
  1. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Sungazing: Determining Whether Or Not It Is The Right Choice For You

    Lady Of Light April 23rd 2012 To Gaze, Or Not To Gaze You have probably heard for your entire life these words: “Don’t look directly at the sun, you’ll hurt your eyes!” If not those words, something very similar, no doubt. This has been said for many years without...
  2. Boiling Frog

    10 Shocking Myths Often Believed To Be True

    1. The Dairy Myth: “Milk Does The Body Good” We hear it so often that milk is good for us and an essential part of ones diet. The truth is, cows milk is meant to be consumed by baby cows, not humans. The effect milk has on the body is quite the opposite to what we are told. Milk draws calcium...
  3. Denise

    Sunscreen poison on your skin!

    I never use sunscreen...everyone should consider not using it... Free Radical Generators and Gender-Bending Estrogenic Chemicals For decades, irresponsible cosmetic companies and a small group of very vocal, publicity-seeking dermatologists have strongly advocated that chemical sunscreens...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Study: Many Sunscreens May Be Accelerating Cancer

    AOL News May 24, 2010 Almost half of the 500 most popular sunscreen products may actually increase the speed at which malignant cells develop and spread skin cancer because they contain vitamin A or its derivatives, according to an evaluation of those products released today. AOL News also has...
  5. R

    Implant even protects sensitive skin against sun

    Implant even protects sensitive skin against sun Friday, December 25, 2009 AMSTERDAM - A new anti-sunscreen products, in the form of an implant, enables even the most white skin protected from the Sun The remedy, called "Afamelanotide ', mimics the natural defenses of the body after. In...
  6. R

    Nanoparticles in sunscreen are still toxic?

    Nanoparticles in sunscreen are still toxic? Friday, November 27, 2009 The most widely used nanoparticles in consumer products appear to be toxic. These are titanium dioxide particles, if you swallow them or in the bloodstream and damage. That scientists write in Cancer Research. But that is...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Detox Remedies for forced Vaccinations

    For those of you who requested the 3 page list of forced vaccination remedies, there seems to be something interfering with the process because almost everyone I sent out has had "issues" or didn't get to the intended recipient. Since I can't post an attachment I'll have to break it up in to...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Vaccines...H1N1: prevention and immunity to poisonus effects

    I would like to gather under this topic all data relevant to prevention and cure of the vaccines in general and particularly to H1N1 vaccine as well as the flu . Feel free to add to this material so we can all be thoroughly informed and prepared . The data here after come from lecturers...

    The Keys to Understanding Chemtrails

    These keys are not new. They've been out there in various forms for over a year now. They easily dispel cloud cover, radar shields, and other disinfo explanations, the former two being the most widely limited hangouts given to make us all go back to sleep. The most damning evidence is the very...
  10. R

    Energy from space

    Energy from space Thursday, April 16, 2009 It seems science fiction. A huge sunshade begins outside the atmosphere and sun radiates energy to Earth. In 2016, it is reality. The energy crisis is just as caught by the credit crisis. Yet many entrepreneurs right now thinking about a green...
  11. R

    Global disaster by eliminating ozone-consuming substances'

    Global disaster by eliminating ozone-consuming substances' Saturday, March 21, 2009 The OZONE by the year 2065 is less bright as we were hoping for. A survey carried out by atmospheric chemists for space organization NASA shows that over two thirds of the ozone layer, part of the atmosphere...
  12. Rumas

    Absolut proof of Chemtrails?

    Are Chemtrails real? Here are 4 videos that seems to prove they are. What are chemtrails? The scientist claims that the two most common substances being sprayed into chemtrails are aluminum oxide and barium stearate. When you see planes flying back and forth marking parallel...