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    Turkish President supports Iran’s nuclear program

    Turkish President Abdullah Gul was recently interviewed by Benjamin Pauker, senior editor of Ziocon mouthpiece, Foreign Policy magazine. Gul told Pauker that he can understand Iran’s desire to develop their nuclear capacity – and that he is not convinced that Iran is planning to make a nuclear...
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    Sudanese President calls SPLM leaders ‘insects’

    Sudan’s President Omer Al-Bashir youth gathering in Khartoum on Wednesday – called the leaders of South Sudan “insects” while accusing South Sudan’s ruling party, the SPLM, of seeking to execute anti-Muslim agenda on behalf of the western imperial powers. Omar pleged to liberate South Sudan from...
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    Assange interviews Hizbullah leader at RT

    On Tuesday, Julian Assange, the controversial co-founder of WikiLeaks opened his new talk show, ‘The World Tomorrow’, at the Russian Television (RT) with an interview with the leader of Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizbullah, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah. Watch video below. Hizbullah is the only...
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    Lobby: ‘10th grade test question delegitimizes Israel’

    An Ohio Graduation Test question which asked the Arab views of the establishment a entity for the Jews who were persecuted in Europe – drew anger from American Jewish groups. The test on which the question appeared was given between March 12 and 16. The question on the test’s social studies...
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    Annan blasts Gulf states for arming Syrian rebels

    After meeting with Iran’s foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi in Tehran – the UN-Arab League envoy for the armed foreign insurgency in Syria, Kofi Annan, held a news conference in Tehran. Speaking at the news conference, Kofi Annan blasted Saudi Arabia and Qatar for arming anti-government rebels...
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    Kofi Annan to hold Syrian talks in Iran

    The Geneva office of the joint UN-Arab League mediator Kofi Annan has announced that he will be visiting Tehran on April 11 to seek Tehran’s help to convince Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to make more concessions acceptable to the West and its Arab puppet regimes. Iran is a key regional...
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    Pro-Israel Neonazis to hold anti-Islam rally in Denmark

    Australian Jewish journalist, Antony Loewenstein, in an article in October 2011 said that Europe’s most successful racist politicians realized long ago that backing Israel was a clever way to hide their racism. Britain’s White Supremacist Neonazi organization, the pro-Israel English Defence...
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    Global March to Jerusalem 2012

    On Friday, tens of thousands of Jewish, Christian and Muslim protesters will join the Global March to Jerusalem, which coincides with the ‘Land Day’ the annual day to commemorate six Israeli Arabs who died while 100 others injured in 1976 while protesting over what they claimed were Israeli...
  9. Denise

    Kerry's Blog: Lawsuit filed against Bill Brockbrader and Wolf Spirit Radio

    Taken from Kerry Cassidy's Blog: " March 23, 2012 KERRY BACK FROM TRAVEL I am now back in the LA area after traveling on a vacation down in Tikal area and Belize. Some relaxation and some challenging explorations. After hiking in the jungle, canoeing down the Belize rivers and exploring the...
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    Iran’s nuclear hoax is good for US and Israel

    An Israeli minister gloated recently that Israeli propaganda of Iran’s nuclear program being ‘existential threat’ has diverted world’s attention from Israel-Palestinian conflict. He was proven right during Obama-Bibi White House meeting on March 5, when both men only talked about Iran and Obama...
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    Cameron’s Zionist Conference on Somalia

    On February 23, Israel-Firster David Cameron, the British prime minister, hosted an international conference on Somalia in London. The conference was attended by cabinet ministers and other officials from 50 countries. The prominent among them were ZOGs diplomats from the US, France, Nigeria...
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    Zionist Jews against Muslim Sudan

    On Friday, several pro-Israel rabbis, Jewish activists and their local and South Sudanese Zionist Christian collaborators, held a protest rally at the Sudanese embassy in Washington DC. They raised anti-Khartoum slogans and rants. When the police told them to leave the embassy scene – the...
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    CSIS: ‘US is sure to lose Iraq to Iran, unless…’

    The former “Iraq for Sale” under US occupation since Jewish Purim 2003 celebration, has started worrying Israel lobby groups since US occupation forces withdrew on December 31, 2011. Watch a video of movie “Iraq for Sale” below to learn why Americans killed one million Iraqis and destroyed a...
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    Kofi Annan ‘yatara’ to Syria is West’s PR

    The slection of former US secretary-general Kofi Annan as the UN-Arab League joint special envoy on Syria – is another Zionist ploy to tighten screw on Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s regime for the benefit of Israel. To build his unbaised credentials, Kofi’s first action was a meeting with...
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    Lobby: ‘Pro-Israel lawmakers plan Israel’s destruction’

    “Those who voted for the resolutions thinking they were simply expressing straightforward support for Israel probably had little clue that the language they endorsed contains the seeds of Israel’s destruction as a democratic state and Jewish homeland,”Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of Israel lobby...
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    Farakhan knows how to anger Israel Lobby

    On March 10, 2012 – the Nation of Islam leader, Minister Louis Farakhan spoke to a packed auditorium of nearly 700 people at University of California Berkeley. The event was organized by the Black Student Union. As expected, local and national pro-Israel Jewish groups tried their best to get...
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    Al-Jazeera loses key staff over pro-Zionist policy

    The Qatar-based Al-Jazeera has long been dominated by the pro-USrael executives. The Al-Jazeera played the role of Arab CNN and BBC during during the regime change in Libya and now repeating the same pro-USrael role against Syrian government. Last year, Al-Jazeera ran a smearing campaign...
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    Israel: ‘Football and the Holocaust song’

    Israel’s Jewish society is dominated by religious, ethnic and cultural bigotry and racism – not only Jews vs Natives, but also Jews vs Jews. Israeli media has reported violent and anti-Semitic encouter between two of Israel’s major football teams during a match at the Bloomfield Stadium between...
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    India to deport pro-Iran Israeli Jewish writer

    British-born anti-Zionist Israeli Jewish writer, Susan Nathan, 62, currently living in India’s Kerala state has been a target of pro-Israel Hindu extremist groups since she arrived in India 18 months ago. Recently, Kerala state government has asked her to leave India after her visa expires...
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    Jewish NYC Mayor still believes official 9/11 story

    New York City billionaire Jewish Mayor Michael Bloomberg has defended NYPD surveillance of Muslims who travel between the Big Apple and nearby New Jersey, whose governor has lambasted the controversial scheme. “A lot of the World Trade Center terrorists that took 3,000 people went back and...