunday, worshippers at the Wisconsin Sikh temple (Gurduwara), became the latest victims of the US culture of gun, ethnic hatred and false-flag operations. The shooter died in a ‘police encounter’ outside the temple after killing six worshippers and wounding several others.

On Monday, the Pentagon identified the shooter as former US Army “psychological operations specialist”, Wade Michael Page 40, who had served US Army between April, 1992 and October, 1998, ending his career at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. According to the Pentagon records – Page was a qualified parachutist who received a commendation medal, five achievement medals, two good conduct medals, the National Defense Service Medal and a Humanitarian Service Medal.

Heidi L. Beirich, the Zionist Jew director of the intelligence project at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in Montgomery, has claimed that Page had been a member of the racist skinhead band End Apathy, based in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in 2010. SPLC, is a Zionist-controlled civil rights organization, created in 1971 – and is headed by Zionist Jew J. Richard Cohen.

Oak Creek Police Chief John Edwards has claimed the shooting to be an act of domestic terrorism. But since the shooter is not a Muslim, local police, FBI and media is not concerned whether Wade Michael Page is a Jewish or Christian – he’s just a ‘White male’. On the FBI’s official website, there exists a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on US soil from the year 1980 all the way to 2005. It shows that American Jews (7%) are more involved in domestic terrorism than Muslims (6%). See below.

The Washington-based Sikh Coalition has reported more than 700 hate incidents against Sikhs in the US since 9-11 - as their long beards and turbans often cause them to be mistaken for Muslims. The first person killed in retaliation for the 9-11 was Balbir Singh Sohdi, a turbaned Sikh who was mistaken for a Muslim by a Zionist thug Frank Rouqe, on September 15, 2001.

Barack Obama was notified of the Wisconsin shooting shortly before 1 pm by his Jewish Homeland Security Advisor, John Brennan. “As we mourn this loss which took place at a house of worship, we are reminded how much our country has been enriched by Sikhs, who are a part of our broader American family,” said Barack Obama. However, during his November 2010 visit to India – Obama refused to visit Sikh religion’s most sacred place, the Golden Temple in Amritsar (Indian Punjab) – fearing a Sikh ceremonial turban might remind the Jewish lobby of his Muslim father.

In January 2012, The Tonight Show host Jay Leno upset the 500,000-strong US Sikh community by calling Golden Temple, “a summer home for millionaire GOP presidential candidate Israel-Firster Mitt Romney“.

In February 2010 – the RAW-Mossad funded Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) operatives killed two of its Sikh hostages whose bodies were found in Wazristan area on February 21. The Indian media and Hindu communal leaders along with Zionist-controlled western mass media was quick to use this incident to demonize Pakistani Muslims for their hatred towards non-Muslims. TTP had kidnapped four sikhs, Jaspal Singh, Mahal Singh, Gurjit Singh and Gurvinder Singh. Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee Sham Singh, however, in a conference confirmed that only Jaspal Singh had been killed. He also condemned India’s false propaganda against Pakistan by painting a wrong picture of Pakistan using this incident – while saying: ”Pakistan is not less than Heaven for Sikhs. We are safe here“.

Dr. Kevin Barrett, columnist, author, blogger and radio talk show host – believes the temple shooting was a US Army psy-ops to scare the hell out of Americans and prepare them for the next disastrous military adventure.

“The neocon agenda aims to turn the US into an authoritarian state at perpetual war with the enemies of Israel. Today, the Zionist plan to smash the Middle East into pieces is running up against the intransigence of Russia, China, and Iran. World War III looms,” says Dr. Barrett.

Sikh religion was founded by Guru Nanak. He was born into a high-caste Hindu family on April 15, 1469. As a young boy, Nanak was introduced to Islam through his Muslim friends. Later he went to Baghdad to study Islam. In 1507 he proclaimed a new religion based on Islamic monotheism with Hindu traditions and culture. However, the modern Sikhism is not based on his teachings but the teachings of Guru Arjan, who compiled Sikhism holy book Guru Granth in 1601. The construction on the Darbar Sahib (or Harmandir; now also known as the Golden Temple) in Amritsar on the land donated by Mughal King Aurengzaib Almgir, was also completed in the same year. In 1857, Sikhs helped British colonialists to suppress Muslim-Hindu military resistance against foreign rulers. In 1947 Sikhs helped Hindu extremist groups to massacre nearly one million Muslim men, women and children for demanding a separate Muslim state of Pakistan.

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting puzzle | Rehmat's World