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    Markel irks Netanyahu on Palestine

    On December 3, 2012, pro-Israel German weekly Der Spiegel International reported that Germany’s recent abstention from voting on enhancing the Palestinians’ status in the UN General Assembly shows just how deeply frustrated Chancellor Angela Markel government is with the Netanyahu government’s...
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    Israel: Gazan are punished for their ties with Iran

    Evelyn Gordon, a US-Israel journalist and fellow at the New York-based Israeli advocacy group, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), published an article on December 12, 2012 admitting that Israel’s recent Operation Pillar of Defense was meant to test its Arab neighbors’ and...
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    Jordanian King visits West Bank

    On Thursday, Israelis allowed King Abdullah II to enter the West Bank via a helicopter. The western media termed King’s visit as an obvious support for the PA president Mahmoud Abbas, a US-Israeli double agent, victory at the United Nations. Mahmoud Abbas mandate as elected president of...
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    Gazans say ‘Thank You Iran’

    Israeli daily Jerusalem Post reported on November 27 that “billboards on three major junction roads in Gaza, featuring depiction of Fajr 5 missiles fired at Israel, express gratitude to Iran“. The billboards show ‘Thank You Iran’ written in English, Hebrew, Arabic and Persian languages. The...
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    Hamas: ‘Resistance committed to rearming itself’

    The Hamas-Israel cease-fire brokered by Morsi-Hillary puts Egypt as ‘the policeman’ to control smuggling of Iranian medium-range Fajr-5 rockets and deadly anti-tank Kornet missiles to Hamas resistance ally Islamic Jihad via Hizballah and Sudan. The resistance groups used both Fajr-5 and Kornet...
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    Israel: ‘Mission Accomplished’, Really!

    On Wednesday, standing next to Hillary Clinton, Egyptian foreign minister Mohammed Kamal Amr announced that both the Zionist regime and Gaza government (Hamas) have agreed to a cease-fire to end a week long Israeli airstrikes (1500 air-raids) and rockets (1400) fired by Palestinian resistance...
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    Hamas: ‘Betrayed by its new allies’

    Saudi and Qatari financial aid pursuaded Hamas leader Khaled Mishaal to distance the resistance from the ‘Axis of Resistance’ (Iran-Hizballah-Syria). Some of Hamas leaders took the Shia-Sunni sectarian bait from the Sunni rulers in Qatar, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the Arab League...
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    Sudan: ‘Israel our No.1 enemy’

    Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir 68 had a minor surgery on Tuesday in Saudi Arabia. He was released from the hospital on Wednesday and is staying at the Sudanese embassy in Riyadh. In a 15-minute speech recorded at the embassy and aired by the Blue Nile TV on November 8, Al-Bashir called the...
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    Israeli ‘PR’ war games on Iran

    On November 5, BBC-Channel 4′s Dispatches aired Israeli PR documentary speculating that an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities will not only kill the country’s nuclear program but Iran would be defeated and demoralized with a very little damage to Israeli airforce or the public. Channel...
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    US: ‘Regime change in Syria has failed’

    On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton, during a visit to Croatia, admitted American failure to bring anti-Iran regime change in Syria by dismissing the leaders of the western-funded rebel groups as a “bunch of out-of-touch exiles who should be replaced with a group more representative of the fighters on...
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    Iran and the ‘Drone warfare’

    United States and Israel are world’s largest user of the un-manned aerial vehicle (UAV). The US is using UAVs in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia on daily bases. According to some arms-magazines, Israel is the main supplier of drones to United States. Last week, Israel announced selling of over...
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    Israel sacks IAF Commander over Hizballah drone

    The Zionist regime has sacked Brig. Gen. Doron Gavish, commander of its airforce defense layout as result of its recent humiliation by a Hizballah spy-drone operation early this month. Israeli media has reported that Gavish will be replaced by Col. Shachar Shochat, who has immediately been...
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    Iraq shows its independence from the US

    On October 9, 2012, Moscow confirmed to signing more than $4.2 billion (Dh15.42 billion) in arms deals with Baghdad during the second half of the year to make it the nation’s largest weapons supplier after the US. The deal includes 28 training jets, 30 Mi-28 attack helicopters and 42 Pantsir-S1...
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    Hizbullah tests spy drone over Israel

    The leader of Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizbullah, Sheikh Hasan Nasrallah in a televised speech yesterday claimed that the unarmed drone Israeli airforce shot-down belonged to Hizbullah and was on flight to test Israel’s American supplied anti-missile detection system. Nasrallah also claimed...
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    Israel shot down Hizbullah drone, Again!

    On October 6, Israeli press claimed Israeli Air force shot down an Iranian or Russian made unarmed drone thirty kilometers away from the Dimona nuclear facility, the source of Israel’s nuclear bombs. According to Israeli military sources, the drone entered Israeli skies coming in from the...
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    Lobby: ‘Pakistan sponsors terrorism’

    One of America’s top neoconservatives (mostly Zionist Jews) media outlets, the Foreign Policy magazine’s National Security Channel has suggested that Obama administration should declare Pakistan to be a state that supports terrorism. Its suggestion appeared in an article, entitled: “State of...
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    Jews: ‘Jesus is a monkey’

    On Monday, Christian worshippers, once again, found another proof of Jewish hatred toward Jesus, Mary and Christians. They found anti-Christ slogan “Jesus is a monkey” written at the Catholic monastery at Latrun and the front door set on fire. The Israel police has blamed the extremist Jewish...
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    Chomsky: ‘I support Israel, but…’

    In August 2010, Noam Chomsky told Israeli Channel 2 News: “I regard myself a supporter of Israel“. The Jewish-American political analyst, professor Avram Noam Chomsky (born 1928), knows how to cover his personal agenda behind literary smokescreen. That’s what he did in his recent article...
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    Winograd: ‘War with Iran could destroy Israel’

    Former Israeli Supreme Court judge Eliyahu Winograd, who chaired the ‘Winograd Commission’ panel to investgate the causes of Israel’s military defeat at the hands of Lebanese Islamic militia, Hizbullah, in 2006. Yesterday, speaking in an interview with Army Radio, “Winograd lashed out at both...
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    Rabbi Ovadia declares ‘jihad’ on Iran

    On August 18, 2012, Israel’s former Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef 91, in his weekly Talmud lecture broadcast on Israeli radio said: “A second Haman, also from Persia, intends to do evil to us“. He was referring to Jewish holiday of Purim; when Persian Jewish Queen Esther tricked her husband to give...